Agenda40th General Assembly
Monday, 29 May 2017 |
Monday 29 May 2017 |
09:00-12:30 |
General Assembly, First Session |
Monday 29 May |
16:00–17:30 Room 102 |
Developing Professional Networks and Mutual Recognition
Agreements Around the Globe |
30 May – Thursday, 1 June 2017 |
Tuesday |
14:00 - 15:30 |
FIG Member Associations Forum |
Tuesday |
14:00 – 15:30 |
FIG Director Generals Forum |
Wednesday |
17:30 – 18:30
Annual Meetings of FIG Commissions |
Thursday 1 June |
11:00 – 12:30 Room 217 |
FIG Standards Network |
Thursday |
11:00 – 12:30 Room TBA |
Regional Bodies Forum |
Thursday |
14:00 – 15:30
FIG Task Force on Commission Structure: |
Thursday |
14:00 – 15:30 |
Academic Members Forum joint with FAO |
Thursday |
16:00 – 17:30 |
FIG Corporate Members Meeting |
Friday, 2 June 2017 |
Friday |
08:30 – 10:30 Room 103 |
FIG Presidents’ Meeting |
Friday |
11:00–12:30 |
General Assembly, Second Session
including Closing Ceremony |
For the full Working Week programme check:
for the meetings to be held on Monday 29 May 2017 and on Friday 2 June 2017 in the Plenary Hall 101 at Messukeskus Conference Centre, Helsinki, Finland
This online version of the agenda includes link to all appendices in .pdf.
IIn addition to this on-line version, the agenda and its appendices will published as one large .pdf file.
To download only the agenda in Acrobat format please click here:
Agenda as uploaded on the web site
on 10 April (pdf, 29 pages)
Note: Revisions are shown only on the .htm version
of the agenda and marked with colour.
To download the agenda with appendices as one file in Acrobat format please click here:
Full Agenda incl. full bidding documents
as PDF (420 pages - 25.3 MB)
Full Agenda excl. full bidding documents (308
pages - 10.9 MB)
Note: Revisions are shown only on the .htm version of the agenda and marked with colour.
The individual appendix files can be downloaded below under each item in Acrobat format.
PLEASE NOTE: In 2017 FIG Office has sent only the invitation as a hard copy to members. Full agenda without and with all appendices can be downloaded from this web site. We encourage you to use the online edition or otherwise to print the .pdf version.
Changes to the agenda after it was originally distributed as hard copy to the member associations are marked in this agenda with colour and date.
Monday, 29 May, 09:00-12:30 and 13:30-15:30
Vice President Rudolf Staiger to take the roll call.
Please note: Please note: The roll call will be done for member associations only. Delegates representing affiliate members, academic members, corporate members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts at the meeting venue to the staff of FIG Office. Member associations are asked to inform the FIG Office by 26 April 2017 about their attendance, at the same time to submit the names of their delegate(s) and to inform who their Head of the delegation is, if it is not the President or Chair. Please use this special link below to inform us about your delegation.
To register:
Since only member associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2016 are allowed to vote at the meeting. A list of member associations that are not allowed to vote will be published and posted on the FIG web site 26 April 2017.
Appendix to items 2 & 21: Roll Call incl information of member associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of unpaid membership fees for 2015 and earlier. Posted 26 April 2017
Motion: That members present are recorded in the minutes.
The General Assembly shall appoint two persons as tellers for the entire General Assembly. The tellers will represent the member associations hosting the current and the following General Assembly
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints Martti Pietikainen from MIL/MAKLI and Muzaffer Kahveci from Chamber of Surveying and Cadastre Engineers of Turkey as tellers for this General Assembly.
The Agenda for the General Assembly
was issued as mandated, two months prior the General Assembly on the FIG web
site and also sent by email to all members.
Motion: That the agenda be adopted.
Minutes have been circulated previously.
Appendix to item 5: Minutes of the General Assembly in Christchurch, New Zealand, May 2016, without appendices.
Motion: That the minutes be adopted as recorded.
FIG Council has received four applications for member association since the 39th General Assembly.
Ordre des Géomètres Experts de Côte d’Ivoire (OGECI) has applied for association membership. The association was established in 1970. Their total membership (all categories) is 35. Ordre des Géomètres Experts de Côte d’Ivoire (OGECI) fulfills the criteria of FIG Member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.1:
Motion: That the General Assembly admits Ordre des Géomètres Experts de Côte d’Ivoire to become a member association of FIG.
Tanzania Institution of Valuers and Estate Agents (TIVEA) has applied for association membership. The association was established in 1997. Their membership of qualified surveyors is 334 and qualifying is over 600. Tanzania Institution of Valuers and Estate Agents (TIVEA) fulfills the criteria of FIG Member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.2: Membership application from Tanzania Institution of Valuers and Estate Agents (TIVEA)
Motion: TThat the General Assembly admits Tanzania Institution of Valuers and Estate Agents (TIVEA) to become a member association of FIG.
The Society of Engineers – UAE has sent an application for membership. The association was formed 1979, and has 1200 members in the category surveyors. This number includes both Title holders and Sub- profession that are practicing members.
Appendix to item 6.1.3:
Motion: That the General Assembly admits The Society of Engineers – UAE to become a member association of FIG.
Institution of Surveyors of Uganda, ISU has sent an application for membership. Their association was formed in 1968 and has 280 qualified members. Institution of Surveyors of Uganda fulfills the criteria of FIG Member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.4:
Motion: That the General Assembly admits Institution of Surveyors of Uganda, ISU to become a member association of FIG.
Géographie, Topographie, Hydraulique, Energie et Construction (GEOTHECO), Uganda was in 2016 admitted as Member Association. However, the correct membership category is Corporate Membership. They have submitted a new application form for corporate membership, category D.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the change of membership category from Member Association to Corporate member for GEOTHECO
Subscriptions of following member associations are more than three years in arrears:
The General Assembly has power to expel from the Federation any member
association whose fees are in arrears and shall under normal circumstances
expel any member association whose fees are three years in arrears. (Article
4.3 of the Statutes). The FIG office has sent information to these
associations informing that if their membership fees are still in arrears at
the time of the General Assembly the General Assembly shall expel the above
member associations in Helsinki. After acceptance of new member
associations and before expulsions the number of FIG member associations is
107 from 92 countries.
Motion: That the General Assembly expels the:
If no payment has been received before the General Assembly takes place.
In accordance with its administrative measures, FIG Council, has deferred to continue for 2017 the issuance of a membership subscription invoice to the Order of Syrian Engineers and Architects, OSEA as all efforts to maintain contact with them has not yielded results, will deem their membership in suspension giving due consideration to its internal situation. As reported in the General Assembly 2016, there remain existing sanctions on Iran, but this might change during 2017. The FIG office in Denmark cannot for the time being receive payments from Iranian Professional Society of Surveying Engineers (ISS). Ukrainian Society of Geodesy and Cartography has also gained suspended status and has not been invoiced for 2017. Again in accordance with its administrative measures, FIG Council deem their membership to be in suspension. The situation with these associations will be reconsidered by Council again in 2018.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the members with suspension status.
6.5.1 Affiliate members
There have been no applications for affiliate membership since the General Assembly 2016.
The council has expelled the following affiliate members because of unpaid membership subscriptions:
After these changes the number of Affiliate members is 46 from 45 countries.
General Administration of
the patrimonial Documentation, Belgium (AF-20002) has terminated their
6.5.2 Corporate members
FIG Council has admitted the following Corporate Members:
The State Enterprise, Ukraine has terminated their corporate membership of FIG.
After these changes the number of corporate members is now 27.
6.5.3 Academic members
FIG Council has admitted the following University to become Academic member:
University of Mines and Technology, Ghana (AC-40030) were expelled at the end of 2015 but they paid their arrears in 2016 and have been reinstalled.
The number of Academic Members after these changes is 95 from 53 countries.
6.5.4 Correspondents
The Council has admitted following new correspondents:
The number of correspondents is now 3.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
PPresident Chryssy Potsiou has prepared the President’s report on the activities of the Federation since the General Assembly in Christchurch, New Zealand, May 2016.
Appendix to item 7:
Motion: That the General Assembly accepts the President’s report.
Mr. John Hohol, President of the FIG Foundation has prepared a report on the FIG Foundation activities from May 2016 to March 2017. He will make a short report to the General Assembly.
The FIG Council has appointed Dr. Daniel Steudler from Switzerland as a new Director in the Board of Directors for 2017-2018 since Paul van der Molen, now retired, has decided to resign as board member. The new Council representative in the Board of Directors is Vice President Orhan Ercan.
Appendix to item 8:
Motion: That the General Assembly
Dr. Christiaan Lemmen, Director of OICRF has prepared a report on the OICRF activities since the General Assembly in Christchurch. He will make a short report to the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 9.1: Report from the International Office of Cadastre and Land Records (Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier) OICRF.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the members of OICRF for their past year’s work and contribution.
Mr. Jan de Graeve, Director of the IIHSM has prepared a report on the IIHSM activities since the General Assembly in Christchurch. IIHSM will make a short report to the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 9.2: Report from the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement, Permanent Institution of FIG.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Director and the members of the permanent institution for their past year’s work and contribution.
At the FIG Working Week 2016, regional bodies held a forum session for the first time. Again in 2017, there will be a Regional Bodies Forum during the Working Week on Thursday 1 June 11:00 – 12:30. There will be a short presentation of the FIG Regional Bodies Forum.
Motion: Tthat the General Assembly notes the report.
Each Commission Chair has submitted a written report on
their Commission activities since the FIG Working Week in Christchurch.
These reports include progress reports of the Commission working groups.
Each Commission will hold a meeting during the Working Week (Wednesday 31
May, 17:30-18:30). Each Commission will give a short report on Commission
activities to the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 11: Commission reports:
New publication from FIG Commission 9: Property Taxation for Developing Economies, joint FIG Commission 9/UN-Habitat/GLTN – Valuation and the Management of Real Estate, FIG Report 2016:
Each Network Chair has submitted a written report on their Network activities since the FIG Working Week in Christchurch. Each Network will give a short report on the Network activities to the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 11: Network reports:
Election Structure for Chair of Young Surveyors
Young Surveyors Network has so far elected their chairs
for a 4 year term like the commissions. FIG Council has approved the chair.
Young surveyors have proposed to FIG Council to change this structure. FFIG
Council and Young Surveyors Network have decided on the following structure for the future proposed by
the Young Surveyors:
Shortlist of candidates by YSN and decision by FIG Council
YSN has an
internal consultation process that can include application for the position,
together with key and active YS from regions identify candidates and
recommend to FIG Council a shortlist of candidates (e.g. three). FIG Council
decides and appoints one as YSN Chair-elect. This process should include
consulting the candidate’s member association.
The above structure has been adopted by FIG Council with the caveat that Council and YS retain the possibility to nominate an alternative Chair if the Chair elect has not proven active.
Motion: That FIG General Assembly
The Council has received two nominations for Honorary Members:/p>
Appendix to item 8: The nomination letters for:
According to the Statutes paragraph 3.1.7 an individual who has materially assisted the development and promotion of the surveying profession at the international level can be appointed as an honorary member. Nomination for this appointment shall be made by a member association or the Council, which will consider it and submit it to a vote of the General Assembly.
The Council has considered both proposals and decided to propose to the General Assembly that it appoints Yerach Doytsher, ALSI, Israel and Daniel Steudler as Honorary Members of the Federation for the outstanding services they have provided to the Federation in different positions and functions.
Paul Munro-Faure, FAO, has worked closely with FIG for many years and is now standing down from FAO. FIG Council would like to acknowledge the longstanding cooperation with Paul Munro-Faure. As a special consideration FIG Council has decided to appreciate him as Honorary Ambassador. His certificate will be presented to him by the President during the Opening Ceremony on 30 May.
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints Yerach Doytsher and Daniel Steudler Honorary Members of FIG, and that the General Assembly notes the appreciation as Honorary Ambassador for Paul Munro-Faure that will be presented to him at the Opening Ceremony.
FIG has currently four Task Forces.
The Task Force assesses the progress of establishing
the real property markets in the countries with economies in transition. The
Task Force is chaired by Pekka Halme, Finnish Association of Geodetic and
Land Surveyors MIL. A session on Real Property Markets is included in the
technical programme.
Appendix to item 13.1 –
Status Report from the Task
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report from the Task Force and records its thanks to the Chair of the Task Forces and their members.
The Task Force is established to strengthen the FIG relationship with corporate members. The Task Force is chaired by John Hohol, National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) in cooperation with Bryn Fosburgh, Vice President of Trimble.
Appendix to item 13.2 – Status Report from the Task Force
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report from the Task Force and records its thanks to the Chair of the Task Forces and their members.
The Task Force is established to investigate the usefulness and need and
if justified, the steps forward in order to introduce an FIG peer review
Journal (electronic or printed). The Task Force is chaired by Yerach
Doytsher, Association of Licensed Surveyors in Israel (ALSI).
The Task Force has written a final report and proposal to be presented and
adopted at the General Assembly 2017. After the reporting, the Task Force
has completed its task, and FIG Council will decide on the next steps. The
report closes the task force.
Appendix to item 13.3 – Status Report from the Task Force
Motion: That the General Assembly:
The Task Force assesses the Commissions and investigates if there is a need to revise their structure and to provide a proposal on possible improvements. The Task Force is chaired by Mikael Lilje, Swedish professionals for the built environment, Samhällsbyggarna.
The Task Force has written a final report and proposal to be presented and adopted at the General Assembly 2017. The final report is based on the discussions and feed back from the Task Force sessions at FIG Working Week 2016, and the regional meetings held during the autumn 2016.
At the General Assembly under this agenda item there will be a
possibility for discussion of the proposal.
Further to this, during the conference days of the Working Week Members of
FIG will have a possibility to discuss the proposal in more details with the
Task Force on: Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 in room 217.13:00
- 13:50 in room 2013A
A summary of the comments received during the first General Assembly session and the Task Force session will be presented at the 2nd General Assembly together with a final proposal for the General Assembly that will be brought to a vote.
Votings for Commission Chairs for the term 2019-2022 for the current 10 commissions will be done at the General Assembly 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. The bid for nominations will be published in July.
Appendix to item 13.4 – Report/Proposal from the Task Force
Motion: That the General Assembly:
records the final report and recommendations from the Task Force,
records its thanks to the Chair of the Task Force and its members
notes the discussion session during the Working Week
decides to take the Task Force proposal with amendments, if any, to a voting at the second General Assembly Session
notes the voting schedule for commission chairs for the term 2019-2022
Since the 39th General Assembly, FIG has continued to collaborate with the World Bank and various agencies and structures within the United Nations.
The main activities in the co-operation with the United Nations and the World Bank during this period have been:
At FIG Working Week 2016, a pre-workshop was organised in cooperation
with UN-Habitat/GLTN, FAO, AUS-Aid and NZ-Aid on Climate Change and Tenure
Insecurity in Small Island Developing States, SIDS. Outcome of the workshop
was a declaration which has been published in the FIG Publication series:
The FIG Christchurch Declaration - Responding to Climate Change and Tenure
Insecurity in Small Island Developing States. The Role of Land
Professionals SIDS Workshop, FIG Working Week, Christchurch, New Zealand 30
April – 1 May 2016. FIG Report 2016
Participation to FAO and the Voluntary Guidelines, VGGT.
At FIG Working Week 2016 two special sessions, one of them being the FIG
Academic Forum, were organised. A result of the Working Week 2016 was an
action statement.
Appendix to agenda item 14:
Again in 2017 at the Working Week there will be two sessions, FIG Academic Forum and a special session on Land Consolidation.
Participation to Global Land Tool Network GLTN:
FIG Publication 52 FIG Publication no 52 The Social Tenure Domain Model -
A Pro-Poor Land Tool on Social Tenure Domain Model. FIG Report, 2010
has now been translated into three laguages:
French: link will follow – under preparation
Japanese: link will follow – under preparation
Participation at the Habitat III meeting organised by UN-Habitat
Participation to the work of UN-GGIM
Participation to the work of the International Committee on Global
Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG)
Participation to UN-OOSA
Participation at the World Bank Conference in March 2017.
That the General Assembly:
The Joint Board of Spatial Information Societies JB-GIS was formally established during the FIG Working Week in Cairo in 2005 and meets annually during a major conference. The meeting of JB-GIS in 2016 was held in August 2016. FIG has collaborative MoUs with a number of the organizations who are part of JB-GIS.
FIG has further bilateral agreements of co-operation with several other international associations like ISM, IFHP, CIB, ION, ICEC, FIABCI, IFHS, PAIGH and PAQS.
FIG is represented in International Construction Measurement Standard Coalition by Chair of FIG Commission 10, See Lian Ong who has been appointed chair of the Standard Setting Committee. FIG is represented in the Trustee Board by the President.
FIG is represented in International Land Measurement Standard Coalition by Mr. Maurice Barbieri.
FIG Council has furthermore decided to join the Ethics Standard Committee.
FIG is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and is working together with ISO and International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) on standards.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report on the liaison with other international associations.
The following two agenda items, 17.1 and 17.2 will be introduced at the first session of the General Assembly, and voting will take place at the second session on 2 June, under agenda item 24.
FIG President and Council has received letter from DVW with proposal for amendment of the FIG Statutes:
Existing Provision | Proposed amendment (amendment here shown in italics |
5.5 The term of office for all elected members of the Council is four years subject to the provisions of section 5.6. No individual may serve for more than two consecutive periods on the Council and the term of office of the president is limited to one period of four years. The term of office for the President, Vice Presidents and the ACCO representative starts on 1 January in the year immediately following their election. For the purposes of this section a single term of two years or less shall not be considered as a term of office. |
5.5 The term of office for all elected members of the Council is four years subject to the provisions of section 5.6. No individual may serve for more than two consecutive periods on the Council as Vice President. The term of office of the president is limited to one period of four years. The term of office for the President, Vice Presidents and the ACCO representative starts on 1 January in the year immediately following their election. For the purposes of this section a single term of two years or less shall not be considered as a term of office. |
Attached to agenda item 16.1 and 23: Letter from DVW, Germany
That the General Assembly notes the presentation of the proposed change and decides to make the elections at the second session of the General Assembly.
Introduction of “Suspended status” for FIG members.
FIG Council has in the later years experienced on several occasions where a member (member association, affiliate or academic member):
due to circumstances beyond the member’s or FIG’s control such as domestic civil strife, external economic sanctions or sharp sudden domestic economic turmoil, but desirous of remaining a member of FIG.
FIG Council has adopted guidelines to handle the above situation, and suggests that the already adopted paper on membership suspension will be added to the FIG Statutes, Internal Rules and Guidelines as a new Guideline for Council and FIG Office.
Appendix to agenda item 16.2: Guidelines for membership suspension by decision of council.
Motion: That the General Assembly endorses the Guidelines for membership suspension by decision of council.
Vice President Rudolf Staiger will present the report to the General Assembly. This report includes the auditors report from 2016, official accounts (income statement 2016) and balance sheet 31 December 2016, a summary of 2016 accounts, an updated budget for 2017 and proposals for budgets 2018-2020 and proposal for membership fees for member associations in 2019.
Appendix to item 17: Report on Financial Issues (including 2016 accounts and budgets 2017-2020)
That the General Assembly
The General Assembly has to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. The membership fee structure was changed in 2009. Membership fees have been discussed as part of the finance report, appendix to item 17.
The 2016 General Assembly approved membership fees for 2018 as follows:
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2018 | € 4.48 per member
up to a maximum of 5,500 members Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay € 2.24 member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. |
20 members or € 50 (whichever is greater) | 5,500 members (€ 24,640) |
The World Bank lists of the low-income economies and the
lower-middle-income economies are available at:
The 2017 subscription fees were kept at the same level as for the years
The 2018 subscription fees have been kept at the same level as for the
years 2012-2018.
Although FIG Council knows that budgets are tight among the member
associations, it has decided to propose to the General Assembly an increase
of the subscription rates of 8% to €4.80 per member from €4.48. The rates
have been kept stable since 2012, Council and office have been very cost
conscious, but must also face that there is a general increase in costs.
Motion: That the General Assembly:
That the General Assembly adopts following membership fees payable by member associations in 2017 and 2018:
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2019 |
€4.80 per member up to a
maximum of 5,500 members |
25 members or €50 (whichever is greater) |
5,500 members (€26,400) |
The FIG Working Weeks are organised by FIG together with a local member association. FIG will together with the local member association have full responsibility of the arrangements and of the financial result. This offers FIG better opportunities in terms of organising events and generating revenue. Therefore the Council has to ensure that all candidates are aware of the role of FIG and split of responsibilities for organising the Working Week. This General Assembly will decide on the host for the 2021 Working Week.
The FIG Council has received two bids to host the FIG Working Week 2021, and FIG Council thanks all bidding member associations for their special engagement and contribution to FIG.
The Council has prepared a desktop summary on the bids. In the summary report the following considerations, as laid out in the invitation documentation, are described for comparison:
The summary report will not give a recommendation or a preference to any candidate but it will provide useful information on each items listed above and summarise the pros and cons of each candidate to assist the member association in making their decision. The General Assembly must note that, especially in these past years, the issue of security and financial viability has come to the fore. The purpose of the evaluation process is to maintain the continued viability, high standard and quality of the FIG Working Week.
The Council has considered the bids and has decided to present the submitted bids to the General Assembly for its decision:
The General Assembly is recommended to read the summaries and the bids carefully.
Appendix to item 19 and 24:
Summary Reports on the Bids for FIG 2021 Working Week
Bidding documents for FIG Working Week
At the session each candidate will be given the same time (not more than 10 minutes) to make a presentation of their proposal and framework of the Working Week and their bid. FIG Council will present its evaluation and the impact on FIG on the various bids.
Decision on the venue of FIG 2021 Working Week will be made at the second session of the General Assembly on 2 June. The voting will be made by blind votes.
Motion: TThat the General Assembly notes the submission, the summary report and the presentations, makes its careful consideration and decision during the second session of the General Assembly on 2 June.
Session for Presidents/Heads of Delegation of Member Associations and
other FIG members (affiliate, academic, corporate): Developing
Professional Networks and Mutual Recognition Agreements Around the Globe.
Separate invitation to Presidents of the Member Associations.
Vice President Staiger to take the roll call.
Please note:
The roll call will be done for member associations only. Delegates representing affiliate members, academic members, corporate members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts at the meeting venue to the staff of FIG Office.
Since only member associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2016 are allowed to vote at the meeting, a list of member associations that are not allowed to vote will be published and posted on the FIG web site 26 April 2017.
Appendix to items 2 & 21: Roll Call including information about member associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of unpaid membership fees for 2016 and earlier. to be updated
To be noted that the General Assembly has appointed two representatives
as tellers.
Tellers: The tellers will represent the member association hosting the
current General Assembly (MIL/MAKLI, Finland) Martti Pietikainen and
the host of the proceeding following General Assembly (Chamber of Surveying
and Cadastre Engineers of Turkey) Muzaffer Kahveci.
Motion: Those members present are recorded in the minutes.
The Council will decide on other membership issues, if any, considered in Helsinki and bring them for the General Assembly for decision or information as necessary.
Motion: That the General Assembly decides on the membership issues based on the proposal of the Council.
FIG President and Council has received letter from DVW with proposal for amendment of the FIG Statutes which was presented at the first General Assembly on 29 May 2017.
The proposed amendment was as follows:
Existing Provision | Proposed amendment (amendment here shown in italics |
5.5 The term of office for all elected members of the Council is four years subject to the provisions of section 5.6. No individual may serve for more than two consecutive periods on the Council and the term of office of the president is limited to one period of four years. The term of office for the President, Vice Presidents and the ACCO representative starts on 1 January in the year immediately following their election. For the purposes of this section a single term of two years or less shall not be considered as a term of office. |
5.5 The term of office for all elected members of the Council is four years subject to the provisions of section 5.6. No individual may serve for more than two consecutive periods on the Council as vice president. The term of office of the president is limited to one period of four years. The term of office for the President, Vice Presidents and the ACCO representative starts on 1 January in the year immediately following their election. For the purposes of this section a single term of two years or less shall not be considered as a term of office. |
The decision will take place by blind votes following the FIG statutes and internal rules.
Attached to agenda item 16.1 and 23: Letter from DVW
Motion: That FIG General Assembly adopts the proposed change to FIG Statutes item 5.5 to: 5.5 The term of office for all elected members of the Council is four years subject to the provisions of section 5.6. No individual may serve for more than two consecutive periods on the Council as vice president. The term of office of the president is limited to one period of four years. The term of office for the President, Vice Presidents and the ACCO representative starts on 1 January in the year immediately following their election. For the purposes of this section a single term of two years or less shall not be considered as a term of office.
Candidates for FIG 2021 Working Week have made their presentations in the first session of the General Assembly and FIG Council has presented its evaluation. The decision will be made between:
The decision will take place by blind votes following the FIG statutes and internal rules.
Motion: That the General Assembly decides the host and venue for FIG Working Week 2021.
At the first General Assembly session the final report from the Task Force on Commission Structure will be presented and there is allocated time for discussion. Furthermore, on Thursday, 1 June 14:00–15:30 the Members of FIG have a possibility to discuss the proposal in more details with the Task Force.
A summary of the comments received during the first General Assembly session and the Task Force Session will be presented at the 2nd General Assembly together with the final proposal for the General Assembly that will be brought to a final vote.
After the reporting and voting, the Task Force has completed its task, and FIG Council will decide on the next steps.
Voting for Commission Chairs for the term 2019-2022 for the current 10 commissions will be done at the General Assembly 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. The bid for nominations will be published in July.
Appendix to item 13.4 – Report/proposal from the Task Force
Motion: That the General Assembly
FIG Task Forces may report back to the General Assembly that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s).
During the Working Week there will be Member Association Forum, the Director General’s/Affiliate Members Forum, Academic Members Forum and Corporate Members Meeting. They may report back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s).
Networks, Permanent Institutions, FIG Foundation and others will have meetings and technical sessions in Christchurch. They may report back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly. Any other activities from the Working Week may be reported back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s).
FIG Commissions will have their annual meetings, administrative meetings and technical sessions during the Working Week. They may report back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly. Any other activities from the Working Week may be reported back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly
Commission 5 Award.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s).
Any other issues that the members want to raise for discussion.
Motion: That the discussion will be recorded and the Council will consider action that will be required.
Representatives from the Local Organising Committee from Geo-Information Netherlands, GIN will give a presentation on preparations of FIG Working Week 2020.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report.
Representatives from the Local Organising Committee from the Vietnam Association of Geodesy - Cartography - Remote Sensing will give a presentation on preparations of FIG Working Week 2019.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report
Co-congress director Orhan Ercan from the Chamber of Surveying Cadastre Engineers of Turkey will give a presentation on the preparations of FIG Congress 2018.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be emailed to the FIG Office.