UN-GGIM Geospatial Societies

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On this page only some meetings are listed. For a full list of meetings please check the web sites of the members of the JBGIS



22-25 October 2024, Perth, Australia

ISPRS TC IV Mid-term Symposium on ‘Spatial Information to Empower the Metaverse’ Website: https://www.isprs.org/tc4-symposium2024/index.html

4-8 November 2024, Belém, Brazil
ISPRS TC III Mid-term Symposium on ‘Beyond the Canopy: Technologies and Applications of Remote Sensing’
Website: https://selperbrasil.org.br/evento/simposio-da-comissao-iii-da-isprs-belem-para-brasil/

14-16 November 2024, Kathmandu Nepal

FIG Regional conference : Climate Responsive Land Governance and Disaster Resilience: Safeguarding Land Rights



6-10 April 2025, Brisbane, Australia
FIG Working Week 2025

1-5 September 2025, Rimini Italy
IAG Scientific Assembly 2025
Website: https://eventi.unibo.it/iag2025

13-16 October 2025, Brisbane, Australia
the International Data Week Conference, 
https://internationaldataweek.org/idw-2025/ -


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This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 24-09-12.