Article of the Month - October 2019
Cadastral Entrepreneurs Recognizing the
Innovators of Sustainable Land Administration
Rohan Bennett and Eryadi Masli, Australia;
Jossam Potel, Rwanda; Eva-Maria Unger, Austria; Chrit Lemmen and Kees De
Zeeuw, Netherlands
This article in .pdf-format
(10 pages)
This paper ( presented at the FIG Working Week 2019
in Vietnam) seeks to ignite debate on the opportunities, challenges, and
limitations of cadastral entrepreneurship – and to set an agenda for how
to better incorporate the benefits of cadastral entrepreneurship into
sustainable land administration.
This article can also be a taste of and inspiration on what to expect at
FIG Working Week 2020
The role of entrepreneurship in land administration remains
relatively unexplored. Whilst the opportunity for the private sector is
understood, with Statement 5 of Cadastre 2014 being a notable example,
amongst other reports on the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs),
the scale and impact of cadastral entrepreneurs is not always widely
acknowledged. Cadastral literature tends to have a ‘top-down’ focus,
closely examining the role and activities of the public sector. A
‘bottom-up’ viewpoint, driven by non-for-profits and civil society
organizations, is also evident, tending to critique the activities of
the former. However, in many jurisdictions, private sector actors
increasingly complete large amounts of cadastral work – and behind these
SMEs sit cadastral entrepreneurs, or ‘cadastrepreneurs’. Core activities
including cadastral adjudication, surveying, demarcation and mapping may
be entirely privatized – with the public sector concentrating on policy,
law, monitoring, and enforcement. Recognizing the importance of
cadastral entrepreneurs seems important in emerging market-based
economies, particularly those seeking to establish underpinning and
sustainable land administration systems – where scaling and sustaining
initiatives remain challenging, even in the era of fit-for-purpose. If
services are intended to be delivered via the market, including
cadastral services, then enabling policies, laws, fiscal controls, and
educational offerings, for cadastral entrepreneurs and SMEs to prosper
within, require fostering in parallel. In the 30-50 countries
maintaining complete cadastres, good evidence of these enabling
environments exists. However, such environments must be implemented
responsibly, avoiding the (re)creation of privatized monopolies and rent
seeking behavior. In other contexts, development projects have arguably
not been sustainable due to a focus on government, and the failure to
inspire and enable cadastral entrepreneurs – towards the common good.
This paper seeks to ignite debate on the opportunities, challenges, and
limitations of cadastral entrepreneurship – and to set an agenda for how
to better incorporate the benefits of cadastral entrepreneurship into
sustainable land administration.
The role of entrepreneurship in land administration remains
relatively unexplored. Whilst the opportunity for the private sector is
understood, with Statement 5 of Cadastre 2014 being a notable example
(Kaufman and Steudler, 1998), and debates on PPPs again on the
agenda , the scale and impact of cadastral entrepreneurs is not
always widely acknowledged.
Cadastral literature has tended to have more of a ‘top-down’
government focus, closely examining the role and activities of the
public sector – the conventional custodian of the cadastre and related
transactions (c.f. Dale and McLaughlin, 1999; Williamson et al, 2010).
In more recent times more bottom-up perspective has emerged – driven by
inputs from NGO and CSO sectors. In this vein, more recent land sector
related developments, such as
Guidelines (Seufert, 2013), the World Bank’s Land Governance
Assessment Framework (Deininger, 2011) applications, and the
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – have largely been driven,
developed and applied by these sectors (i.e. NGOs and CSOs), with less
apparent input from entrepreneurs, if not the private sector.
However, in many jurisdictions – especially in the post-1980s ‘new
public management’ era (c.f. Ferlie et al, 1996) – private sector actors
increasingly complete large amounts of cadastral work; and behind these
SMEs (and sometimes much larger organizations) sit cadastral
entrepreneurs, or what might be termed ‘cadasterpreneurs’. Core
activities including cadastral adjudication, surveying, demarcation and
mapping may be entirely privatized – with the public sector
concentrating on policy, law, monitoring, and enforcement: Cadastre 2014
identified the increasing trend during the mid-1990s. (Although, it
should be recognized that not all national mapping and cadastral
agencies have moved heavily towards privatization).
Debates about the relative merits of privatization aside, recognizing
the importance of cadastral entrepreneurs seems important – particularly
in the context of emerging market-based economies, where the
establishment of underpinning and sustainable land administration
systems remains challenging: many systems remain embryonic, under
development, or even states of decay (Zevernbergen et al, 2013; 2015).
Recognizing that land administration systems are an important ingredient
to support of market-based economies (Deininger, 2003), cadastrepreneurs
are arguably an essential element for scaling and sustaining cadastral
services - after all the development donors have left and the project
work completed. Consequently, creating enabling policies, laws, fiscal
controls, and educational environments – for cadastral entrepreneurs and
SMEs to prosper within – require fostering in parallel to grass-roots
and government focused work. In the 30-50 countries maintaining complete
cadastres, good evidence of these enabling environments exists: these
contexts have been able inspire and regulate cadastral entrepreneurs to
contribute to the common good.
In response to the above, this paper merely seeks to re-ignite
discussion on the role of entrepreneurship in the delivery of
sustainable land administration systems. Our position is that the
contemporary nature of entrepreneurship needs to be re-explored by
surveying profession, in order to ensure the benefits of entrepreneurial
activities are experienced within the profession, and society more
broadly – particularly in the contexts of sustaining and scaling land
administration approaches – and the achievement of the SDGs. First, the
drivers to ‘scale’ and ‘sustain’ fit-for-purpose land administration
approaches are explained. Second, we argue achievement of scale and
sustainability has been difficult due to the inherent mindsets and
approaches used in land administration development projects. Third, the
opportunity for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking is
offered, as a means of enhancing scalability and sustainability of land
administration development programs. In this discussion we also outline
potential concerns and challenges, warning that greater
entrepreneurialism is not without drawbacks. Finally, we plot an agenda
for where further work could be undertaken, in order to responsibly
infuse entrepreneurial activities into the land administration agenda.
The oft repeated global figure that 70-75% of land tenure rights
remain unrecorded or unrecognized by governments (Zevenbergen et al,
2013) puts starkly the challenge confronting the surveying profession in
the early 21st century. The lack of accurate and available information
impedes citizens and government alike in terms enhancing social,
economic, and environmental development. Without secure rights, and
information about those rights – access to credit, easier land dealings,
land dispute resolution, land value capture, and land management
activities are all made more difficult (Henssen, 2010). The achievement
of large numbers of SDG indicators hinge on land issues: identifying
land rights, recognizing land users, and putting in place sustainable
land practices – are considered to underpin no less that 70% of the
indicators : without establishing or enhancing supportive land
administration systems, the SDGs cannot be achieved.
The surveying community has already been active for well over a
decade on initiatives to fast track land administration system
development, in responsible ways: The Global
Land Tool Network (GLTN) develops a suite of tools to support
cheaper and more flexible land recordation. Perhaps mos prominently,
‘Fit For Purpose Land Administration’ (FFP) (Enemark et ak, 2014), as a
both a philosophy and toolkit, has emerged as a key pillar. In this
regard, exemplary cases such as those found in Rwanda (c.f. Zevenbergen
et al, 2015), Ethiopia, amongst several others, provide useful lessons
and inspiration.
However, in many cases, FFP initiatives – like other donor
initiatives – are often at the level of pilot or demonstrator –
involving a necessarily limited number of stakeholders, finance, and
strict timelines. Even if these pilots succeed, scaling the initiatives
to regional or country level represents a major challenge: the
complexity of policy, legal, capacity, and technical issues grows
exponentially – as do the timelines and finances required. In sum, it
seems that whilst the surveying community already has already developed
the necessary technical and administrative tools (e.g. FFP), to rapidly
increase delivery of land documentation and formalized records, the key
challenge is to enable ‘scaling’ and ‘sustaining’ of these innovative
Despite GLTN and FFP being relatively new land sector initiatives,
the drive to map and record land rights goes back decades – being linked
to dozens of development cooperation initiatives driven by World Bank,
Asian Development Bank, and other prominent donors. Moreover, the idea
of low-cost and faster approaches to data capture and record
dissemination finds its origins at least in the early 1990s (c.f. Fourie
& Nino-Fluck, 2000). The question of why it has taken so long to
complete the task of mapping and recording land interests – across so
many disparate country contexts – has been asked and answered ad
nauseum. Scholars and practitioners alike are able to point to global,
national, and local impediments – including issues of political, legal
economic, social, technological, and environmental natures (i.e.
disaster, climate) – that shroud or undermine efforts (c.f. Bogaerts and
Zevenbergen, 2001 (amongst many others)).
However, in our view, there is an area that may merit further
consideration. It can be described as the ‘Top Down’ versus ‘Bottom Up’
approach to land sector interventions and projects (c.f. Bennett et al,
2017). ‘Top-Down’ refers to those projects instigated as collaborations
between large-scale donors (i.e. global and national) and recipient
country governments. These necessarily often focus on building
relationships, establishing initiatives, and building capacity within
governmental ranks. Where private sector is involved, it is more
prominently those private sector actors from the donor country.
‘Bottom-Up’ refers to those initiatives driven by NGO networks or CSOs,
and tend to work at the grass-roots level with specific communities and
problem cases. Whilst collaboration is sometimes evidenced, as witnessed
through GLTN since the mid 2000s, and
LANDac in the Netherlands;
the two approaches often operate independently in the field, although
are acutely aware of the activities of each other. In terms of the
global land sector ‘community’ or ‘dialogue’ – the actors sitting in
each camp are active players when it comes to lobbying for global
initiatives and developments within the sector (e.g. see SDGs
development process, and/or
UN-GGIM framework development ).
Private sector entrepreneurs are arguably less visible – sitting
somewhere between the ‘Top-Down’ and the ‘Bottom-up’. For both cases,
the private sector actors from the recipient country, whilst potentially
involved, often play more of a subcontractor role, being less involved
in the design and development of projects – and perhaps playing some
limited role in delivery and implementation. These actors – start-ups
and entrepreneurs – seem to be given less attention and, perhaps by
their very nature, are expected to get things going independently. There
are many reasons for this, not the least being that in many contexts it
remains the role of government to exclusively survey and map lands
rights. However, where market-based economies are the modus operandi
within a jurisdiction, it necessarily becomes an onus for government to
pass on work to the private sector – where it can responsibly do so,
with regards to good governance: indeed, in the era of new public
management, it is the role of government to set policies and legal
frameworks, whilst private sector actors tend to complete the work
(Ferlie et al, 1996). That being said, in many contexts, the developed
private sector (and associated middle-class), may not yet have the size,
capacity, and scale to ensure high enough levels of competition,
essential attributes for ensuring a healthy market-based system.
Undeniably, in numerous contexts, it is argued that it is the private
sector surveyors that actually scuttle innovation, progress, and
competition in the land surveying sector – as they concentrate on
maintaining high barriers to entry and rent seeking (c.f. McLaren,
All the above being said, both ‘Top-Down’ and ‘Bottom-Up’ approaches
could potentially benefit from more comprehensively incorporating
entrepreneurial mindsets and entrepreneurs into initiatives and projects
– with a view to tackling the ‘scaling’ and ‘sustaining’ challenges of
land administration. In this vein, perhaps adding ‘the middle way’ or
‘from the centre’ could be useful addition to the discourse.
Over the previous decades, as referenced above, much work has gone
into developing fair and responsible land policies, working towards
legal recognition of all people and land rights, and developing
technical tools to create and enforce those rights. This has been
occurring at global, national, and local levels. Much can be said to
have been achieved. However, a certain bottleneck remains: realizing and
applying those land policies, laws, and technical tools in a sustainable
fashion, and at scale. On this, we argue entrepreneurs – and the related
private sector – should be framed as an opportunity, not a hindrance. We
also argue that several global forces suggest private sector
entrepreneurs will play an increasing role in developing contexts when
it comes to land tenure recordation: a disruption to the status quo may
be on the cards. (This is despite private sector actors previously being
argued as an inhibitor to faster and cheaper land rights recordation in
many developing contexts).
First, population changes and
demographics are key :
many countries with poor functioning land administration systems are
demographically young, with large percentages of the population being
under 30, or even 20. These youth are increasingly well educated and
technically savvy, with mobile device proliferation and internet access
at relatively high levels. Brought up in market-based economies, these
actors have high levels of business and financial acumen (c.f.
Afutu-Kotey et al, 2017), are digitally connected to the global
community, and represent a large grouping of native entrepreneurs –
ready to disrupt underperforming sectors.
Second, the
changing nature of work – as influenced by technology –
represent another opportunity. A look across other sectors, including
IT, finance (i.e. mobile money), professional services, and the creative
industries, shows that workers are increasingly mobile and independent.
More actors also take part in the so-called gig-economy and are
self-employed. The trend coincides and enforces another trend: that of
outsourcing, offshoring and downsizing being undertaken in both
government and established large-scale enterprises. These trends are
being replicated in developed and developing contexts alike – and the
land administration community, albeit historically underpinned by
national or local governments, would be complacent to consider itself
immune. Already small-scale initiatives like and various Blockchain
initiatives, appear to begin the ‘PropTech’ (c.f. Bennett et al, 2019)
trend in the land sector.
Third, FFP approaches are gaining in attractiveness. These call for
flexibility when it comes to tool selection with regards to social and
spatial data capture. The range of tools now available to identify
positions and record boundaries has grown substantially over the last
three decades. Moreover, the cost of the tools, and the training needed
to use them (in terms of timing), has reduced considerably in the same
period (Bennett et al, 2012).
Fourth, looking beyond the global forces above, and looking
historically, examination of a high economically performing OCED
countries, where by no coincidence land administration systems are
complete and up-to-date, it is difficult to argue that private surveyors
have not played a central role in the completion, update, and upgrade of
cadastral systems over long periods (Dalrymple et al, 2003). This is
particularly evident in former colonies in Australia, New Zealand, and
Canada. The cadastral entrepreneurs worked collectively (via a licensed
profession) with (and sometimes against) the governments of the day – to
ensure the cadastral fabric was constructed and maintained with
integrity, and at an appropriate cost. It would not have been possible
to map these jurisdictions without utilization of the private sector:
the size and scope of government would simply not have allowed for it.
The foundational work completed by the early surveyors enables land
markets in these countries to function into the modern era.
In summary, the converging forces of – youthful and business savvy
demographics; the changing nature of work; low-cost digital and spatial
technologies – all coupled with FFP, suggest an opportunity to support
the scaling and sustainable – through entrepreneurialism – the challenge
of recording the 70% of unrecognized land rights globally. Tempering
these statements, it is worth recognizing that not all contexts that
might benefit from entrepreneurialism might be equipped for it.
Moreover, for those that potentially are, careful consideration of
supportive and responsible policies and laws is needed: yesterday’s
entrepreneurial disruptors can be tomorrow’s rent seekers and creators
of sectoral inertia.
To move the discussion forward, beyond awareness raising of the
abovementioned challenges and opportunity for entrepreneurialism in the
land sector, we propose several initiatives that invite undertaking by
the surveying profession:
- First, develop better understandings of the linkages between the
domains of land administration and entrepreneurship, with a view to
better acknowledge the impact and importance of ‘cadastrepreneurs’ –
historically, in contemporary times, and for future scenarios;
- Second, support the above efforts by creating a case repository
of qualitative (case studies) and quantitative data, with a view to
identifying lessons (positive and negative; do’s and don’ts) with
regards to entrepreneurship in the land sector;
- Third, get better acquainted with modern entrepreneurialism
theories, concepts and tools (The study area of ‘entrepreneurship’
has developed considerably over previous decades – new theory,
approaches, and tools – are worth understanding, exploring, and
potentially embedding in surveyors training), including benefits and
drawbacks, with a view to considering its incorporation into
training and capacity building programs – and land administration
projects more generally;
- Fourth, establish or create professional links with
entrepreneurial networks and those from the land sector, with a view
to creating shared learnings, communication channels, and
co-developed toolkits; and
- Fifth, explore the concept of a ‘middle way’ or ‘from the
centre’ for the land sector, as opposed to ‘top-down’ vs.
‘bottom-up’, inspired by a role for entrepreneurialism. In this
vein, also consider potential scenarios for governance arrangements,
business models, social requirements, and technological necessities.
In this brief paper, we argued that the role of entrepreneurship in
land administration is perhaps neglected, at least in the academic
literature: whilst the opportunity for the private sector is understood,
the scale and impact of cadastral entrepreneurs have had, and could
have, could have more attention paid to it. We argued that the two main
challenges facing contemporary land administration are delivering FFP
(or equivalent approaches) at scale – and in a way that sees them
sustained for decades, if not more. We suggested that the almost
dichotomous ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ structure of the land sector
means local entrepreneurs within developing countries are oft left-out
of design and development discussions, when it comes to establishing a
reliable and sustainable land administration sector. Meanwhile, it was
suggested that technically savvy, business aware, youthful demographics
– coupled with the emergency of FFP, low cost spatial data tools, and
the gig economy – provide the opportunity for a new generation of
cadastrepreneurs. In this vein, we suggested recognizing the importance
of cadastral entrepreneurs seems important in emerging market-based
economies, particularly those seeking to establish underpinning and
sustainable land administration systems. Moreover, we showed the
approach is hardly new, with the private sector in many jurisdictions
increasingly complete large amounts of cadastral work. Overall, we hope
to see increased debate, if not appreciation, of the importance of
incorporating entrepreneurial mindsets and skills across the broader
land administration and cadastral surveying sectors.
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Rohan is a Geodetic Advisor with Kadaster International, Netherlands. He
also acts as an Associate Professor in Information Systems with the
Swinburne Business School, Australia, and is Co-Director of Bennett
Cleary and Associates. He specializes in spatial information systems and
land rights management. He has previously held posts with University of
Twente (NL), and University of Melbourne (AU) and led and worked on the
Euro Commission H2020 project 'its4land'. He is currently involved with
project work on application of fit-for-purpose approaches, smart
contracts, UAVs, auto feature extraction, in land rights management in
South-East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Rohan Bennett
Kadaster International
Eryadi Masli
Swinburne University of Technology
Hawthorn, Victoria
Jossam Potel
Eva-Maria Unger
Chrit Lemmen
Kees de Zeeur