
Technical Programme and Proceedings

6th FIG Regional Conference
12-15 November 2007, San José, Costa Rica

ISSN: 2308-3433

Organised by:
 International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)


Technical programme as a .pdf file

Saturday, 10 November 2007
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Venue: Gardenias Salon, Hotel Ramada Plaza Herradura
FIG Council Meeting
  • By invitation only
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Gardenias Salon, Hotel Ramada Plaza Herradura
ACCO Meeting
  • By invitation only
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Venue: Girasol Salon, Hotel Ramada Plaza Herradura

Pre-Conference Seminar sponsored by Trimble

This seminar will demonstrate Trimble positioning technologies and show how they allow surveying businesses to manage the exchange of data between the field and the office more effectively
[paper] [slides]
Monday, 12 November 2007
Monday, 12 November 2007
Venue:  Salon La Paz
Opening Ceremony
Commissions: All
  • Greetings by Ing Freddy Bolaños, Representing the Executive Director of CFIA
  • Address by Ing Juan Manuel Castro Alfaro, President of CFIA/CIT
  • [paper]
  • Adress by Prof Stig Enemark, FIG President
    [paper] [slides]
  • Address by the Costa Rican Minister of Housing Mr Fernando Zumbado
  • FIG Fanfare
  • Opening of the 6th FIG Regional Conference
  • End of the Opening Ceremony
Monday, 12 November 2007
Venue:  Vestibulo Norte
Coffee Break
Monday, 12 November 2007
Venue: Salon La Paz
Plenary Session I – Coastal Zone Management
Commission: All
Chair: Mr Rob Mahoney (United Kingdom)

Mr Alexander Gonzalez (Costa Rica)
The Handling of the Zona Marítimo Terrestre (ZMT) of Costa Rica
Geodesy, Basic Tool for its Suitable Administration (2569)
[paper] [slides]

Dr Diane D. Dumashie (UK)
Land, Sea, and People: Equitable Access to Coastal Resources (2484)
[paper] [slides]

Dr Michael Sutherland (Trinidad and Tobago)
Coastal Zone Management as Strategy for Pro-poor Land Management and Administration (2510)
[paper] [slides]

Monday, 12 November 2007
Venue: Vestibulo Sur
Monday, 12 November 2007
Salon La Paz B Oeste
TS 1 – Coastal Zone Management
Commission: 3, 4, 7, 8
Dr Michael Sutherland (Trinidad and Tobago)

Mr Teo Chee Hai (Malaysia):
Surveys for Shoreline Monitoring Programme (2402)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Christodoulos Psaltis and Dr Charalabos Ioannidis (Greece):
An Algorithm for Monitoring Informal Constructions - An Application in Coastal Areas (2441)
[paper] [slides]

Monday, 12 November 2007
Salon La Paz B Este
TS 2 – GNSS CORS Fundamentals
Commission: 5
: Dr Rudolf Staiger (Germany)

Dr-Ing Volker Schwieger (Germany):
GNSS CORS Infrastructure and General Principles (2477)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Mikael Lilje (Sweden) and Mr Rob Sarib (Australia):
Linking GNSS, CORS and Reference Frames (2466)
[paper] [slides]

Mr David Martin (France):
Standards and Best Practice for GNSS and CORS (2467)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Matt Higgins (Australia):
GNSS, CORS and Positioning Infrastructure - Business and the Future (2468)
[paper] [slides]

Monday, 12 November 2007
Salon La Paz B Oeste
TS 3 – GIS Applications
Commission: 3
Chair: Ms Kari Strande (Norway)

Mrs Luz Angela Rocha (Colombia):
Guidelines for Designing WEB Maps. An Academic Experience (2406)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Michael Edwards, Ms Margaret Winslow and Dr Reginald Blake, (United States):
Evaluating Pine Barren Ecosystem with the Integration of Optical Remote Sensing and GIS (2394). This paper was not presented during the conference.
[paper] [slides]

Monday, 12 November 2007
Vestibulo Norte
Coffee Break
Monday, 12 November
Salon La Paz
TS 4 – Workshop on Pro-Poor CZM – Preparation of FIG Publication
Commission: 3, 4, 7, 8
Chair: Mr Rob Mahoney (United Kingdom)
Monday, 12 November
Salon La Paz B Oeste
TS 5 - Operational GNSS and CORS Infrastructure
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr Volker Schwieger (Germany)

Ms Sonia Maria Alves Costa, (Brazil):
SIRGAS Operations and the Regional LOCAL CORS Network Scene (2520)
[paper] [slides]

Prof Cárdenas Contreras Andrés, Ing Raul Ernesto Martinez Cano and Ing Jorge Ivan Ramirez Sanabria (Colombia):
Control Geodesico y Sig de un Tramo del Sistema Ferroviario de Colombia (2430)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Dave Doyle (USA):
Improved Access to an Accurate Geodetic Reference Frame in the Caribbean/Center America Region (2470)
[paper] [slides]

Dr Neil Weston (USA):
NGS and OPUS Activities (2471)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Neal Toso (United States):
Overview of Various GNSS CORS Networks (2479)
[paper] [slides]

Monday, 12 November
Salon La Paz C Oeste (West)
TS 6 – Land Administration
Commission: 7
Mr Murat Meha (Kosovo)



Monday 12 November
Venue: CFIA Auditorium (bus transfer)
Welcome Reception
Commission: All
Dress Code: Casual
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz
Plenary Session II – Land Administration
Commission: All
Chair: Dr Chryssy Potsiou (Greece)

Mr Daniel Acuña Ortega (Costa Rica)
From the Inscription of Planes to the Land Administration in Costa Rica a Relation between the Exercise of the Topography and the Administration of the Territory in Costa Rica (2555)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Francisco J. Proenza (Italy)
Information Systems and Land Administration (2504)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Grenville Barnes (USA)
Developing Resilient and Responsive Land Administration Systems in Latin America (2486)
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Vestibulo Norte
Coffee Break
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz
TS 7 - World Bank Projects in Latin America
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr Grenville Barnes (USA)

Ing Hector Alvarado (Guatemala):
The New University Land Administration Study Program in Guatemala: Advances and Perspectives (2438)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Malcolm Childress
World Bank Land Administration Projects in Latin America
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz C B Oeste (West)
TS 08 – Positioning and Measurement
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr Rob Sarib (Australia)

Dr Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Positioning within the GSM Network (2407)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Carlos Rodriguez (Puerto Rico):
Virtual Machines for GPS Real Time Networks (2393)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Joe Sass (United States):
Low Cost, High Accuracy, GNSS Survey & Mapping (2426)
[paper] [slides]

Dr Ivo Milev (Germany)
DGNSS Based Multisensor Navigator for Railway State Monitoring (2523)
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz C Este
TS 09 – Natural Resources and Risk Management
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr Andrew Morley (United Kingdom)

Prof Linda L. Vélez-Rodríguez (Puerto Rico):
Tidal Stations and Bench Marks: Tools for Spatial Information Managements (2399)
[paper] [slides]

Mrs Judith Salas-Miranda and Mrs Angelica Ladino-Parra (Colombia):
Desarrollo conceptual y metodológico de un sistema de información geográfica para el ordenamiento territorial nacional (2513)
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Vestibulo Sur
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz B Oeste
TS 10 – Sustainability in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr Charisse Griffith-Charles (Trinidad And Tobago)

Dr Charisse Griffith-Charles (Trinidad And Tobago):
The Relative Efficacy of Deed and Title Registration Procedures for Facilitating Land Transactions (2444)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Mathias Lemmens, Mr Christiaan Lemmen and Mr Martin Wubbe (The Netherlands)
Pictometry: Potentials for Land Administration (2521)
[paper] [slides]

Mr András Osskó (Hungary):
Questions on Sustainable Land Administration (2416)
This paper was not presented during the conference.
[paper] [slides]

Ms Lorena Romero Payes, Mr Marlon Bueso Campos, Mr Hugo Orellana Paz and Mr Marvin Turcios (Guatemala):
Fortalecimiento de las capacidades administrativas de asociaciones de productores en el manejo y prestación de servicios de irrigación en el valle de la fragua, Zacapa, Guatemala. 2007 (2443)
[paper] [slides]

Prof Murat Meha (Kosovo (UNMIK)):
A Review of Reconstruction of Cadastre Based on Pilot Projects in Kosova (2412)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Martin Wubbe and Prof Paul van der Molen (Netherlands)
E-Government and E-Land Administration - As an Example: The Netherlands (2480)
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz B Este
TS 11 – Spatial Data Infrastructure
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr Chryssy Potsiou (Greece)

Ms Kari Strande (Norway)
eNorway and Norway Digital as Tools in Good Governance, Risk and Environment Management (2493)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Jan van Hemert (Netherlands):
The Development of a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (N.S.D.I.) in General and especially in Costa Rica (2425)
[paper] [slides]

Mrs Luz Angela Rocha (Colombia):
The Academic Role on a SDI in a Local Level (2405)
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz C Oeste
TS 12 – Good Governance in Land Development
Commission: 7, 8
Chair: Mr Leiv Bjarte Mjøs (Norway)

Mr Ricardo Lozano Botache (Colombia):
Factores que inciden en el precio de las tierras de uso agricola  (2400)
[paper] [slides]

Mrs Iyenemi Ibimina Kakulu (Nigeria):
Distortion of Land Value Trends and Growth Patterns in Rural Communities in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria (2461)
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Vestibulo Norte
Coffee Break
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz B Oeste
TS 13 – Administering Marine Spaces
Commission: 4, 7
Chair: Mr Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom)

Ms Miriam Miranda, Mr Daniel Acuña and Mr Alexander González (Costa Rica):
Programa de Regularización de Catastro y Registro: Instrumentos para la Regularización de la zona marítimo terrestre en Costa Rica (2453)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Bob Foster  and Mr Stephen Mague (United States):
Where's the Shoreline? Sources of Historical and Contemporary High Water Position Developed in the context of Massachusetts coastal regulations (2413)
[paper] [slides]

Dr George Cole (United States):
Delineation of Coastal Boundaries Using Tidal Datums (2415)
[paper] [slides]

Dr Michael Sutherland (Trinidad and Tobago)
International Issues in Administering Marine Spaces (2512)
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz B Este
TS 14 – Curriculum Development
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof Pedro Cavero (Spain)

Mr Jonathan Regehr, Mr Garreth Rempel and Mr Bjorn Radstrom (Canada), Dr Rafael Murillo M. (Costa Rica), Mr Jorge Arango (Colombia) and Dr Jeannette Montufar (Canada):
Building Advanced Spatial Thinking Capacity into Transportation Engineering Education and Research (2429)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Mehmet Zeki Coskun (Turkey):
Surveying Education in ITU (Istanbul Technical University) and Comparison with USA Universities (2454)
[paper] [slides]

Dr. Böder Volker and Dr Delf Egge (Germany)
Hydrographic Education (Category A) at the Newly Founded HafenCity University, Hamburg (HCU) (2464)
[paper] [slides]

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Salon La Paz C Oeste
TS 15 – Empowerment of the Poor
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr Martin Wubbe (The Netherlands)


Tuesday 13 November 2007
Pueblo Antiguo Old Town – (bus transfer)
Costa Rican Cultural Evening
Commission: All
Dress Code: Casual
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Salon La Paz
Plenary Session III – Capacity Building
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. Ken Allred (Canada)

Mr. Daniel Hernandez (Costa Rica):
Developing of curriculum of Surveying in Costa Rica
Formation, Accreditation, and Professionel Certification (2572)
[paper] [slides]

Prof Pedro Cavero (Spain)
Curriculum Development in Latin America
[paper] [slides]

Wednesday, 14 Nov.
Vestibulo Norte
Coffee Break
Wednesday, 14 Nov.
Salon La Paz B Oeste
TS 16 – Capacity Building in LAS
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof Pedro Cavero (Spain)

Ms Gloria Rudas-Cuellar (Panama)
El Programa Nacional de Tierras de Panamà – Una Experiencia
[paper] [slides]
Wednesday, 14 Nov.
Salon La Paz B Este
TS 17 – Development of the Profession
Commission: 1
Chair: Mr Matt Higgins, Australia

Mr Ken Allred (Canada):
The Surveying Profession (2500)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Teo Chee Hai (Malaysia):
Changing the Game: Sustaining the Profession (2401)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Casey Brennan and Ms Erika Wilson (United States):
NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey’s Efforts and Opportunities in the Field of Training and Education (2414)
[paper] [slides]

Wednesday, 14 Nov.
Salon La Paz C Oeste
TS 18 – Land Development
Commission: 8, 9
Chair: Prof Kauko Viitanen (Finland)

Wednesday, 14 Nov.
Vestibulo Sur
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Salon La Paz
TS 19 – Education Workshop
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Pedro Cavero (Spain)

Workshop discussing key educational issues in the region
Wednesday, 16 May 2007 14:00-15:30
Salon La Paz B Oeste
TS 20 – Environmental Monitoring
Commission: 3, 8
Chair: Mr Makis Apostolatos (Greece)

Wednesday, 14 Nov. 2007 14:00-15:30
Salon La Paz B Este
TS 21 – Economic Benefits of Hydrography
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr Andrew Leyzack (Canada) [introduction]

Mr Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom):
The Economic Benefits of Hydrography and Ocean Mapping (2452)
[paper] [slides]

Mr Serge Lévesque and Mr Alexis Cardenas (Canada):
Marine Geospatial Software: Generating Economic Benefits from Hydrographic Data and its Management (2445)
[paper] [slides]

Capt Hugo Gorziglia (Monaco):
The Value of Hydrographic Information and its Influence (2522)
[paper] [slides]

Wednesday, 14 Nov. 2007
Vestibulo Norte
Coffee Break
14 Nov. 2007
Salon La Paz
Closing Ceremony
Commissions: All
  • Report on the Regional Conference 2007 by Arq Eugenia Morales, Sub Director CFIA
  • Closing Remarks by Ing Juan Manuel Castro Alfaro, President of CFIA/CIT
  • Closing Address and Summary of the Regional Conference by Prof Stig Enemark, FIG President
  • Appreciation to the 6th FIG Regional Conference by Prof Stig Enemark, FIG President
  • FIG Fanfare
  • Closing of the Regional Conference 2007
Wednesday, 14 Nov. 2007
Farewell Dinner at the Ramada Herradura Hotel
Dress Code: Business Suit
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Thursday, 15 Nov. 2007
Meeting Point: Lobby Hotel Ramada Plaza Herradura at 8:15
Technical and Social Tour to Poás Volcano, lunch at Colinas del Poás Restaurant, and Coffee Tour in Café Britt Coffee Plantation

Bus leaves at 8:30 so be precise!!
Recommandations: Light jacket, comfortable shoes, binoculars and camera

© International Federation of Surveors, FIG, 2007