The Task Force was established at the FIG
Working Week in Marrakesh, Morocco in 2011. The term of this Task Force was
2011-2014. The task force ended its work in 2014 and hand meanwhile
undertaken several reports and finally a FIG publication summarising the
work and the outcome of the task force.
Status Report, General Assembly 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Joint FIG/UN ECE WPLA peer reviewed publication on: “Informal
Development. Challenges and Solutions from South-East Europe”.
Contribution of the TF members to a peer reviewed book on: “The
Housing Markets of Southern Europe Facing the Crisis”.
FIG publication on: “Property and Housing. Planning for
Affordable Housing: A New Role for the Land Surveyor”.
Dr. Chryssy A. Potsiou, Chair of the Task Force
on Property and Housing
School of Rural & Surveying Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
9 Iroon Polytechniou Str
15780 Athens
Tel. + 30 10 7722 688
Mobile phone: + 30 944 710 817