Climate Change and Sustainable Cities: Major Challenges Facing Cities and Urban Settlements in the Coming DecadesDr. Mohamed EL-SIOUFI, Ph.D., Head, Shelter Branch,
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1) This paper has been presented as a keynote presentation at the XXIV FIG Congress in Sydney 11-16 April 2010 in the plenary session on The Big Challenges. Mohamed El Sioufi, Ph.D., is head of the Shelter Branch at the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT. Handouts of this presentation as a .pdf file.
Urban areas occupy only 2.8% of the earth’s surface yet as of 2008 more than 50% of the world’s population inhabits urban areas. Rapid urbanization is occurring largely in developing countries where a massive demographic shift has enormous implications in terms of poverty, natural resources and the environment.
The ‘State of the World Cities Report’ published by UN-HABITAT in 2008 projects an average growth of 5 million new urban residents per month in the developing world. In the coming decades, the developing countries will be responsible for 95% of the world’s urban population growth.
Levels of urbanization are expected to rise, with the least urbanized regions of Asia and Africa transforming from largely rural societies to predominantly urban regions during the course of this century. By 2050, the urban population of the developing world will be 5.3 billion; Asia alone will host 63% of the world’s urban population, or 3.3 billion people.
Population growth and economic development cause drastic changes in land use in many parts of the world and institutional arrangements need serious reforming to ensure sustainable use of the increasingly scarce land resources.
This paper will address the issues of climate change and sustainable cities through an international perspective and scientific conceptual framework followed by cities responses to mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The paper will conclude with priority tools identified by the Global Land Tool Network that are needed at country and city level to address climate change challenges.
The ecological interaction of cities and their hinterlands is a recurring theme. Rapid urbanization and climate change have given it new impetus and sense of urgency. In 1976, the Habitat conference identified “urban expansion” as a universal development challenge. At the Rio Summit in 1992, the concept of “sustainable human settlements” was introduced. At the Habitat II conference in 1996, the Habitat Agenda highlighted the need for new approaches to planning and managing rapid urban growth thus advancing the notion of “sustainable urbanization”.
The world has come a long way on the debate and discourse of these
issues. But the challenges are complex and daunting, and require
continuous engagement and effort at all levels. The climate change
phenomenon is making the issue of sustainable urbanization a matter of
Climate change is now recognized as one of the most pressing global
issues of our planet. It is no coincidence that global climate change
has become a leading international development issue at the same time as
the world has become urbanized. The way we plan, manage, operate and
consume energy in our cities will have a critical role in our quest to
reverse climate change and its impact.
Recently, the Global land Tool Network (GLTN, UN-HABITAT) undertook a study on “Land, Environment and Climate Change: Challenges, Responses and Tools”. The study builds on existing UN-HABITAT work; various researches undertaken in the areas of land, environmental and climate change; and through an e-discussion in 2009. It uses the Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DFPSIR) framework as a basic element of the conceptual framework.
It is important to understand the causes behind environmental
degradation in order to identify suitable responses. The DFPSIR
framework can serve as a simple interdisciplinary starting point. It
should then be broadened to capture essential elements of the
functioning of socio-environmental systems where institutions guide
resource utilization and protect and enhance human welfare. Property
rights are core determinants for how land resources are utilized and
their welfare effects are distributed. Similarly, the degree of market
development for natural resources as inputs in production and as
essential elements of livelihoods and safety nets for current and future
generations determine the need for complementary non-market institutions
and regulations where markets do not work properly.
Figure 1: Driving Force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DFPSIR) conceptual framework
There are five components of the DFPSIR framework:
Urban areas also have several of the same types of land-related environmental problems with soil, water and air pollution as the most severe urban problems in many developing countries. The severity of these land-related environmental problems varies greatly across locations and so does the vulnerability of the people living in the different locations to the effects of these environmental problems. The severity of the effects can also be delayed till certain threshold levels of degradation or accumulation have been passed and may therefore be ignored or underestimated by current populations while future generations will be badly affected. This is particularly the case for global warming where those who have caused the problem are more able to protect themselves than those who are most severely affected by climate shocks and sea level rise due to climate change.
The main environmental challenges related to land identified in the recent study by GLTN/UN-HABITAT include:
Unequal land distribution
International efforts are important to enhance the transparency and accountability in situations where the poor loose out. |
Only 30% of plots are registered in developing countries and 2-3% of the land is owned by women in Sub-Saharan Africa. The continuum of land rights proposed by the GLTN is an important milestone in addressing tenure security issues.
Figure 2 - Continuum of land tenure rights
Land use
Seventy-five percent of commercial energy is consumed in urban and
peri-urban areas. In addition, 80% of all waste is generated from our
cities and up to 60% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions which cause global
climate change emanate from cities.
Recent large-scale land deals in Africa and Asia in response to rising
biofuel demand and resulting food price increases is an area where
international organizations can help poor countries and local people in
the negotiations to develop contracts that protect their interests.
Establishing better standards for transparency and accountability and increased international pressures and support to implement such standards will be important to reduce levels of corruption and elite capture.
Climate change
There have been recently warnings that the sea level is rising twice as fast as was forecasted, threatening hundreds of millions of people living in deltas, low-lying areas and small island states. But the threat of sea-level rise to cities is only one piece of the puzzle. More extreme weather patterns such as intense storms are another. Tropical cyclones and storms, in the past two years alone, have affected some 120 million people around the world, mostly in developing and least developed countries. Indeed, in some parts of the world, inland flooding is occurring more often and on a more intense basis.
We are witnessing more frequent flooding and drought in the same year, causing heavy impact on food security, energy and water supply. This is practically daily occurrence for many of the world’s less fortunate people who live in life-threatening slums. For them, the climate is already out of control and, perhaps equally important, out of comprehension.
We are witnessing more frequent flooding and drought in the same year, causing heavy impact on food security, energy and water supply. This is practically daily occurrence for many of the world’s less fortunate people who live in life-threatening slums. For them, the climate is already out of control and, perhaps equally important, out of comprehension.
The impacts of climate change will be felt strongly in the years to come. If sea levels rise by just one meter, many major coastal cities will be under threat: Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Los Angeles, New York, Lagos, Alexandria, Egypt, Mumbai, Kolkata, Dhaka, Shanghai, Osaka-Kobe and Tokyo, just to mention some mega cities that are under imminent threat.
The many smaller coastal cities, especially those in developing countries and those of small island nations will suffer most due to their limited adaptation options. More and more people are drawn to the urban magnet. In many parts of the world, climate refugees from rural areas that have been hit by drought or flooding aggravate the migration to cities. Those parts of the population who already suffer from poor health conditions, unemployment or social exclusion are rendered more vulnerable to the effects of climate change and tend to migrate to cities within or outside their countries. The UN predicts that there will be millions of environmental migrants by 2020, and climate change is one of the major drivers.
Therefore, there is no doubt that climate change exacerbates existing
social, economic and environmental problems, while bringing on new
challenges. The most affected today, and in future, will be the world’s
urban poor – and chief among them, the estimated 1 billion slum
Our studies have identified important research gaps and key research
questions related to land, environment and climate change challenges,
seeking to explore ways to empower all who are working in these areas to
overcome them.
It is crucial to recognize that cities and urban residents are not
just victims of climate change but also as part of the problem. If
cities are part of the problem, that means they must also be part of any
Mitigation measures are urgently required. However, and to date, the
measures envisaged globally and nationally have yet to be accompanied by
concerted measures at the city and local levels. While we fine-tune
carbon trading instruments, we need to take immediate actions to make
our cities more sustainable by revisiting our land-use plans, our
transport modalities, and our building designs. There is a unique
opportunity to bridge our global efforts in emissions control with local
efforts to improve the quality of life and the productivity of our
cities. Our cities are, after all, the driving force of our economies,
and what better measures can be take than to reduce traffic congestion,
improve air and water quality, and reduce our ecological footprint.
In this regard, urban density is a key factor. A recent survey indicated that in New York City, per capita greenhouse gas emissions are among the lowest in the United States. This is because less energy is needed to heat, light, cool and fuel buildings in this compact city where more than 70 percent of the population commutes by public transit.
The city of Atlanta in the USA and Barcelona Spain, for example, both
have a population of about 2.5 million. Atlanta currently occupies an
area of 4200 sq km whereas Barcelona occupies only 162 sq km. Atlanta
consumes much more energy due to its urban form and higher per capita
energy consumption.
Climate change mitigation can be a good business opportunity. Clean,
low-carbon infrastructure investments, retrofitting of buildings, the
renewal of our transport systems are opportunities for ‘green’
investments. According to the estimates of international associations of
local governments, already 2800 cities have committed themselves to
reducing their annual GHG emissions, or meeting other targets for more
sustainable urban development. While most of these cities are in the
Global North, others in the South are taking specific measures taken to
reduce urban emissions include construction of an urban wastewater
methane gas capture project, undertaken in Santa Cruz (Bolivia); energy
efficiency audits of municipal buildings by Cape Town (South Africa);
and development of rapid transport systems and other measures designed
to reduce the use of single occupancy vehicles in a number of cities.
At the same time, there is rising consensus that cities must take
immediate adaptation measures to reduce vulnerability. Here again, we
have yet to recognize the need to plan our cities and settlements to
prevent loss and destruction of lives and properties. The time to act is
now and the place to act is in the cities of the world. Cities not only
have to take preventative measure, they must plan to offset the worst.
In this respect, there is no doubt that local authorities will be the
front line actors in finding local answers to these global challenges.
There is no one-size fit all solutions and each local authority will
have to assess its own risks and vulnerability and plan accordingly.
It is obvious that local authorities, especially secondary cities in developing countries that are growing the fastest, will be the most severely tested by these challenges. These cities, despite their rapid growth, contribute a minimal share to global greenhouse gas emissions. Yet they are the cities that are most at risk in terms of suffering the impacts of climate change.
Cities can adapt to the impacts of climate change via effective urban management. Planning and land use controls can prevent people from building in zones at risk of flooding and landslides (e.g., restrictions on building within 50 year floodplains in South Africa). Guidelines and regulations, such as a decision issued by the Thua Thien Hue provincial authorities in Vietnam to encourage cyclone-resistant building practices, can increase resiliency and make economic sense.
However, we also know that many cities in Least Developed Countries do not have much urban infrastructure assets that can be adapted. Therefore, adaptation can not be disconnected from the need for local development. Both adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas require new and improved infrastructure and basic services. This provides cities in developed and developing countries with unique opportunities to redress existing deficiencies in housing, urban infrastructure and services and to create jobs and a new opportunities to stimulate the urban economy.
The resolve with which the cities stuck to their climate action despite the current economic crisis was very reassuring. They remain convinced that climate change action makes economic sense. For example, increased energy efficiency is not only good for the climate but also makes sense for a city's budget. As former president Bill Clinton said: "For every 1 billion US dollars invested in the retrofitting of houses to increase their energy efficiency, 6000 jobs are created. This is six times bigger in impact than in average public investments. And what is more: savings in energy will pay back for this investment in just over 7 years".
The technologies are there. The solutions exist. They range from water harvesting to solar energy, and from affordable mass transit to bio-fuel production. But turning the huge unmet needs into market demand requires the right mix of political will and commitment, well-founded policies and strategies, an enabling business environment and capacity development.
It is in this context and in response to these challenges that
UN-Habitat has launched the Cities in Climate Change Initiative.
This initiative is supporting the efforts of government agencies and
local authorities in adopting more holistic and participatory approaches
to urban environmental planning and management, and the harnessing of
ecologically sound technologies. The Initiative uses adaptation as a
starting point to engage people, their local authorities and the private
sector in risk abatement action.
This starting point leads to mitigation. Here, the Cities in Climate
Change Initiative argues that the measures required for adaptation and
mitigation are the same, namely better land use planning, better urban
management, more participatory governance focusing on more resilient
housing and smarter infrastructure and basic services.
The Cities in Climate Change Initiative has started off last year in four pilot countries of Mozambique, Uganda, Philippines and Ecuador. It has since expanded to cities in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda and Senegal. We are currently starting assessments in several Asian countries and we are fundraising to respond to the strong interest from Small Island Developing States in the Pacific and the Caribbean.
UN-HABITAT provides capacity building support and helps ensure the sharing and transfer of knowledge and lessons learned from experience. We have received new mandates by our Governing Council to support cities in addressing Climate Change more forcefully.
In partnership with the Cities Alliance, the World Bank and the United Nations Environment Programme, UN-Habitat is refining methods to support cities to measure their climate footprint and assess their climate change vulnerability. These metrics should assist cities in accessing climate related finance.
To focus more on land and climate change issues, UN-HABITAT has participated in the setting up of a Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and assuming the role of technical secretariat for the Network. GLTN includes an international partnership of key actors on land. Many of you are already members in this network through your professional organizations including FIG, UN sister agencies such as FAO. UN-HABITAT are among other prominent actors including development IFIs such as the WB; Donors (Sida and Norway); technical agencies (GTZ); INGOs (the Huairou Commission, SDI, Hajimani); academia (Harvard University, University of East London); and others. The rich variety of complementing partners in the network illustrate a maturity and realization of all of us acknowledging the need to cross our specialized boundaries in a quest to better define and understand the issues on the ground as well as to jointly agree on priority gaps to be addressed to better guide us all in our work.
The GLTN together with our other programmes focus on issues related to cities and urban areas. Issues identified include land and governance with FAO; gender valuation with the Huairou Commission and FIG; Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) with FIG, ITC and WB; Land Tenure and Natural Resource Governance in Africa with US-Aid and development partners in Kenya; Development of Natural Disaster Guidelines on Land - Land issues with humanitarian partners; and Land, Environment and Climate Change: Challenges, Responses and Tools- together with a Norwegian Research Institution.
GLTN has identified key priority areas where land stakeholders could add value as well as develop land tools that could be used to enhance sustainable land management and human well-being. The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) has identified key priority and promising land tools:
To meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) goal 7, target 11 to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020, is a central concern of UN-HABITAT. This target must be seen in connection with the factors causing rapid inflow of new migrants as well as the fact that some of these areas are in coastal zones that are threatened by sea water rise and weather risk. Rural development and land reforms in rural areas can contribute to reduce the inflow of people and therefore be an important part of the solution. Similarly, rural development can be seen as one of the means of alleviating poverty and increasing incomes for both rural and urban people. At the same time it must be an international responsibility, particularly for the countries that have contributed most to carbon emissions to provide funds for adequate compensation and alternative livelihoods for the people that are threatened by sea water rise, drought or flooding due to climate change. UN agencies can continue to take a leading role in the planning of strategies to tackle this problem.
The world is at a cross roads; the fight to combat poverty and climate change is to be won or lost in our cities. Cities, as much as they embody the challenges also offer the solutions. The hundreds of communities and cities whom we recognize for their good practices symbolize this potential. The challenge is that many cities in the developing world are not endowed with the capacity to harness and mobilize knowledge.
A sustainable city must be a learning city which is continuously exploring and innovating, sharing and networking. Universities and knowledge centres have much to contribute to this endeavour. Universities bring their knowledge and expertise, whilst cities offer them unique opportunities to link research and education with policy and practice. Recognizing this potential, UN-HABITAT, has recently launched the World Urban Campaign to harness and channel knowledge, expertise and experience in support of sustainable urbanisation.
Finally, the challenges facing cities with regard to climate change are numerous and daunting, and no entity, public or private, governmental or non-governmental, academic or practitioner, can face these challenges alone. All those who are committed to turning ideas into action are invited to join UN-HABITAT and its partners in the quest for more sustainable urban development.
Dr. Mohamed El-Sioufi is the Head of the Shelter Branch in UN-HABITAT. He has 32 years of experience in architecture, housing and urban planning. His experience bridges professional practice, academia, research, training and technical advice. He has worked for UN-HABITAT since 1995 in training and capacity building, policy and technical cooperation and the development of global norms and guidelines. His experience in human settlement spans a variety of specialized fields including capacity building in sustainable urban development including historic cores, housing policy and strategies, slum upgrading, climate change mitigation through sustainable building materials and construction technologies, post disaster rehabilitation, environmental planning and management.
Dr. Mohamed El-Sioufi
Head, Shelter Branch
00100 Nairobi