FIG Working Week 2008 – Integrating Generations and
FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar – Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing


ISBN 978-87-90907-67-9
ISSN 2307-4086

Technical programme as a .pdf file.

Link to Meeting Programme

Friday, 13 June 2008
13 June
Norra Latin
Room 357
FIG Council Meeting
  • by invitation only
13 June
Stockholm Technical Office
Pre-Conference Workshop – History of Surveying - Day 1

Programme of the workshop:

HS 1 - Session 1
Time: 9:30-11:00

Mr. Heinz Aeschlimann (Switzerland):
Rise and Fall of Kern & Co, Aarau, Switzerland (2831)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Hans-Fredrik Wennström (Sweden):
Erik Bergstrand and the Geodimeter (2832)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Brian Sturman (South Africa) and Mr.  Alan Wright (United Kingdom):
The History of Tellurometer (2833)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Tea/Coffee Break
Time 11:00-11:30

HS 2 - Session 2
Time: 11:30 – 13:00

Mr. John F. Brock (Australia):
Gromaticus Maximus: The Great Greek Surveyor of Roman Egypt – Hero of Alexandria (10-75 A.D.) (2834)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Dieter Lelgemann (Germany):
The Geographic Methods of Eratosthenes of Kyrene (2835)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Stathis C. Stiros (Greece):
Levelling for Qanats, Aquaducts, Water Channels and Tunnels in Antiquity: Instrumentation and Accuracies (2837)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Time: 13.00-14:30

HS 3 - Session 3
Time: 14.30–16:00

Ms. Jane Insley (United Kingdom):
The Tale of the Great Theodolites (2838)
This paper is presented by Mr. Jim Smith (United Kingdom)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Bjorn Ragnvald Pettersen (Norway):
A Repsold Theodolite at the North End of the Struve Arc (2839)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Michael Kershaw (United Kingdom):
The Reality of Precision in the 19th Century: Re-Evaluating the Role of Geodesy (2840)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Tea/Coffee and End of History Workshop Day 1
Time: 16:00 – 16:30

Saturday, 14 June 2008
14 June
Norra Latin
Room 357
FIG ACCO Meeting
  • by invitation only
14 June
Stockholm Technical Office
Pre-Conference Workshop – History of Surveying – Day 2

Programme of the workshop:

HS 4 - Session 4
Time: 09:30-11:00

Mr. Christoph Eidenbenz (Switzerland):
Rudolf Wolf (1816-1893), Astronomer, Geodesist and Historian (2841)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Vitali Kaptüg (Russian Federation):
On Comparison of the Three Meridian Arcs in Lapland (2764)
This paper is presented by Mr. Jan de Graeve (Belgium).
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Nienke Beintema (Netherlands):
In Struve’s Footsteps Reconstructing a 19th Century Surveying Masterpiece (2843)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Tea/Coffee Break
Time: 11.00 – 11:30

HS 5 - Session 5
Time: 11:30-13:00

Mr. Douglas Batson (USA):
Surveying the Boundaries of the Federal District of Columbia (Washington DC) (2846)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jyrki Puupponen and Mr. Jaakko Järvinen (Finland):
Historical Video Documentation of Triangulation Measurements in Finland (2934)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Vitali Kaptüg (Russian Federation):
Index of Field and Other Important Manuscripts Relating to the Scandinavian Segment of the WH Monument “Struve Geodetic Arc” (2763)
This paper is not presented orally.
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Time: 13:00–14:30

HS 6 - Session 6
Time: 14:30-15:00

Mr. Jan De Graeve (Belgium):
General Discussion. Including Extension of Struve Median.

End of Pre-Conference Workshop – History of Surveying - Day 2

Sunday, 15 June 2008
15 June
Norra Latin
General Assembly – First Session
  • for FIG members
  • open for observers
15 June
Norra Latin
Meeting of the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement
  • open for delegations to the General Assembly
  • agenda includes: extension of the Struve Arc in Africa (African delegates on the 30th Meridian especially invited); publication: Struve’s translation of the Arc of the Meridian; and history seminars in 2008 and 2009.
15 June
Norra Latin
Room 460
Reception for Honorary Presidents and Honorary Members
  • by invitation only
15 June
Norra Latin
see beside
Commission Annual Meetings
Commission: 1-10
  • for national delegates and correspondents, but observers are also welcome to attend
  • Commission meetings will be held as follows:
    • Room 251: Commission 1
    • Room 252: Commission 2
    • Room 253: Commission 3
    • Room 356: Commission 4
    • Room 357: Commission 5
    • Room 358: Commission 6
    • Room 360: Commission 7
    • Room 362: Commission 8
    • Room 454: Commission 9
    • Room 458: Commission 10
15 June
Norra Latin
Music Hall
Director General Summit
  • by separate invitation only
15 June
Norra Latin
Room 357
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 5 Steering Committee Meeting I
  • by invitation only
15 June
Stockholm City Hall
Welcome Reception
  • hosted by the City of Stockholm Mr. Bo Bladholm, Lord Mayor of Stockholm
  • all participants, pre-registration required
  • Note: Reception starts exactly at 18:00
  • dress code: smart casual
Monday, 16 June 2008
16 June
Folkets Hus
Congress Hall

Andreas Carlgren

Anna Tibaijuka
Opening Ceremony
Moderator: Mr. Lars Jansson, Deputy Director General , Swedish National Land Survey

Music - Music corpse

Arrival of Mr. Andreas Carlgren, Minister for the Environment
Minister Andreas Carlgren accompanied by Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President, Mr. Svante Astermo, Conference Director and Mr. Carl-Olof Ternryd, FIG President 1977

Music - Music corpse

Greeting and Welcome Address by Mr. Svante Astermo, Conference Director (3163)

Welcome Address by Prof. Stig Enemark, President of FIG (3162)

Opening of the FIG Working Week 2008 by Mr. Andreas Carlgren, Minister for the Environment assisted by Mr. Carl-Olof Ternryd and Ms. Cecilia Lindén

FIG Fanfare - Music corpse

Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing, Opening Keynote Address by Dr. Anna K. Tibaijuka, Executive Director, UN-HABITAT (3161)
[curriculum vitae] [paper]

Music entertainment - folkdance and music corpse

Dress code: business attire

16 June
Folkets Hus
Coffee Break
16 June
Folkets Hus
Congress Hall
Plenary Session I – Sustainable Urban Development and the Millennium Development Goals
Commission: All
Chair: Prof. Paul van der Molen, Vice President of FIG, the Netherlands

Mr. Andreas Carlgren, Minister for the Environment (Sweden):
Environment and Climate – The Role and Importance of Property and Land Administration Institutions in Society (3093)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Ashraf Ghani, Chairman, Institute for State Effectiveness (Afghanistan):
Legal Empowerment in a Globalizing World (3094)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President (Denmark):
Partnership between FIG and the UN Agencies in Support of the Millennium Development Goals (3095)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]




16 June
Folkets Hus
16 June
13:00 -17:00
Norra Latin
16 June
Norra Latin

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 1 - Land Administration and Property Rights – How to Achieve the Basic and Fundamental Structure?
Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commissions 3, 7, 8 and 9
Chair: Mr. Helge Onsrud, Norway
Rapporteur: Mr. Brett Shapiro, Italy and Mr. Szilard Frickska, UN-HABITAT

Ms. Ann Jennervik, Sweden:
Presentation of a Study by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (3108)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3 (Greece)
UN-ECE/Working Party on Land Administration: Analytic Conclusions re Countries in Transition: Spatial Information Management toward Legalizing Informal Urban Development (3109)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Kombo Mwero, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife  (Kenya):
Development of Land Administration and Links to the Financial Markets (3110)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Geoffrey Payne (United Kingdom):
Social and Economic Impacts of Land Titling Programmes in Urban and Peri-urban Areas: International Experience and Case Studies of Senegal and South Africa (3111)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mrs. Ayanthi Gurushinge, Country Coordinator for Slum Upgrading Project (PT) of UN-HABITAT in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka):
Women’s Access to Land and Finance (3112)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 456
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Robin McLaren, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Bo Lauri, Sweden

Dr. Martin Salzmann (Netherlands) and Mr. Julius Ernst (Austria):
The Cadastral Parcel Rejuvenated: Evolving from Property Unit to Core Element in Spatial Data Infrastructures (2602)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Floris de Bree, Dr. Dick Eertink, and Mr. Peter Laarakker (Netherlands):
Assessing the Quality of Collaboration in Netherlands SDI (2732)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Ewa Rannestig and Ms. Monica Lagerqvist Nilsson (Sweden):
Inspire in Sweden – An Important Part of the National Geodata Strategy (2658)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Iain Greenway, Mr. Trevor Steenson and Mr. John Deyermond (United Kingdom):
Delivering an SDI - Northern Ireland's Real Life Experiences (2692)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Haim Srebro (Israel):
The Future of the Survey of Israel - On Line Geospatial Information and Services (2786)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 353
TS 1B - GIS in Urban Planning and Management
Commission: 3 and 8
Chair: Mr. Hartmut Mueller, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Isaac Boateng, United Kingdom

Ms. Birgitta Stenbäck (Sweden):
Streamlining Procedures for Case Management and e-Archive in the City Planning Administration of Stockholm (2940)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Ismail Bulent Gundogdu, Mr. Fatih Sari and Mr. Omur Esen (Turkey):
A New Approach for Geographical Information System-Supported Mapping of Traffic Accident Data (2914)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Isaac Boateng and Dr. Cletus Moobela (United Kingdom):
Sustainable Participatory Approaches in Urban Regeneration Processes: Lessons from Portsmouth Harbour and Inner-City Hulme, Manchester (3049)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. El Hassane Semlali and Mr. Victor Bada (Morocco):
Development of a User GIS Interface to Manage the Circuits of Solid Waste (Case Study) (2628)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 361
TS 1C - Development in GNSS Measurement Technologies and Techniques
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Dr. Volker Schwieger (Germany):
High-Sensitivity GPS – An Availability, Reliability and Accuracy Test (2959)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Milan Horemuz (Sweden):
Car Collision Warning System Based on RTK GPS (2811)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Alberto Guarnieri, Dr. Andrea Menin, Dr. Francesco Pirotti and Dr. Antonio Vettore (Italy):
Low Cost System: GPS/MEMS for Positioning (3020)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Lucinda Coombe (Australia):
Trends in Surveying (2955)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 359
TS 1D - Property Taxation
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Peter Ljung, Sweden
Rapporteur: Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, Finland

Prof. Frances Plimmer and Dr. William McCluskey (United Kingdom):
Ad Valorem Property Taxation in the 2004 Accession States in Central and Eastern Europe (2581)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Henrik Roos and Mr. Olof Färnkvist (Sweden):
The Value of Using Information that Has Primarily Been Collected for Real Property Taxation for Valuation, Granting Loans, Statistics and Other Purposes (2979)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Arvydas Bagdonavicius, Mr. Steponas Deveikis and Rimantas Ramanauskas  (Lithuania):
Automated Valuation System for Real Estate Tax Appeals (2927)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Piotr Parzych and Dr. Jaroslaw Bydlosz (Poland):
Problems of Real Estates’ Valuation for Taxing Purposes (2815)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Piotr Cichociński (Poland):
Methods of Cartographical Presentation of Real Estate Values (2880)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Bambang Edhi Leksono, Dr. Yuliana Susilowati and Mr. Adriyan Bayu Sukmono (Indonesia):
Automatic Land Parcel Valuation to Support the Land and Buildings Tax Information System by Developing the Open Source Software (3072)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 356
TS 1E - Cadastral Information Management
Commission: 7, 3 and 1
Chair: Mr. Gyula Iván, Hungary
Rapporteur: Dr. Klas Ernald Borges, Sweden

Mr. Joao Hespanha (Portugal), Mr. Jan van Bennekom-Minnema, Prof. Peter van Oosterom and Mr. Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands):
The Model Driven Architecture Approach Applied to the Land Administration Domain Model Version 1.1 - with Focus on Constraints Specified in the Object Constraint Language (2962)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Karel Janečka and Mr. Václav Čada (Czech Republic):
Possibilities of Storage of Spatial Data of Real Estate Registry Information System (2950)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Bambang Edhi Leksono and Dr. Yuliana Susilowati (Indonesia):
The Accuracy Improvement of Spatial Data for Land Parcel and Buildings Taxation Objects by Using the Large Scale Ortho Image Data (3073)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Guler Yalcin, Dr. Omer Yildirim and Mr. Sedat Bakici (Turkey):
Map Related Projects in General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre in Turkey (3013)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 454
TS 1F - Spatial Planning Case Studies
Commission: 8 and 3
Chair: Ms. Kari Strande, Norway
Rapporteur: Dr. Iz H. Baki, Hong Kong SAR, China

Ms. Olga Petrakovska (Ukraine):
Improvement of Legal Fundamentals for Land Development Plans Implementation in Ukraine (2858)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Pradeep Garg (India):
Spatial Planning of Infrastructural Facilities in Rural Areas around Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India (3023)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Per Isaksson (Sweden):
Specifications for Establishing a Road Data Infrastructure (2713)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Khaled Nabbout (Germany):
“Lenticular Foil Display” New Geo-data Visualization Tools for Participatory Urban Planning (3039)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 351
TS 1G - Curricula
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Bela Markus, Chair of FIG Commission 2, Hungary
Rapporteur: Prof. Arvo Vitikainen, Finland

Dr. Steven Frank (USA):
Core Knowledge in Surveying - Initial Investigations (2719)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Frank Culliver (Australia):
Training the Generations for Business Success (2800)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Leif Eidenstedt (Sweden):
TEMPUS – A Way of Introducing New University Programmes in Transitional Countries (2742)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Vladimir Gobulev and Dr. Irina Fartukova (Russian Federation):
Problems of Transition to Two-level System of Training in the Field of a Cadastre in the Russian Federation (2945)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Sabahhattin Akkus, Mr. Hasan Cagla and Mr. Turgut Ayten (Turkey):
A Research on Integration with the Market of Students which Are Graduate of Map and Cadastre Programs of Vocational Schools of Higher Education (2941)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper has not been presented orally in the session.

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 451
TS 1H - Developments in Scanner and Sensor Technologies
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. David Martin, France

Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis and Ms. Dimitra Vassalaki (Greece):
Combined Use of Spaceborne Optical and SAR Data – Incompatible Data Sources, a Waste of Funds or a Useful Procedure? (3022)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Jens-André Paffenholz and Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Kutterer (Germany):
Direct Georeferencing of Static Terrestrial Laser Scans (2776)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Johannes Böer, Dr. Gerhard Krieger, Dr. Hauke Fiedler, Mr. Markus Bachmann and Mr. Jaime Hueso Gonzaléz (Germany):
TanDEM-X: A Global Mapping Mission (3033)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 458
TS 1I – Imaging Data Applications
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Prof. Alojz Kopácik, Chair of FIG Commission 6, Slovakia
Rapporteur: Mr. Craig Roberts, Australia

Dr. Helén Rost (Sweden) and Hamish Grierson (United Kingdom):
High Precision Projects Using LiDAR and Digital Imagery (3047)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Shlomo Abergel, Dr. Sagi Filin and Dr. Naftali Goldshleger (Israel):
Measurement of Erosion in Agricultural Fields Using Monoscopic Photogrammetry (2963)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Murat Yakar, Dr. Haci Murat Yilmaz and Dr. Omer Mutlouglu (Turkey):
Photogrammetric Measurement for the Kizil Kilise (Red Church) (3063)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Bryan Williams (USA):
Spatial Imaging the New Surveying Revolution (3006)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 452
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 4 Annual Meeting
16 June
Norra Latin
Coffee Break
16 June
Norra Latin
Room 351

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 2A – Dialogue on Land Use Management and Property Rights – Outlining the Roadmap for Southern and Eastern Africa
Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commission 7
Chair: Mr. Mmuso Riba, South Africa
Rapporteurs : Mr. Michael Mutter, UN-HABITAT and Dr. Mark Napier, South Africa

The purpose of this dialogue is to exchange views and experiences on land administration and property rights and share lessons learned from success stories as well as failures.

Key issues: Factors influencing informal settlements. The diversity of patterns of informal settlement development and correspondingly the diverse policy solutions needed. Including the Gender perspective. Making property rights and land administration systems inclusive.

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 451

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 2B – Dialogue on Land Use Management and Property Rights – Outlining the Roadmap for Asia

Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commission 7
Chair: Prof. Paul van der Molen, FIG Vice President, the Netherlands
Rapporteurs: Mr. Szilard Fricska, UN-HABITAT and Ms. Ann Jennervik, Sweden

Compared with other continents, Asia holds enormous capital markets serving strong private commercial sectors. In the “tiger economies” this is being facilitated by strong public structures. What is missing in order to link upgrading of the urban slums to the cash flow?

Key issues: A balanced coordination of the factor markets, which is currently lacking, especially in the land sector. Sharing experiences in upgrading of informal settlements. Identifying options to link the improvement of the livelihood of slum-dwellers in Asia to the booming labour, land- and credit markets.

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 454

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 2C – Dialogue on Land Use Management and Property Rights – Outlining the Roadmap for West Africa

Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commission 7
Chair: Ms. Erica Mamley Osae, SUF, UN-HABITAT, Ghana
Rapporteurs: Ms. Asa Jonsson, UN-HABITAT and Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Sweden

The purpose of this dialogue is to exchange views and experiences on land administration and property rights and share lessons learned from success stories as well as failures.

Key issues: Factors influencing informal settlements. The diversity of patterns of informal settlement development and correspondingly the diverse policy solutions needed. Including the Gender perspective. Making property rights and land administration systems inclusive.

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 458

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 2D – Dialogue on Land Use Management and Property Rights – Outlining the Roadmap for Central and Eastern Europe
Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commissions 3 and 7
Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3, Greece
Rapporteurs: Mr. Brett Shapiro, Italy

More than 50 million people in at least 15 European countries are affected by poor land administration and cadastre systems, with a lack of clarity and transparency in land tenure and property rights. Lack of clear planning regimes or a lack of enforcement of existing plans lead to practices of massive illegal construction in urban areas. The Dialogue will address a number of factors influencing informal settlements, in the diverse patterns of their development.

Key issues: Legalisation and inclusion of informal settlements in regulatory urban plans. Provision of essential social and technical infrastructure. Resettlement programs in social housing.

16 June
Norra Latin
TS 2A - Geodetic Networks, Reference Frames and Systems I
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Sandra Verhagen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Dr. Chris Rizos (Australia):
Modern Geodesy, GNSS Surveying, and Their Contribution to a Greater Understanding of “System Earth” (2992)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Mikael Lilje (Sweden), Prof. Markku Poutanen (Finland), Prof. Per Knudsen (Denmark), Prof. Hans-Georg Scherneck (Sweden), Mr. Svein Ola Thorsen and Ms. Ingunn Skei (Norway):
NGOS, The Nordic Geodetic Observing System (2729)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jan Pytel, Mr. Jan Kostelecky and Mr. Ales Cepek (Czech Republic):
Adjustment of the Densification Network in the Czech Republic (2746)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Martin Lidberg (Sweden):
Geodetic Reference Frames in Presence of Crustal Deformations (2890)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Alexander Kohli and Mr. Lorenz Jenni (Switzerland):
Transformation of Cadastral Data between Geodetic Reference Frames Using Finite Elements Method (2623)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 456
TS 2B - NSDI and e-Government
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Paul Kelly, Australia

Ms. Kari Strande (Norway):
eGovernment for eCitizens: NSDI as Tools in Good Governance – Examples from eNorway and Norway Digital (2993)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Sergei Shavrov (Belarus):
Infological Model of e-Government (3055)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Patrik Ottoson (Sweden):
Building Permits and Processes - One of the Most Advanced e-Services in Swedish e-Government (2738)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Anthony A. Adeoye and Mr. Anthony Mensah  (Nigeria):
Computerised Land Management Systems as a Tool for Good Governance (2515)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Prof. Wojciech Wilkowski and Mr. Artur Wilkowski (Poland):
Methodology of Evaluation of the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource in Poland (2795)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 353
TS 2C - Cadastral Information Services
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Dr. Szabolcs Mihaly, Hungary
Rapporteur: Mr. Gyula Iván, Hungary

Dr. Hrvoje Matijević, Dr. Zvonko Biljecki, Mr. Stipica Pavičić and Prof. Miodrag Roić (Croatia):
Transaction Processing on Planar Partition for Cadastral Application (2792)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Dong-Hoon Jeong (Republic of Korea):
A Study on the Service Method of Parcel-Boundary Information Suitable for the Ubiquitous City Operation (2863)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Piero Panunzi (Italy):
Cadastre to the Municipalities (2727)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. In-Je Woo and Ms. Joon-Sung Yun (Republic of Korea):
A Study on Use of Cadastre Information for Management of Urban Facility (2884)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 361
TS 2D - Calibration of Instruments
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Dr. Neil Weston, USA
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany

Mr. Klaus Mechelke, Mr. Thomas Kersten, Ms. Maren Lindstaedt and Prof. Harald Sternberg (Germany):
Geometric Accuracy Investigations of the Latest Terrestrial Laser Scanning Systems (2785)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Reinhard Gottwald (Switzerland):
Field Procedures for Testing Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS) – A Contribution to a Future ISO Standard (2740)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Siniša Delčev, Dr. Jelena Gučević, Dr. Vukan Ogrizović, and Ms. Violeta Vasilić (Serbia):
Maintaining Length and Angle Standards in the Republic of Serbia within the Geodetic Metrological Laboratory (2641)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Paavo Rouhiainen and Mr. Mikko Takalo (Finland):
Some Calibration Results of Digital Levelling Systems (2935)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Murat Yakar, Dr. Haci Murat Yilmaz and Mr. Omer Mutluoglu (Turkey):
Data Collecting to Volume Computing Using Digital Close Range Photogrammetry and Laser Techniques (3064)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 359
TS 2E - Land Consolidation – Case Studies
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair: Mr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Dr. Maria Ulfvarson Östlund, Sweden

Mr. Mats Backman (Sweden):
Land Consolidation in Sweden and Land Reform in Romania – Similarities and Discrepancies - a Comparison (2655)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Kalle Konttinen (Finland):
Integrated Land Development in Finland – Land Consolidation and Improving Traffic Safety as a Case (2909)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Ing. Adrianna Pulecka (Poland):
Shaping the Environment in Land Consolidation Projects in Poland – Have the New Law Regulations Changed our Attitude to Rural Landscape? (2791)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Tayfun Cay and Mr. Fatih Iscan (Turkey):
Determination of Land Piece Given to Farmers in Land Reform by Using the Fuzzy Logic Method (2754)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Hasan Cagla and Dr. Saban Inam (Turkey):
A Study on the Urban Transformation Project Format Done by the Leadership of the Local Governments in Turkey (2805)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper has not been presented orally in the session.

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 356
TS 2F - Young Surveyors
Commission: 1 and 2
Chair: Mr. Gert Steinkellner, Austria
Rapporteur: Ms. Cecilia Lindén, Sweden

Mr. Cemal Özgür Kivilcim (Turkey) and Ms. Chris McAlister (Australia):
A Model for Integrating Generations - Young Surveyors Working Group (3103)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Kate Fairlie (Australia):
Young Surveyors beyond Horizons (2885)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Natalie Aranda, Ms. Sara Ekstrand, Ms. Anna Fellesson, Ms. Frida Granbom, Ms. Ida Granqvist, Ms. Emeli Ljunghusen and Ms. Amelie Palmgren (Sweden):
Land Surveying Education in Sweden - Student Perspective (2913)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Claire Brazenor, Mr. Daniel Carter and Dr. Kate Dalrymple (Australia):
Young Professionals in Land Administration and Management (2860)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ing. Anna Hăsová, Prof. Otakar Švábenský and Ass. Prof. Josef Weigel (Czech Republic):
International Conferences of Postgraduate Students as Integration of Education, Science and Profession – 10 Years Experiences (3035)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Volker Böder (Germany):
The 1st International Hydrographic Summer Camp 2007 in Germany (2967)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

16 June
Norra Latin
Room 452
Commission Meetings - Commission 4 Meeting
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
17 June
Norra Latin
Plenary Session II – Land Administration and Finance Systems
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. Lars Magnusson, Director General, BKN (National Housing Credit Guarantee Board), Sweden
Co-Chair: Ms. Ann Jennervik, ee&sd, Sweden

Mr. Michael Mutter, Senior Adviser, Slum Upgrading Facility, SUF, UN-HABITAT:
Expanding the Outreach of Housing Finance for the Urban Poor - A Matter of Cooperation (3096)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Renu Sud Karnad, Joint Managing Director Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited - India:
Channelling Financial Flows for Adequate and Affordable Housing (3097)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Malcolm Childress, Sr. Land Administration Specialist, World Bank:
Land Finance through Land Governance—Expanding the Discussion of Land Policy during Food Crisis, Climate Change and Rapid Urbanization (3098)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Dan Ericsson, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Sweden:
Housing Finance for All – Swedish Engagement in Land Administration and Housing Finance (3154)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]


Renu Sud



17 June
Norra Latin
17 June
Norra Latin
Coffee Break
17 June
Norra Latin

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 3 – Putting Innovative Systems for Functioning Finance into Practice

Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commissions 3, 7, 8 and 9
Chair: Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Lantmateriet, Sweden
Rapporteurs: Mr. Brett Shapiro, Italy and Mr. Michael Mutter, UN-HABITAT

Dialogue Chairs from the four Dialogues held on Monday:
Reporting on Outcomes from the Regional Dialogues on Land Use Management and Property Rights

Mr. I. P. Gautam, IAS, Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, India:
Mixing Financial Sources for Slum Upgrading/ Prevention Ahmedabad Slum Networking Programme – India (3113)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. P. R. Anil Kumar, Head (Microfinance), Emerging Markets, Barclays Bank PLC, Dubai:
Innovative Structures for Financing Slum Housing and Infrastructure (3114)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Ruth McLeod, United Kingdom:
SUF Local Finance Facilities: What They Are, Why They Are Important, and How They Work (3115)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 456
TS 3A - Geodetic Networks, Reference Frames and Systems II
Commission: 5
Chair: Ms. Christina Kempe, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden

Ms. Kerstin Hegner and Mr. Lars E. Engberg (Sweden):
Advantages when Changing to a Nationwide Reference System – Experiences from Umeĺ, a Municipality in Northern Sweden (2902)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Young-Jin Lee, Dr. Hung-Kyu Lee, Mr. Kwang-Ho Jeong and Mr. Sang-Hun Cha (Republic of Korea):
Korean Geodetic Datum 2002(KGD2002): Nationwide GPS Network Densification (2891)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Andrzej Pachuta, Dr. Janusz Walo, Mr. Artur Adamek, Mr. Marek Woźniak, Mr. Marcin Rajner, Ms. Kinga Węzka and Mr. Dominik Próchniewicz (Poland):
Geodetic Measurements on Svalbard during Scientific Expeditions Organized by the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) (3019)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Joăo Magna Júnior, Dr. Paulo de Oliveira Camargo, Dr. Mauricio Galo and Dr. Joăo Francisco Galera Monico (Brazil):
Distortion Modeling between Geodetics Network in Brazil: A Grid-Based Approach (2830)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 353
TS 3B - The Role of Land Administration in Sustainable Development
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Sřren Fauerholm Christensen, Denmark
Rapporteur: Ms. Kristin Andreasson, Sweden

Mr. Daniel Roberge (Canada) and Mr. Sřren Fauerholm Christensen (Denmark):
Land Administration and Sustainable Development - Report of the FIG Commission 7 Workshop Held in Quebec City (2793)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jürg Kaufmann (Switzerland):
Land Management Opportunities for Sustainable Development Provided by the Cadastre 2014 Approach (2748)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Oksana Sukhova (Ukraine):
Sustainable Development in Land Cadastre Domain of Ukraine due to Institutional Arrangements (2859)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Jaeik Liou (Republic of Korea):
A Ubiquitous Service Model for Realization of Sustainable Capacity Development with Spatial Asset Mapping (2701)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Irawan Sumarto, Mr. Wenny Rusmawar Idrus, Mr. Virgo Erasta Jaya, Mr. Rustomo Eko Putranto, Mr. Desrizal K. Gindow, Mr. Brahmana Adhi and Mr. Enny Putranty et al. (Indonesia):
Cadastral Base Mapping Activity in Indonesia (2726)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 361
TS 3C - Tools for Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Prof. Francis Gäbele, Belgium

Mr. Christian Thellufsen and Prof. Stig Enemark (Denmark):
Awareness Analysis – A Tool for Investigating Inter-Organizational Collaboration in Land Administration Systems? (2774)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ms. Karin Haldrup (Denmark):
Between Monitoring and Modelling: Spatial Hierarchy and Context of Land Rights (2986)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ms. Gertrude Pieper Espada (Netherlands):
Free and Open Source Software for Land Administration Systems: A Hidden Treasure? (2711)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Gyula Iván, Mr. Gabór Szábo and Mr. Zoltán Weninger (Hungary):
A Complete, Free Solution for Cadastral Map Management (2906)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Guilherme Henrique Souza, Dr. Amilton Amorim and Dr. Julio Hasegawa (Brazil):
Low Cost Cadastral Updating Approach: An Alternative for the Brazilian Cities (2829)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 359
TS 3D - GNSS Reference Stations
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. David Zilkoski, USA
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany

Dr. Samsung Lim, Mr. Yong Heo and Prof. Chris Rizos (Australia):
A Web-Based Real-Time Monitoring System for GNSS Data Quality and Integrity (2888)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Carlos J. Rodriguez Rosario and Mr. Carlos E. Vega Santos (Puerto Rico, USA):
Day vs. Night RTK Quality Performance in GPS Real Time Networks (3025)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jose Aponte, Dr. Xiaolin Meng and Mr. Mark Burbidge (United Kingdom):
Performance Assessment of a GPS Network RTK Service (2710)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Samsung Lim and Prof. Chris Rizos (Australia):
System Architecture for Server-Based Network-RTK Using Multiple GNSS (2886)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 356
TS 3E - Digital Land Administration
Commission: 7, 1 and 3
Chair: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Lars Ĺstrand, Sweden

Mr. Roger Ekman (Sweden):
Development of e-land Administration in Sweden (2949)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Szabolcs Mihaly and Ms. Piroska Zalaba (Hungary):
Evolution towards the Digital Land Office (3070)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Michael Klebanov and Prof. Yerach Doytsher (Israel):
A New Mathematical Approach to Cadastral Documents Processing for Parcel Boundaries Restoration (2904)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Jad Jarroush and Dr. Gilad Even-Tzur (Israel):
Automatic Validation of the Surveyors' Regulations Criteria – A New Challenge in the Future Legal Digital Cadastre Implementation Task (3038)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Lennart Sundström and Mr. Christer Berntsson (Sweden):
Digital Archives and Document Management in the Cadastral Procedure in Sweden (2847)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 454
TS 3F - Coastal Zone Administration
Commission: 4, 7 and 8
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Mahoney, United Kingdom

Mr. Rob Mahoney (United Kingdom):
The FIG Costa Rica Declaration on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (3133)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Diane Dumashie (United Kingdom):
Property Rights and Planning for Public Access in the English Coastal Zone (2960)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Isaac Boateng (United Kingdom):
Integrating Sea-Level Rise Adaptation into Planning Policies in the Coastal Zone (2722)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Haim Srebro (Israel):
Definition of the Israeli Coastlines (2788)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Rizqi Abdulharis, Dr. Eka Djunarsjah and Mr. Andri Hernandi (Indonesia):
Analysis on Implementation of Marine Cadastre in Indonesia (2898)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Angela Kesiena Etuonovbe (Nigeria):
Sustaining Coastal Management / Adaptation of Climatic Change and Sea Level Rise in the Niger Delta (2753)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Tim Goodhead (United Kingdom):
The Value of Heritage Waterfront Development (3091)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 351
TS 3G - Capacity Building
Commission: 2, 3 and 7
Chair: Dr. Hans Mattsson, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Per Larsson, Sweden

Dr. Klas Ernald Borges and Mr. Leif Eidenstedt (Sweden):
Building Capacity – Diversification of the Swedish Land Surveying Education (2930)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Iyenemi Ibimina Kakulu (Nigeria):
Capacity Building for Automated Land Information Systems in Nigeria (2473)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Kari Strande (Norway), Mr. Co Anh Trinh (Viet Nam) and Mr. Kongkham Souringa (Lao PDR):
Networking, Competence and Capacity Building through FK Norway Exchange Program - Network in Geomatics and Environment (2954)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Ulf Sandgren (Sweden):
A National Programme for Spatial Data Research (3058)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Sara Wilkinson and Dr. Clive Warren (Australia):
Built Environment Professional Bodies and Student Members: The Australian Employers Perspective (2799)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.
This paper is presented by Dr. Frances Plimmer.

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 451
TS 3H - Reliability of Positioning and Measurement Technology
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Graeme Blick, New Zealand
Rapporteur: Mr. David Martin, France

Mr. Pasi Häkli, Mr. Hannu Koivula and Mr. Jyrki Puupponen (Finland):
Assessment of Practical 3-D Geodetic Accuracy for Static GPS Surveying (2994)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Jiri Lechner, Mr. Ladislav Cervinka and Mr. Ilia Umnov (Czech Republic):
Geodetic Surveying Tasks for Establishing a National Long Length Standard Baseline (3076)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. D. Ugur Sanli and Mr. Fatih K. Kurumahmut (Turkey):
Accuracy of GPS Positioning in the Presence of Large Height Differences (2752)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. El Hassane Semlali, Mr. Hassan Abouelmanadel and Mr. Abdellatif Abouzid (Morocco):
Modelling the Quality of GPS Planimetric Positioning (2627)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 458
TS 3I - Deformation Monitoring – Techniques and Case Studies
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Prof. Alojz Kopáčik, Chair of FIG Commission 6, Slovakia
Rapporteur: Prof. Lothar Gruendig, Germany

Dr. Milan Talich (Czech Republic):
Advantages of Using the Mechanics of Continuum to Geometrical Analyse Deformations Obtained from Geodetic Survey (2956)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Asude Arslan Sřrensen (Norway) and Dr. Onur Yilmaz (Turkey):
Analysis of Strain Accumulation of the Faulting Zones by the Help of Continuous GPS Stations (2735)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Sofiane Khelifa, Mr. Boualem Ghezali and Mr. Sid Ahmed Benahmed Daho (Algeria):
Analysis of DORIS Stations Coordinates Time Series by the Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) (2730)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Che-Hao Chang and Mr. Ming-Ko Chung (Chinese Taipei):
A Study of Deriving Fragility Curves by Using GPS Data at Control Points before and After Chi-Chi Earthquake (2958)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 452
Task Force Meetings – Task Force on Institutional and Organisational Development
  • by invitation only
17 June
17 June
Norra Latin, Room 352
Meeting of the Francophone Group
17 June
Norra Latin
Room 351

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 4A - Dialogue on Land Management Practises and Tools and Their Links to Efficient Finance

Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commission 7
Chair: Mr. Tommy Österberg, Swedesurvey, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, Chair of FIG WG 7.1 - Development of Pro Poor Land Management and Land Administration, the Netherlands and Ms. Asa Jonsson, UN-HABITAT

The purpose of this dialogue is to exchange experiences from land administration in informal settlements and how it can lead to improved access to credit for the settlers.

Key issues: Innovative solutions for affordable and accessible land registration. Can it be done without knowing the legal situation? Demands on land registration from the credit providers. How land administration can improve municipal upgrading planning and implementation, Should decentralised land administration be the local customary or formalized as part of local government? Systems for taxation and collection of fees in informal settlements. Improving women’s access to secure property and finance.

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 451

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 4B – Dialogue on Revisiting Planning Cutting the Costs, Involving the Rights of the Poor and Enabling Adequate Finance

Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commissions 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Mr. Geoffrey Payne, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Michael Mutter, UN-HABITAT and Ms. Ann-Katrin Myles, Sweden

Cities are the engines for a sustainable development on the whole, and sustainability needs a long term perspective. An efficient planning process will: Cut the costs, Involve the rights of the poor and Enable adequate finance.

Key issues: Openness, transparency and clear guidance on efficient planning processes. Policy coordination with land, infrastructure, legal, and financial systems. Useful methods and guidelines for planning, and how to find and use them. Legislation. Appropriate regulations in respect to land-use, zoning, and building. Open access to information that can facilitate and unlock the planning processes. Essential data. Collection, maintenance and costumers. Ownership issues. Pinpointing data that is needed by other actors, and efficient mechanisms for their provision.

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 454

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 4C – Dialogue on Linking the Financial Sources, Public versus Private Sector, Efficient Subsidies

Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commission 9
Chair: Ms. Carmen Nonay, Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid GPOBA/The World Bank
Rapporteurs: Mr. Brett Shapiro, Italy and Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Sweden

Well functioning finance systems are essential to address the problems of slum upgrading and slum prevention.

Key issues: Highlight the different links that need to be developed between the local market needs and the housing finance that is getting more and more global. How the flows from the private financial sector could be directed also towards the emerging markets. How to define the roles of public sector versus private markets? Regulations and incentives.

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 458

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 4D – Dialogue on Expanding the Outreach of Housing Finance for the Urban Poor

Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commissions 8 and 9
Chair: Ms. Ruth McLeod, United Kingdom
Rapporteurs: Mr. Szilard Fricska, UN-HABITAT and Ms. Ann Jennervik, Sweden

Slums represent a market and the slum dwellers in general pay more for less financial services.

Key issues: The size of the informal and potential markets. The importance of microfinance, Effects of the current development and Ways to expand more into low-income housing. Ways to expand mortgage finance. Mortgage finance coverage in developing countries. Degree of access to market rate housing finance. Terms and conditions. Valuation of real estate; How to facilitate and expand access to key information -Transparency, Reliability, Accessibility.

17 June
Norra Latin
TS 4A - Reorganising the Land Registries in the Nordic Countries
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Mr. Lars Jansson, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Thomas Nylund, Sweden

Mr. Mats Snäll (Sweden):
Why We Are Reorganising the Swedish Land Registry (2933)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Soeren Reeberg Nielsen and Ms. Birgit Kristiansen (Denmark):
Reorganising Land Registration in Denmark (2808)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Arvo Kokkonen (Finland):
Land Registration as a Part of Activities in National Land Survey of Finland (2867)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Anne Cathrine Froestrup (Norway):
Transferring the Land Registration from the Local Courts to the Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority in Norway (2943)
This paper has been presented by Tone Lise Johansen.
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Margrét Hauksdóttir (Iceland):
Results from Reorganizing, Digitalizing and Centralizing the Land Register in Iceland – Has Our Dream Come True? (2968)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 456
TS 4B - Compulsory Acquisition of Land
Commission: 9, 7 and 8
Chair: Prof. Frances Plimmer, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Chair of FIG Commission 9, Finland

Prof. Kauko Viitanen (Finland) and Ms. Iyenemi Ibimina Kakulu (United Kingdom):
Global Concerns in Compulsory Purchase and Compensation Processes (2647)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Thomas Kalbro (Sweden):
Compulsory Acquisition of Land - Compensation for “Hope Values”? (2769)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Miroslaw Belej and Dr. Marek Walacik (Poland):
Land Acquisition for Public Purpose in Poland on Example of Public Roads Construction (2849)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Leif Norell (Sweden):
Land Acquisition for Infrastructure in the Nordic Countries (2694)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Sevkiye Sence Turk, Dr. Murat Turk and Mr. Ozhan Güven (Turkey):
Land Acquisition Methods for the Mass Housing Projects: Case Study Istanbul (3003)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 353
TS 4C - GNSS Standards
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Iain Greenway, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden

Mr. David Martin (France):
Review of Standards, Best Practice, Testing and Calibration in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) (2872)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Hans Heister (Germany):
The New ISO Standard 17123-8 for Checking GNSS Field Measuring Systems  (3069)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Matthew Higgins (Australia):
Legal Traceability of GPS Measurements in Australia (2944)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Casper Jepsen and Ms. Marianne Knudsen (Denmark):
Norm for RTK-services and Good GNSS Survey Practise in Denmark (3014)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. William Henning (USA):
The Role of FIG in Leading the Development of International Real-Time Positioning Guidelines (2973)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 361
TS 4D - Engineering Surveying
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Gethin Roberts, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Ms. Kerstin Hegner, Sweden

Mr. Christian Clemen and Prof. Lothar Gründig (Germany):
The Meaning of Redundancy - 3D Topology and Geometric Parameterization (2768)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Krzysztof Pietruszka (Poland):
Global Monitoring of Changes in the Rock Mass Arising as a Result of Filling the Mining Workings with Wastes (3041)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Hakan Senol Kutoglu, Mr. Hakan Akcin, and Mr. Huseyin Kemaldere (Turkey), Mr. Tomonori Deguchi and Mr. Masatane Kato (Japan):
Detecting Illegal Mining Activities Using DInSAR (3031)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Eray Can and Mr. Senol Kuscu (Turkey):
Investigate of Transition Curves with Lateral Change of Acceleration for Highways Horizontal Geometry (3018)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 359
TS 4E - The Surveyors Role in Promoting Sustainability and the Use of Sustainable Resources
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Dr. Hendrik Ploeger, the Netherlands

Mr. Tim Elliott (United Kingdom):
Communicating Science and Stakeholders in the Environment - the Surveyors Role of the Future (2852)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Michael Doran (United Kingdom):
Contribution of Energy Crops in Displacing Fossil Fuels in the EU (3082)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jim Green (United Kingdom):
How to Present and Sell Sustainability – “One of These Days, the Younger Generation Will Come Knocking at My Door” (Henrik Ibsen - The Master Builder 1892) (2700)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Philip Wilbourn (United Kingdom):
Building the Environmental Capacity of the Surveyor (2698)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 356
TS 4F - Hydrographic Information Management
Commission: 4 and 3
Chair: Mr. Ulf Ohlsson, Sweden
Rapporteur: Dr. Michael Sutherland, Canada

Dr. Markus Lundkvist, Mr. Lars Jakobsson and Ms. Renée Modigh (Sweden):
Automatic Identification System (AIS) as a Tool for Risk-based Planning of Hydrographic Surveys in Swedish Waters (2981)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Krzysztof Koreleski (Poland):
Hydrographic Information Systems and Cartography in Poland (2502)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jakob Nisell (Sweden):
Swedish Standard for Geographic information on Surface Water Systems (2855)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jyrki Mononen (Finland):
Harmonization of Vertical References within the Baltic Sea (2892)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. R. M. S. Fernandes (Portugal), Mr. Y. Poku-Gyamfi and Mr. F. Yeboah (Ghana), Mr. J. P. F. Ferreira (Portugal), Mr. Stephen Djaba and Mr. Emmanuel Nkebi (Ghana)::
Computing Mean Sea Level Changes in Ghana (3067)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Emmanuel Olayinka Ajayi and Mr. Sylvester Efe Owhojeta (Nigeria):
GPS Data Integration into GIS for Offshore Facilities Management - Chevron Nigeria Experience (2851)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 463
TS 4G – Processing of Geodetic Data
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Ms. Ilke Deniz and Dr. Haluk Ozener (Turkey):
Determination of Velocity Field and Strain Accumulation of Densification Network in Marmara Region (2915)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jyrki Puupponen, Mr. Pasi Häkli and Mr. Hannu Koivula (Finland):
Influence of Global Ionosphere Model in Static GPS Surveying Using Commercial GPS Processing Software (2896)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Amilton Amorim, Ms. Priscila Midori Miyashita, Dr. Paulo de Oliveira and Mr. Marcelo Solfa Pinto (Brazil):
Use of Quick Bird Panchromatic Image and GPS Navigation (2772)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 452
Meeting of the FIG Corporate Members
Chair: Mr. Peter Normann Hansen, Denmark
  • by invitation only
17 June
Norra Latin
Coffee Break
17 June
Norra Latin
Room 463
Meeting of the Arab Union of Surveyors
  • open for the members of the Arab Union of Surveyors
17 June
Norra Latin

FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing
SFS 5 – Wrap-up and How to Proceed – Panel and Open Forum

Commission: UN-HABITAT and FIG Commissions 3, 7, 8 and 9
Chairs: Mr. Michael Mutter, Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF/UN-HABITAT) and Prof. Paul van der Molen, Vice President of FIG, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Dr. Mark Napier, South Africa, Mr. Szilard Fricska, UN-HABITAT and Ms. Ann Jennervik, Sweden

Sharing the outcomes of the Dialogues on Practices and Tools, Revisiting Planning, Linking Financial Sources and Access to Finance and focussing on:

  • Open access to transparent, reliable and relevant information for various target groups, based on in-depth knowledge.
  • Operative conclusions around the nexus: Public-Private and the other nexus: Innovative “tools” - Institutional capacity.
  • Awareness: Slums represent a market.
17 June
Norra Latin
Room 456
TS 5A - Land Administration - European Experiences
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Mr. András Osskó, Chair of FIG Commission 7, Hungary
Rapporteur: Ms. Anna Bremberg, Sweden

Mr. Bas Kok, President of GSDI (Netherlands):
Major Opportunities in SDI Communities (3116)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Peter Laarakker (Netherlands):
EuroGeographics' Vision on Cadastre and Land Registration in Europe 2012 (2731)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Stefan Gustafsson and Ms. Agnieszka Drewniak (Sweden):
EULIS - European Land Information Service (2939)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Hendrik Ploeger and Dr. Bastiaan van Loenen (Netherlands):
Certainty of Title in Cross-border Real Estate Transactions in Europe - A Goal for the Public Sector or an Opportunity for the Private Sector? (2826)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Bozena Lipej (Slovenia):
Cadastre and Land Registry Organizations Scheduling Its Future to Best Fit the Requirements of the Society (3042)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 353
TS 5B - Applications of Remote Sensing and Imagery
Commission: 5, 8, 3 and 7
Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Dave Doyle, USA

Mr. Jesper Rye Rasmussen (Denmark):
Country Wide 3D City Model of Denmark (3046)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Farida Bachir Belmehdi, Mr. Azzedine Oussedik and Mr. Bachir Gourine (Algeria):
Contribution of the Radar Imagery in the Characterisation of the Dunes Morphology. Application to the Cordon of Zâafrane and El-Mesrane Regions (Djelfa, Algeria) (2977)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 361
TS 5C - Structural Monitoring
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Ivo Milev, Germany
Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin Roberts, United Kingdom

Dr. Gethin Roberts, Mr. Chris Brown and Dr. Ogundipe Oluropo (United Kingdom):
The Use of Kinematic GPS to Monitor the Deflections and Frequencies of a 174m Long Viaduct under Traffic Loading (2716)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Ivo Milev and Prof. Lothar Gruendig (Germany):
Terrestrial Laser Scanning Applied for Reverse Engineering and Monitoring of Historical Buildings (2643)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Anna Hostinová and Prof. Alojz Kopáčik (Slovak Republic):
Monitoring of High-Rise Building (3026)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Antonio Juliano Fazan and Mr. Aluir Porfírio Dal Poz (Brazil):
Prediction and Compensation of Building Shadows Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery and Airborne Laser Scanning Data (2984)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Yu-Min Chang, Mr. Shang-Hsien Lai, Mr. Shy-Ming Peng, Dr. Kuan-Tsung Chang and Dr. Yaw-Shen Tu (Chinese Taipei):
Data Processing of 3D Laser Scanning on Structural Deformation (2938)
This paper has not been presented orally in the session.
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Kuang-Tsung Chang, Dr. Edward Wang, Dr. Yu-Min Chang and Mr. Hong-Kuei Cheng (Chinese Taipei):
Post-Disaster Structural Evaluation Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (2905)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper has not been presented orally in the session.

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 359
TS 5D - Tools and Methods in Land Valuation
Commission: 9
Chair: Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, Finland
Rapporteur: Mr. Dieter Kertscher, Germany

Mr. Peter Samuelsson (Sweden):
Official and Unofficial Valuation Standards in Sweden (2817)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Anna Barańska (Poland):
Verification of a Two-Stage Valuation Model for Different Types of Real Estates in Local Markets (2985)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Tomasz Budzński (Poland):
Application of Multi-Layer Perception for Mass Valuation of Real Estates (2897)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Mehmet Ertaş (Turkey):
The Investigation of the Income Method on Agricultural Areas in Turkey and a Method Proposal (2924)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 356
TS 5E - 3D Cadastre
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Arvo Kokkonen, Finland
Rapporteur: Ms. Ida Cronquist, Sweden

Mr. Lars Ĺstrand (Sweden):
Experiences of 3D Cadastre in Ĺre, Sweden – Implementing a New Tool for the Property Market (2689)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Jenny Paulsson (Sweden):
3D Property – Types of Rights and Management Factor (2621)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Fatih Doner (Turkey), Mr. Rod Thompson (Australia), Ms. Jantien Stoter, Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, Mr. Hendrik Ploeger and Dr. Peter van Oosterom  (Netherlands):
4D Land Administration Solutions in the Context of the Spatial Information Infrastructure (3016)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Arvo Kokkonen (Finland):
Developing 3D Cadastre in Finland (3131)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 454
TS 5F - Geoid
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Lars E. Engberg, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Dr. Jonas Ĺgren, Prof. Lars E. Sjoeberg (Sweden) and Prof. Ramin Kiamehr (Islamic Republic of Iran):
Computation of a New Gravimetric Geoid Model over Sweden Using the KTH Method (2876)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Yaron Felus (USA), Dr. Gershon Steinberg and Dr. Yakov Tuchin (Israel):
On the Augmentation of Israeli GPS-BM Data with a Global Earth Geoid Model (2784)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Mikael Lilje, Dr. Jonas Ĺgren, Mr. Andreas Engfeldt and Per-Anders Olsson (Sweden):
One Year with Our Absolute Gravimeter (2720)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Isaac Dadzie, Mr. Edward Osei Jnr. and Mr. Stephen Djaba (Ghana):
Geoid Determination for Effective Integration of GPS-Derived Data into Ghana National Coordinate System (3071)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Fuat Basciftci and Prof. Cevat Inal (Turkey):
A Calculation Program for Geoid Undulations Using Orthogonal Polynomials (2918)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.
This paper has not been presented orally in the session.

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 351
TS 5G - GNSS Antenna Calibration and Accuracy Assessment
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. David Martin, France
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany

Mr. Philipp Zeimetz and Prof. Heiner Kuhlmann (Germany):
On the Accuracy of Absolute GNSS Antenna Calibration and the Conception of a New Anechoic Chamber (2901)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Neil Weston and Dr. Gerald Mader (USA):
The National Geodetic Survey's Antenna Calibration Program (2857)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Gilad Even-Tzur and Mr. Doron Shaked (Israel):
GPS Antenna Height and Its Influence on Pseudorange Multipath (2816)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 451
TS 5H - Land Administration Case Studies I
Commission: 7
Chair: Ms. Agneta Ericsson, Sweden
Rapporteur: Ms. Anna-Karin Lang, Sweden

Dr. Hans Mattsson (Sweden):
Processes of Sale in the Nordic Countries – Comparisons (2921)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Panos Lolonis (Greece):
The Impact of the Introduction of a New Cadastral System on Land Transactions in Greece (3015)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Pawel Hanus and Dr. Robert Krzyzek (Poland):
Peculiarity of Preparing Synchronized Lists in Poland on Territories of Former Austrian Annexation (3010)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Murat Meha (Kosovo UNMIK):
Analysis of Cadastral Data in the Perspective of Land Administration in Kosova (2714)
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.
This paper has not been presented orally in the session.
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 458
TS 5I - Hydrographic Surveying in Practice
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. David Neale, Trinidad and Tobago
Rapporteur: Ms. Frida Andersson, Sweden

Dr. Petra Philipson and Ms. Frida Andersson (Sweden):
Hydrographic Surveying Using High Resolution Satellite Images (2737)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Andrew Marshall and Dr. Paul Denys (New Zealand):
Water Level Measurement and Tidal Datum Transfer Using High Rate GPS Buoys (2856)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Volker Böder (Germany):
Investigation of Attitude Sensors for Hydrographic Applications – GNSS, Motion Sensor and Low Cost Sensors (2966)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

17 June
Norra Latin
Room 452
Meeting of the FIG Standards Network
  • for members of the FIG Standards Network
  • by invitation only
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
18 June
Norra Latin
Plenary Session III – Technical and Organisational Innovations
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. Matthew Higgins, Vice President of FIG, Australia

Mr. David Zilkoski, Director of the NOAA`s National Geodetic Survey (USA):
The Surveyor: Charting the World’s Course - What´s in the Future? (3099)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Frank Udnaes, Policy and Infrastructure Group in the Galileo Unit, European Commission:
Status of the European EGNOS and Galileo Programmes (3100)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Stig Jönsson, General Director of National Land Survey (Sweden):
Building Integrated Land Information Systems and Development of NSDI  (3101)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]




18 June
Norra Latin
18 June
Norra Latin
Room 452
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 9 WG 9.1 and WG 9.3 Meetings
  • Open meeting of Commission 9 Working Groups WG 9.1 - Compulsory Purchase and Compensations in Land Acquisition and Takings; and WG 9.3 – Diagnostic Tools and Prescriptive Practices for The Valuation Profession
18 June
Norra Latin
Coffee Break
18 June
Norra Latin

TS 6A - Good Governance in Land Administration
Commission: 7, 8 and 1
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom

This session is recommended to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Tony Burns and Dr. Kate Dalrymple (Australia):
Conceptual Framework for Governance in Land Administration (2861)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Prof. Spike Boydell (Australia):
Institutions, Complexity and the Land (2919)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Prof. Francis Gäbele and Mr. Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
The General Administration of the Patrimonial Documentation of Belgium Turned Towards the Future (2782)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 456
TS 6B - Land Administration Policies and Systems
Commission: 7
Chair: Ms. Ann-Katrin Myles, Sweden
Rapporteur: Dr. Jenny Paulsson, Sweden

Mr. András Osskó (Hungary):
The Multipurpose Hungarian Unified Land Registry System (2706)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Agneta Ericsson (Sweden):
What Makes the Swedish Cadastral System so Special and Successful? (2709)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Tor Valstad (Norway):
The Cadastral System of Norway (3043)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Paul van der Molen and Dr. Arbind Man Tuladhar (Netherlands) and Mr. Eugene H. Silayo (United Republic of Tanzania):
Comparative Study to Land Policy in 8 Countries in Africa and Asia (3037)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Douglas Batson (USA):
The Pentagon Looks with Interest at Land Administration in Afghanistan (2798)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 353
TS 6C - The Profession
Commission: 1
Chair: Ms. Monica Lagerqvist Nilsson, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Fredrik Warnquist, Sweden

Mr. Iain Greenway (United Kingdom):
Building the Capacity - Progress in the Work of the FIG Task Force on Institutional and Organisational Development (2691)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Teo CheeHai (Malaysia):
Professional Responsibilities (3052)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Leonie Newnham (Australia):
Innovation in Organisations - How Surveying Professionals Can Change the World from within (2874)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Fausto Savoldi (Italy):
Surveyor: The Italian Model (2728)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Pierre Bibollet, Mr. Rafic Khouri and Mr. Michel Patrick Lagoutte (France):
The French Surveyors: the Evolution of Their Activities and Its Impact on Training (3150)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 361
TS 6D - Interactions between Land Valuations and Spatial Planning
Commission: 8 and 9
Chair: Mr. Isaac Boateng, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Ms. Ibimina Kakulu, United Kingdom

Prof. Frances Plimmer and Mr. Andrew McNab (United Kingdom):
Using Land Values to Fund Infrastructure: Will the Community Infrastructure Levy Work? (2743)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mr. Finn Kjćr Christensen (Denmark):
Does Changed Planning Cause Change in Property Value? (2911)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Rachelle Alterman (Israel):
Compensation Rights for Decline in Land Values Due to Planning Decisions: A Cross-National Perspective (3089)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Winrich Voss (Germany):
Valuation of Retail Locations and Pedestrian Flow Data (2899)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 359
TS 6E - Issues in Land Valuation
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA
Rapporteur: Mr. Henrik Roos, Sweden

Ms. Christina Gustafsson and Prof. Stellan Lundström (Sweden):
New Challenges for Valuers – Need for Extended Education (2854)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Heidi Falkenbach and Mr. Sami Kiehelä (Finland):
Development of the Public Real Estate Equity Investment Sector in Finland (2789)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ms. Ragnhild Jetlund (Norway):
Valuation of Real Estate that Is Bound by Site Leasehold and Subject to Regulation by the Ground Lease Act (tomtefesteloven) (2999)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 356
TS 6F - Posters Associated with Discussion Forum in TS 7F on Real Time GNSS CORS
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden

Mr. Doug Kinlyside, Mr. Thomas Yan and Mr. Simon McElroy (Australia):
SydNET - The CORS Network Creating the New Pillars of Position around Sydney, Australia (2873)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This poster has been presented by Mr. Craig Roberts (Australia).

Mr. Matthew Higgins (Australia):
SunPOZ: The RTK GNSS Network for Queensland Australia (2946)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Robert Sarib and Mr. Philip Verrall (Australia):
The GNSS CORS Cluster for the Northern Territory Australia (3005)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Michael Moore and Mr. Ryan Ruddick (Australia):
The Australian Regional GNSS Network (3007)
This poster has been presented by Jemma Picco (Australia).
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Bob Twilley and Mr. Gary Johnston (Australia):
AUSNET: A National Initiative Unifying Australian CORS Networks (3008)
This poster has been presented by Jemma Picco (Australia).
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Manoy Deo and Mr. Bob Twilley (Australia):
The South Pacific Regional GNSS Network (3009)
This poster has been presented by Jemma Picco (Australia).
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Young-Jin Lee, Dr. Hung-Kyu Lee, Mr. Chan-Oh Kwon and Mr. Jun-Ho Song (Republic of Korea):
Implementation of the New Korean Geocentric Datum and GPS CORS Management (2900)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Graeme Blick, Mr. Dave Collett and Mr. Nic Donnelly (New Zealand) and Mr. Aaron Jordan (Switzerland):
Future Development of the New Zealand GNSS Continuously Operating Reference System, PositioNZ (2723)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. António Afonso, Mr. Rui Teodoro and Dr. Virgilio Mendes (Portugal):
SERVIR: The Portuguese Army CORS Network for RTK (2961)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Dan Norin, Mr. Bo Jonsson and Mr. Peter Wiklund (Sweden):
SWEPOS and Its GNSS-based Positioning Services (2922)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Neil Weston and Dr. Giovanni Sella (USA):
National Geodetic Survey – National CORS Network (2787)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Allison Kealy and Mr. Martin Hale (Australia):
Towards a CORS Management Model: Results from an Australian Experience (2707)
This poster has been presented by Mr. Craig Roberts (Australia).
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 454
TS 6G - Real Estate Management Supported by GIS
Commission: 9 and 3
Chair: Mr. Dieter Kertscher, Germany

Dr. Piotr Cichociński (Poland):
Application of Advanced Topological Rules in the Process of Building Geographical Databases Supporting the Valuation of Real Estates (2878)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Ewa Dębińska (Poland):
Design and Implementation of Spatial Database for Traded Real Estate (2948)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Jad Jarroush and Dr. Kobi Zaid (Israel):
Universal Geo-Database Connector Interface Component (UG-CIC) for Virtual Web-Base GIS Server Essential for Real Estate Industry Uses (2953)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 351
TS 6H - Education Case Studies I
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. Liza Groenendijk, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Leif Eidenstedt, Sweden

Ms. Marina Vaskovich (Belarus):
Land Administration Education in Belarus: Past, Present and Future (2923)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. habil Janus Strauhmanis (Latvia):
Practical Training in Geomatics Studies in Latvia (2652)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Arve Leiknes (Norway):
Education in Land Administration and Surveying in Bergen University College, Norway (3024)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Harald Sternberg and Mr. Christoph Krebs (Germany):
New Perspectives for Geomatics Bachelor and Master Education at the HafenCity University, Hamburg (2972)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Odil Akbarov (Uzbekistan):
Development of Modern Land Management Education in Uzbekistan (3092)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Steven Frank (USA):
Learning Outcomes Assessment – Setting and Measuring Goals (2718)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 451
TS 6I - GIS Algorithms and Techniques
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis, Greece
Rapporteur: Prof. Miodrag Roić, Croatia

Mr. Nir Dolev, Dr. Yaron Kanza and Prof. Yerach Doytsher (Israel):
Efficient Orienteering-Route Search over Uncertain Spatial Datasets (2969)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Johanna Runarson and Ms. Lisa Samuelsson (Sweden):
Status of GIS-use in Sweden, A Unique National Survey (3021)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Yury Huryeu and Mr. Uladzimir Padshyvalau (Belarus):
How to Create the Best Suitable Map Projection (2937)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Khaled Nabbout (Lebanon):
Terrestrial Laser Scan Applications in Urban Planning (3135)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 458
TS 6J - Project Management – Open Session
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Richard A. Hucker, MBE, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Andrew Morley, United Kingdom

Open Session on Project Management.

Mr. Richard A. Hucker, United Kingdom:
Learning is Involvement (3172)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 358
TS 6K – Traceability and Data Processing
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Prof. Alojz Kopáčik, Chair of FIG Commission 6, Slovakia

Mr. Christian Manthe, Mr. Andy Meyer and Dr. Frank Gieldorf (Germany):
Geometric Calibration of Acoustic Camera Star48 Array (2813)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Gozde Akay and Dr. Haluk Ozener (Turkey):
Investigation of the Displacements from 1941 to 2007 Using Terrestrial and GPS Measurements along the Western Part of North Anatolian Fault in Marmara Region (2773)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
18 June
Norra Latin

TS 7A - Informal Settlements – Managing the Issues
Commission: 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Prof. Michael Barry, Canada
Rapporteur: Dr. Khaled Nabbout, Germany

This session is recommended to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Dr. Chryssy Potsiou (Greece):
Spatial Information Management toward Integration of Informal Urban Development Concerning Legal and Environmental Aspects (3034)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Peter Rabley and Mr. Craig Deroy (USA), Mr. Samuel Aboah (Ghana) and Mr. Nigel Edmead (United Kingdom):
A Paradigm Shift: Leveraging Paralegal Title for the Benefit of the Developing World and the Surveyors Who Map It (2721)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Manya Mooya and Prof. Chris Cloete  (South Africa):
Land Tenure and Urban Poverty Alleviation: Theory, Evidence and New Directions (2757)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Emmanuel Tembo (Botswana):
Chiefdoms and Rural Land Management (3119)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 456

TS 7B - Administration of Land Tenure
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Mats Backman, Sweden
Rapporteur: Ms. Eleni Tzortzioti, Greece

This session is recommended to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Jouni Anttonen (Finland):
Systematic Registration of One Million Parcels in Five Years: Developing a Successful Modern Cadastre the Cambodian Way (3004)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Rizqi Abdulharis, Mr. Kurdinanto Sarah, Mr. Andri Hernandi and Mr. Muhammad Yamin (Indonesia):
Measuring the Necessity of Re-Engineering of Indonesian Land Tenure System by Customary Land Tenure System: The Case of Province of West Sumatera, Indonesia (2895)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Halil Ibrahim Inan and Dr. Tahsin Yomralioglu (Turkey), Dr. Peter van Oosterom and Dr. Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands):
On the Level of Cooperation between Agricultural and Cadastral Parcel Registration (2889)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Ms. Kholoud Saad (Egypt):
Egyptian Nationwide Title Cadastre System (3083)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 353
TS 7C - Issues and Techniques in Spatial Planning
Commission: 8
Chair: Ms. Ewa Svensson, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Thomas Nylund, Sweden

Mr. Ingegerd Hedmark and Mr. Per Fladvad (Sweden):
Coordination Speeds up the Development Planning Process (2928)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Frank Friesecke and Ms. Silja Lockemann (Germany):
Neighbourhood Improvement Districts in Germany – A New Form of Urban Governance for the Improvement of Residential Areas (3053)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Sevkiye Sence Turk and Mr. Esra Demircioglu (Turkey):
The Effects of Land Readjustment Method in Informal Settlements on the Ownership (3000)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 361
TS 7D - Land Valuation Case Studies I
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Henning Elmstrom, Denmark
Rapporteur: Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, Finland

Mr. Hĺvard Steinsholt (Norway):
Setting Capitalisation Rate Right; Discussions and Decisions of Norwegian Expropriation Courts (2990)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Krystyna Czarnecka (Poland):
Real Estate Market Trends in Poland (3017)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Dieter Kertscher (Germany):
Derivation of Standard Ground Values from Business Rents (2903)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Joanna Klajn (Poland):
The Industrial Real Estate Market in Krakow and Appraising the Market Value of Industrial Properties (2947)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Mouaiad Al-Omari (United Kingdom):
The Role of Reliable Land Valuations in Land Management and Land Administration Systems Efficiency (2587)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is presented by Mr. Richard Grover (United Kingdom).

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 359
TS 7E - Cadastral Information – Case Studies
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Dr. Thomas Kalbro, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Gyula Iván, Hungary

Mr. Gunnar Blixt (Sweden):
Quality Improvements of the Cadastral Information in Sweden (2910)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Lars Erik Storgaard and Ms. Marianne Bengtson (Denmark):
Future Perspectives for a Multifunctional Use of the Digital Cadastral Map in the Public Sector of Denmark (2998)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Jaroslaw Bydlosz and Dr. Piotr Parzych (Poland):
The Cadastral Geodatabase Modelling in Poland, Applying Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools (2819)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Joseph Forrai, Mr. Yohanan Gavish, Ms. Larisa Voznesensky and Mr. Amir Bar Maor (Israel):
Development of an Advanced Cadastral Management System at the Survey of Israel (2704)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Marcin Karabin (Poland):
Implementing a Cadastre in Internet in Poland (2759)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 356

TS 7F - Discussion Forum on Real Time GNSS CORS (Related to Special Poster Session TS 6F)
Commission: 5
Facilitators: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Chair of FIG Commission 5 (Germany) and Prof. Chris Rizos, Vice President of IAG (Australia)
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Joint Session - FIG Commission 5 - Position and Measurement and IAG Commission 4 - Positioning and Applications

This is an open forum to all Real Time GNSS CORS users and providers. The session will review the issues outlined during the technical session TS 6F “Posters Associated with Discussion Forum on Real Time GNSS CORS” and will be seeking active participation and suggestions from delegates on how these issues can be resolved.

Invited presenters: Mr. Mikael Lilje (Chair, FIG Working Group 5.2, Sweden) and Dr. Sandra Verhagen (Chair, IAG Commission 4, Netherlands) will be providing overview presentations to invite discussion on the issues.

Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden:
Overview Presentation on Real Time GNSS CORS (3165)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 454
TS 7G - Standards
Commission: 1
Chair: Mr. Iain Greenway, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Dr. Patrik Ottoson, Sweden

Mr. Leiv Bjarte Mjoes (Norway):
Certification of Surveyors in Norway (2812)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Brian J. Coutts (New Zealand):
A Standards Model – Academic, Technical, Professional - that Works in New Zealand (2887)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Kwame Tenadu Snr and Mr. Stephen Djaba (Ghana):
Standards and Quality Assurance; A Need for the Professional Land Surveyor in Implementing the Land Administration Project (LAP) of Ghana (3081)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Agnieszka Zwirowicz (Poland):
Concept of the Monitoring System for Commune Land Management According to the ISO Series 19100 Standards (2926)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Valentina Sagris, Mr. Wim Devos and Mr. Simon Kay (Italy) and Mr. Pavel Milenov (Bulgaria):
New Evidence of Land Management in the Frame of Common Agricultural Policy: Needs for Standardization (2853)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 351
TS 7H - Education Case Studies II
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. Steven Frank, USA
Rapporteur: Dr. habil Janus Strauhmanis, Latvia

Dr. Murat Meha (Kosovo UNMIK):
Perspective of Education in Geodesy in Kosova (2715)
This paper has not been presented orally at the conference.
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Varazdat Hovhannisyan and Dr. Sargis Stepanyan (Armenia):
Higher Education in Real Estate Economics and Management in Armenia (2818)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Branko Bosic and Ms. Marija Raskovic (Serbia):
New Master Study Programme in Land Law and Economy at the Faculty of Civil Engineering the University of Belgrade (2765)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Nicolae Tsurcanu, Ms. Mariana Bejenaru and Dr. Alla Levitskaia (Republic of Moldova):
New Master Program in Real Estate Economics in Moldova: Achievements and Problems in Connections to Bologna Process Implementation (2825)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. David Mitchell (Australia) and Prof. Stig Enemark (Denmark):
Land Administration and Management in South East Asia – Considering the Role of Higher Education (2864)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 451
TS 7I - GIS Applications in Turkey
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Ozam Emem, Turkey
Rapporteur: Ms. Kerstin Hegner, Sweden

Mr. Omur Esen, Dr. Ismail Bulen Gundogdu and Mr. Fatih Sari (Turkey):
The Use of Geographical Information Systems in Historic and Cultural Places Case Study: Town of Side (2916)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Omur Esen, Dr. Ismail Bulen Gundogdu and Mr. Fatih Sari (Turkey):
The Establishment of a Tourism Information System by Theory of Constraint (ToC) (2917)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Umut Gunes Sefercik, Mr. Murat Oruc and Dr. Mehmet Alkan (Turkey):
Adaptation of High Resolution IKONOS Images to Google Earth for Zonguldak Test Field (2971)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Ozlem Simav and Dr. Dursun Zafer Seker (Turkey):
Adaptation of Turkish Geographical Database at the 1:1 Million Scale to European Geographical Database and Publishing on the Internet/Intranet Environment (2980)
This paper has been presented by Mr. Ozan Emem (Turkey).
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Fatmagül Batuk, Mr. Ozan Emem and Mr. Tolga Gorum (Turkey):
Implementation of GIS for Landforms of Southern Marmara (3030)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 458
TS 7J - Construction Economics – Issues for the Profession
Commission: 10
Chair: Dr. Maria Ulfvarson Östlund, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Andrew Morley, United Kingdom

Mr. Richard A. Hucker (United Kingdom):
Planning and Managing the Recruitment and Retention of Construction Surveyors (2806)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Leonie Newnham (Australia):
How to Stop Knowledge Walking Out the Door with the Team When a Project Is Completed! (2881)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Geoffrey Schmitt  (United Kingdom):
The Changing Face of Dispute Resolution (3074)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Martin Wright (Switzerland) and Dr. Christian Stoy (Germany):
The CEEC Code for Cost Planning: Introduction and Practical Application  (3056)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 452
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 4 and 8
18 June
Norra Latin
Coffee Break
18 June
Norra Latin
Room 463
FIG Foundation Meeting
  • by invitation only
18 June
Norra Latin

TS 8A - Informal Settlements – Mechanism to Avoid
Commission: 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3, Greece
Rapporteur: Dr. Leif Norell, Sweden

This session is recommended to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Prof. Stig Enemark (Denmark) and Mr. Robin McLaren (United Kingdom):
Preventing Informal Urban Development - Through Means of Sustainable Land Use Control (2734)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Mwenda Makathimo and Dr. Margaret Gachuru (Kenya):
An Investigation into Challenges of Lack of Policy Guidelines for Creation and Operation of Housing Partnerships (2696)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Ms. Marilena Theodorou (Cyprus) and Dr. Chryssy Potsiou (Greece):
Land Management Procedures and Informal Constructions in Cyprus (3029)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Ms. Karin Haldrup (Denmark):
Up-scaling Strategies for Strengthening of Women’s Land Rights (2991)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 456
TS 8B - Spatial Planning and Regeneration Issues – Case Studies
Commission: 8, 3 and 7
Chair: Ms. Helen Murray, Ireland
Rapporteur: Mr. Makis Apostolatos, Greece

Dr. Maria Ulfvarson Östlund (Sweden):
Measures to Change the Swedish Planning and Building Legislation and Its Application (2976)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Richard Grover (United Kingdom), Ms. Vasilisa Platonova and Prof. Mikhail Soloviev (Russian Federation):
Mineral and Social Regulations in the Far North Regions: a Comparative Analysis (2942)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Katarzyna Sobolewska-Mikulska (Poland):
Methodology of Implementation of the Project Concerning Development of Rural Areas Using the Example of Mielnik Site (2893)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 353
TS 8C - Land Consolidation
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair: Dr. Iz H. Baki, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Dr. Ing. Adrianna Pulecka, Poland

Ms. Seija Kotilainen and Mr. Heikki Seppänen (Finland):
Implementation of Customer Orientated Approach in Land Rearrangement Activities (Land Consolidation) Changes Professional Abilities of Surveyors (2770)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Christian Aunsborg and Mr. Michael Tophřj Soerensen (Denmark):
Planning and Implementation of Urban Regeneration - The Adequacy of the Statutory Toolbox Available to Practice (2988)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dr. Tayfun Cay and Mr. Fatih Iscan (Turkey):
A New Land Reallocation Model for Land Consolidation (2925)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Turgut Ayten, Mr. Sebahattin Akkus, Mr. Hasan Cagla, Mr. Fuat Basciftci and Mr. Seyit Ali Yilmaz (Turkey):
Problems Occurred from Block Planning and the Lack of Coordination between the Institutions in Land Consolidation Projects (2810)
This paper has been presented by Mr. Fatih Iscan (Turkey).
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 361

TS 8D - Land Valuation Case Studies II
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Hĺvard Steinsholt, Norway

This session is recommended to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Weidong Qu (People’s Republic of China):
Research on Property and Market Rating in China Based on Basel II (2801)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Dr. J. P. Tamtomo and Mr. Virgo Eresta Yaya (Indonesia), Mr. Olof Färnkvist and Mr. Henrik Roos (Sweden):
Land Valuation Survey in Indonesia (2875)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]
This paper is recommended as a background paper to participants of the FIG/UN-HABITAT Seminar “Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing”.

Mr. Risto Peltola (Finland): Development Land Markets and Development Gain – Stylized Facts from a Nordic Country (3157)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Prof. Kauko Viitanen (Finland):
A Complicated Compulsory Transaction Case from Finland (3141)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 359
TS 8E - Natural Disaster Management
Commission: 8
Chair: Prof. Theo Kötter, Germany
Rapporteur: Ms. Monica Lagerqvist-Nilsson, Sweden

Prof. Theo Kötter, Sophie Schetke and Benedikt Frielinghaus (Germany):
Assessment of Sustainable Land Use within the Town Planning Process – Experiences with a Multi Criteria Approach (3106)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Chima Ogba and Dr. Pius Utang (Nigeria):
Integrated Approach to Urban Flood Adaptation in the Niger Delta Coast of Nigeria (2736)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Anna-Karin Lang and Mr. Lars Jansson (Sweden):
Cadastral Surveying as a Means for Restricting the Impact of Natural Disasters (2749)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Hulya Demir, Ms. Fatmagul Batuk, Mr. Ozan Emem and Ms. Betul Sengezer (Turkey):
The Relations between Earthquake and Planning for Istanbul (3027)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 356

TS 8F - New Positioning Techniques Forum
Commission: 5
Facilitators: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Chair of FIG Commission 5 (Germany) and Prof. Chris Rizos, Vice President of IAG (Australia)
Rapporteur: Mr. David Martin, France

Joint Session - FIG Commission 5 - Position and Measurement and IAG Commission 4 - Positioning and Applications

This is an open forum to all delegates interested in new positioning techniques such as “AGPS, LBS, WIFI, RFID”. The session will also include presentations from tele-communication companies involved with positioning, review of the new FIG working groups progress, and an IAG perspective on this technology.

Invited presentations:

Dr. Volker Schwieger, Chair, FIG WG 5.4 (Germany):
New Positioning Techniques - FIG Commission 5 Special Study Group (3156)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Sandra Verhagen, President IAG Commission 4 - Positioning and Applications (the Netherlands):
New Positioning Techniques – IAG’s Perspective (3166)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Lauri Wirola, Nokia Devices R&D (Finland):
High-accuracy Positioning for the Mass Market (3167)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 454
TS 8G - Construction Economics – Case Studies
Commission: 10 and 8
Chair: Mr. Andrew Morley, Chair of FIG Commission 10, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Geoff Schmitt, United Kingdom

Mr. Mike Sutton (United Kingdom):
A Criminal Waste - The Organised Crime Involvement in the UK Muckaway and Disposal Process (3045)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Yoav Coller and Mr. Moshe Gilai (Israel):
Registration of Land Rights - The Importance of the Surveyor and the Advantages to the Economy (2877)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Howard Klein (United Kingdom):
Somewhere in Time - Securing and Protecting your Contractual Rights (3086)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 351
TS 8H - GIS in Environmental Management
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Rob Mahoney, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Ulf Sandgren, Sweden

Dr. Dursun Zafer Seker, Dr. Nuket Sivri, Mr. Erdem Ozer, Mr. Emin Mentese and Mr. Ismail Kara (Turkey):
Investigating of Water Practices and Savings in Istanbul by Means of GIS (2982)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Alexey Olshevsky (Belarus):
Use GIS for Estimation of Agricultural Suitability of the Lands (on an Example of the Agricultural Organization) (2703)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Ali Darvishsefat, Mr. Abolfazi Khosravi and Mr. Alireza Borzui (Islamic Republic of Iran):
The Concept of the National Atlas of Protected Areas of Iran and Its Realization (2766)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 451
TS 8I – Case Studies in Land Administration II
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Thomas Nylund, Sweden

Mr. Melkamu Belachew Moges (Ethiopia):
The Need for Modern Real Estate Management in Urban Ethiopia: The Case of Bahir Dar (2608)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Dr. Mehmet Alkan and Mr. Eray Can (Turkey):
Comparing Turkish Land Registry and Cadastre System With Other European Union (EU) Countries’ System in the Context of EU Accession of Turkey (2836)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

18 June
Norra Latin
Room 357
Meeting for Young Surveyors
Chair: Ms. Cecilia Lindén, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Roman Pieczka, Poland

Mr. Peter Normann Hansen (Denmark):
The Importance of Networking (3168)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Ms. Christina Gustafsson and Ms. Frida Karlsson (Sweden):
A Mentor Programme in Sweden (3169)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Mr. Christian Tufvesson (Sweden):
Working Experience in Australia (3170)
[abstract] [paper] [slides]

Thursday, 19 June 2008
19 June
Norra Latin
Room 357
Presidents’ Meeting
  • for Presidents of Member Associations
  • by invitation only
19 June
SLF Office
Vasagatan 52, 4th Floor
Room I
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 9 WG 9.2, WG9.4 and WG9.5 Meetings
  • Open meeting of Commission 9 Working Groups WG 9.2 - Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing; WG 9.4 – Review of Valuation Methods and Standards Worldwide; and WG 9.5 – GIS-analyses in Real Estate Market Analyses and Valuation
19 June
SLF Office
Vasagatan 52, 4th Floor
Room II
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 5 Steering Committee Meeting II
  • by invitation only
19 June
Norra Latin
Coffee Break
19 June
Norra Latin
General Assembly – Second Session
  • for FIG members
  • open for observers
19 June
19 June
Norra Latin
Closing Ceremony
Moderator: Mr. Lars Jansson, Deputy Director General, Swedish National Land Survey
  • Report on the Working Week 2008
    Mr. Svante Astermo, Chair of the Local Organising Committee
    [abstract] [paper] [slides]
  • Closing Address and Summary of the Working Week (3171)
    Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President
    [abstract] [paper] [slides]
  • Appreciation to FIG Working Week 2008 Organising Committee
    Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President
  • FIG Fanfare
  • Closing of the Working Week 2008

Dress code: Smart casual

19 June
Norra Latin
Aulan and Foyer

Farewell Reception
  • sponsored by FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney
© International Federation of Surveyors, FIG 2008