UN-GGIM Geospatial Societies

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Terms of Reference

Mission Statement

The purpose of UN-GGIM-Geospatial Societies is to support the work of the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM).

Where possible it provides a collective and unified voice at the international level regarding geospatial affairs, especially to the United Nations and other global geospatial information stakeholders and assists in the coordination of relevant activities between the organisations.


The UN-GGIM-GS is a coalition of the Presidents, Secretaries-General or equivalent office bearers or their nominees, that lead recognised international organisations involved in the coordination, development, management, standardisation or regulation of geospatial information and related matters.

The UN-GGIM-GS may either invite representatives of relevant organisations to join or an appropriate person form a qualifying organisation can be accepted based upon their application. Any new member organisation must be a recognised international organisation. Membership of UN-GGIM-GS places no obligations on the organisations that members represent. There are no membership fees, and members are expected to bear their own costs.

The members of the UN-GGIM-GS currently are: IEEE-GRSS, IAG, ICA, FIG, IGU, IMIA, ISDE and, ISPRS.


The UN-GGIM-GS has a Chair who is elected annually by the representatives. When there is more than one candidate for the position of chair a secret vote will be held. The position of chair may be held for a maximum of 3 years.

The Chair may speak on behalf of the UN-GGIM-GS on those matters on which they have consulted with the members and particularly with those organisations who may be affected.

It is the sole responsibility of each member to highlight their need to gain approval or endorsement of their parent organisations on decisions or actions of the UN-GGIM-GS.

Each member of the UN-GGIM-GS may choose to be accompanied at meetings by a maximum of one appropriate colleague. The member will inform the chair in advance of the meetings of the name and position of anyone accompanying them.

Decisions will normally be achieved by consensus. When a vote is necessary decisions require a majority of the votes of members present. People accompanying members have no vote.

The names of members, and the organisations in which they hold the position which entitles them to membership, together with that title, shall be published on the UN-GGIM-GS web pages.

The UN-GGIM-GS has a permanent address which is the office of FIG. FIG will also be responsible for the publication of minutes of the meetings, administration and a web presence.


The UN-GGMIS-GS will meet at least once each year. Wherever possible the meeting will be in the same week and venue as the annual meeting of the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM).

Additional meetings will coincide with a conference or other meeting of one or more of the organisations  The host of the meeting shall decide whether participants may be allowed free registration to any associated event. Wherever possible, free registration should be offered to at least each member of the UN-GGIM-GS.

The working language of meetings is English.

Ad hoc Committees

The UN-GGIM-GS may establish ad hoc committees for certain projects and important topics of common interest. These committees shall have clear goals and be established for a limited time period. Each member of the UN-GGIM-GS may designate an appropriately qualified or experienced person as a member of an ad hoc committee


The UN-GGIM-GS has approved a new logo in 2017. Permission for the use should be applied from the UN-GGIM-GS. Unauthorised use of the logo is strictly forbidden.


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This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 19-12-19.