FIG Internal Task Forces
FIG needs to increase income stream. FIG has a vibrant membership community however there are minimal opportunities to increase income from Member Associations, Affiliate Members or Academic Members. The one significant area of opportunity is Corporate Members. Currently FIG has 23 corporate members whose dues contribute approximately 22% of the FIG budget but have little opportunity to truly interact, collaborate, communicate and participate with FIG Council and the FIG community.
While there has been a few instances of collaborative working successes (e.g. with Trimble, Leica & ESRI) theses occasions tend to be ad-hoc, with little on-going leverage. A stronger collaborative platform could aim to disseminate and facilitate two-way beneficial activities.
Cashiered by John Hohol, supported by Diane Dumashie as Co-chair, the aims are to:
Primary focus is the increase in number of corporate members while providing better communication with FIG Council and interaction between the wider FIG organisation and ultimately member associations.
Suggested members of the task force and people involved: Diane Dumashie (FIG Council), John Hohol (FIG Foundation), Bryn Fosburgh (Executive VP, Trimble Navigation), Brent Jones (Global Manager Cadastre/Land Records, Esri). FIG 38th General Assembly Sofia, Bulgaria 17-21 May 2015 FIG Task Force on FIG Corporate Members 2 /2
Increased FIG Corporate Membership
Co-chairs: John Hohol and Bryn Fosburgh, supported by Diane Dumashie VP and reporting to Council