FIG Peer Review Journal


Hazard Mapping Along the Dead Sea Shoreline (5037)

Rami Al Ruzouq, Abdullah Al Zoubi, Abdrahman Abueladas and Emad Akawwi (Jordan)
Dr. Rami Al Ruzouq
Associate Professor
AL-Balqa' Applied University
Amman Jordan alsalt
Corresponding author Dr. Rami Al Ruzouq (email: alruzouq[at], tel.: + 962 796761267)

[ abstract ] [ paper ] [ handouts ]

Published on the web 2011-03-16
Received 2010-11-22 / Accepted 2011-02-10
This paper is one of selection of papers published for the FIG Working Week 2011 in Marrakech, Morocco and has undergone the FIG Peer Review Process.

FIG Working Week 2011
ISBN 978-87-90907-92-1 ISSN 2307-4086


Dead Sea is located at the mid west part of Jordan and represents the lowest region of the world. This is a classical region in the course of geological and geophysical studies where topographic, geological and geomorphologic hazard maps should to be prepared covering various economical, environmental and industrial events of high potentials to occur in the near future. Geological and geomorphologic hazard that is developing in this region are affecting the roads, agriculture lands, and buildings foundations by probable collapses of the ground surface forming cracks of different sizes and depths. This study focus on investigating the hazard detection and mapping based on the development of the Sinkholes and subsidence over the study areas. Data from different sources and research areas that includes Photogrammetric art, Global Positioning System (GPS), Three Dimensional (3D) Geographic Information System (GIS) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has been integrated for hazard mapping. Photogrammetric adjustment procedures were used to create digital elevation model and Orth-Photo model for Ghoar Haditha area. GPS were used to build spatial network for the study area based on ground control point collections. Finally, a Geophysical technique (GPR) was used to explore the underlying structure of the studied area. For realistic representation of the study area, a three dimensional GIS were prepared for the study area. The system is designed to allow easy and flexible updating of the database, where efficient generation, visualization and interpretation of such special data were recognized.
Keywords: Photogrammetry; Digital cadastre; Engineering survey; Cost management; sinkhole; subsidence; orthophoto; GPR
