FIG Working Week 2000, 21-26 May, Prague

Strategic Plan for Prague

by Milan Turba

Key words: changes, strategic plan, priorities, implementation, partnership. 


1. Changing city

In the Czech Republic and its capital Prague, the political system, the administration of the state and city and the local government have completely changed, as well as ownership relations. The market economy has emerged, modifying the social structure and lifestyle of Prague's population. The world has rediscovered Prague after a half-century of isolation and the city is flooded with a wave of tourists. Prague has a very good rating, a very low level of unemployment and attracts not only businessmen and investors but also dynamic young people from East and West alike. It is an interesting partner for all who wish to develop their activities in a city of extraordinary beauty, capable and educated population and new opportunities.

On the other hand, Prague keeps suffering more and more from rapidly growing car traffic, obsolete infrastructure, street crime, rigid and still relatively inefficient administration. The city does not always effectively manage its assets and lacks finance for main infrastructural projects. The historical core of Prague resists commercial pressure and the rush of tourists and cars.

2. Strategic vision, aims and policies

Rebirth of democracy and transition from centrally planned to a free market economy has also demanded a new approach in planning and management of development of the city. Similar to other European cities, Prague also needs, besides a newly conceived land-use plan (adopted by Municipal Assembly in September 1999), a long-term programme document forming comprehensive, yet real conception of its future economic, social and spatial development under the new conditions - strategic plan. During last five years, the city was preparing a document of such type with considerable support of the British Know How Fund.

Prague Strategic Plan is an intercepting point of various views and interests. It arises out of dialogue of politicians, experts and the public and has a good chance to become an important instrument of city management, which formulates the aims of development of the city, determines policies in individual fields of its life and stipulates priorities and development programmes, necessary for its implementation.

Prague Strategic Plan is based upon the city’s strengths, especially its unique character, spiritual, intellectual and cultural tradition, quite exceptional natural and urban values, its economic and human potential, advantageous position in the heart of Europe, its good reputation and attraction it has for foreign visitors.

The vision of future Prague is a successful, prosperous and internationally recognised city, creative, friendly and safe, a city of equal opportunities and active citizens, a city of harmonious natural and urban environment, and a functioning city in view of having good quality and reliable transport and technical infrastructure as well as having efficient and helpful management of the city.

The strategic plan for Prague therefore focuses on five main topic areas - The city's economy, The quality of life, The quality of the environment, Transport and technical infrastructure and Management and administration - containing a system of mutually linked strategic directions, aims and policies.

The New City Council of Prague has chosen the concept of Prague’s Strategic Plan as the basis of their Programme Declaration for the electoral term from 1998 to 2002. In June 1999, Prague Municipal Assembly adopted the proposal of Prague’s strategic priorities, programs and projects for the years 1999 to 2006, charging all city authorities with further development and step-by-step implementation of the programme.

3. Priorities and implementation

These are Prague’s key strategic priorities:

  • A reliable transport friendly to municipal environment
  • Sustainable management of energy, water supply and other resources
  • Prague - the centre of innovation and skilled labour
  • Promotion of housing market and easy access to housing
  • Transition from monocentric to a polycentric city
  • Improved quality of city administration
  • Integration of Prague into the European structures

Prague’s Strategic Plan is not just a political proclamation, it is gradually becoming an important instrument of municipal management. It has become the basis for the Regional Operational Programme, based on which Prague will strive to gain support of its projects from the European Union funds. Prague’s strategic priorities were also considered in preparing of the city budget and capital investments for the year 2000.

The Prague community is entering the third millennium with a programme, which has been jointly prepared and adopted, by the city political representation, experts, private businesses and citizens.

Ph Dr. Milan Turba
Director for Strategic Planning
City Development Authority Prague
Hradčanské nám. 8
118 54 Praha 1
Tel. / Fax: + 420 2 2051 4642

This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 15-09-04.