Agenda38th General Assembly
Sunday, 17 May 2015 National Palace of Culture – Congress Centre Sofia (CCS) - Sofia, Bulgaria |
Sunday |
09:00-12:30 |
General Assembly, First Session |
Monday, 18 May – Wednesday, 20 May 2015 FIG 2015 Working Week and exhibition National Palace of Culture – Congress Centre Sofia - Sofia, Bulgaria |
Monday-Tuesday 18-19 May |
To be announced later (See programme for individual rooms) | Annual Meetings of FIG Commissions and Networks |
Tbc |
To be announced later, CCS, Sofia |
FIG Member Associations Forum These two sessions are reserved for Presidents or Heads of delegation (or their representatives) of member associations to discuss issue of their common interest. President of Chamber of Surveyors, Bulgaria chairs the meeting. By invitation only |
Wednesday 20 May |
11:00-12:30 and 13:30-15:00 Congress Center Sofia |
Director/Surveyor General Forum |
Tbc | Congress Center Sofia | Academic Members Forum |
Tbc |
Congress Center Sofia |
Corporate Members Forum |
Thursday, 21 May 2015 Congress Center Sofia, Bulgaria |
Thursday 21 May |
Presidents’ Meeting 08:30 – 10:30 Tbc |
FIG Presidents’ Meeting This event is convened by the FIG President and is reserved for Presidents or Heads of delegation of Member Associations (or their representatives) By invitation only |
Thursday 21 May |
11:00–12:30 13:30-15:00 Hall 3, 7th floor CCS |
General Assembly, Second Session
including Closing Ceremony Closing ceremony will start immediately after the conclusion of the General Assembly and will be followed by the Farewell Reception hosted by the New Zealand Institution of Surveyors, host of FIG Working Week 2016. |
for the meetings to be held on Sunday 17 May 2015 in Hall 3 and on Thursday 21 May 2015 in Hall 3 at the National Palace of Culture - Congress Centre Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
This online version of the agenda includes link to all appendices in .pdf.
In addition to this on-line version, the agenda and its appendices are published as one large .pdf file.
To download only the agenda in Acrobat format please click here:
Agenda as circulated to the members 17 March 2015 (pdf, 24 pages)
Revised agenda as Adobe Acrobat version - version including all updates - (15 May 2015)
Note: Revisions are shown only on the .htm version
of the agenda and marked with colour.
To download the agenda with appendices as one file in Acrobat format please click here:
Full Agenda incl. full bidding documents as PDF (482 pages - 24.97 MB)
as at the time when sent to members 17 March 2015.
Full Agenda excl. full bidding documents (261pages - 6.17 MB) as at the
time when sent to members 17 April 2015.
updated version
(15 May 2015)
Note: Revisions are shown only on the .htm version of the agenda and marked with colour.
The individual appendix files can be downloaded below under each item in Acrobat format.
PLEASE NOTE: Based on the decision from 2007 FIG Office has sent members only the agenda without appendices as a hard copy. Full agenda with all appendices can be downloaded from this web site. We encourage you to use the online edition or otherwise to print the .pdf version.
Changes to the agenda after it was originally distributed as hard copy to the member associations are marked in this agenda with colour and date.
Sunday, 17 May, 09:00-12:30 and 13:30-16:00
Vice President Rudolf Staiger to take the roll call.
Please note: The roll call will be done for member associations and affiliate members only. Delegates representing academic members, corporate members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts at the meeting venue to the staff of FIG Office. Member associations are asked to inform the FIG Office by 12 April 2015 about their attendance, at the same time to submit the names of their delegate(s) and to inform who their Head of the delegation is, if it is not the President or Chair. Please use this special link below to inform us about your delegation.
To register:
Since only member associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2014 are allowed to vote at the meeting, a list of member associations that are not allowed to vote will be published and posted on the FIG web site 15 April 2015.
Appendix to items 2 & 22:
Roll Call
Appendix to items 2 & 22:
List of member
associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly
because of unpaid membership fees for 2014 and earlier -
updated 11 May 2015
Motion: That members present are recorded in the minutes.
The General Assembly shall appoint two persons as tellers for the entire General Assembly. The tellers will represent member association that hosted the preceding (Dr. Zaid, President of PEJUTA, Malaysia) and the host of the proceeding following General Assembly (Jeff Needham, President NZIS, New Zealand).
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints a representative from PEJUTA and NZIS as tellers for this General Assembly.
The Agenda for the General Assembly was issued as mandated, on 17 March 2015.
Motion: That the agenda be adopted.
Minutes have been circulated previously.
Appendix to item 5: Minutes of the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2014, without appendices.
Motion: That the minutes be adopted as recorded.
6.1.1 New Member Associations
There have been no new member association applications since 37th General
Assembly in 2014.
Two new applications for member association have arrived and have been discussed at the Council meeting who decided to bring forward the applications to the General Assembly:
Colombian Society of Surveyors, Sociedad Colombiana de Topografos (S.C.T.)
The Colombian Society of Surveyors has applied for membership. The association was established in 1963. Their total membership (all categories) is 70. Colombian Society of Surveyors fulfills the criteria of FIG Member association. Application form is attached as appendix to agenda item 6.1
Distinctive Engineering Group, Rwanda
The Distinctive Engineering Group, Rwanda has applied for membership. The association was established on 27 March 2015. Their total membership is 32, and the number of qualified members is 25. Distinctive Engineering Group, Rwanda fulfills the criteria of FIG member association. Application form is attached as appendix to agenda item 6.1
Added 15 May 2015
Motion: That the General Assembly notes that there has not been any
new member association applications.
6.1.2 College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico (MA-10069)
FIG General Assembly expelled College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico (MA-10069) at the General Assembly meeting in 2014 due to the fact that the association was in arrears for 3 years. FIG office has however later received the full payment from College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico. FIG Council therefore proposes to cancel the expulsion and note them as reinstalled as member of FIG.
Motion: That the General Assembly admits to reinstall College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico (MA-10069) as member association.
6.1.3 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (MA-10107)
At the FIG General Assembly 2014 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (MA-10107) was supposed to be expelled from FIG but FIG Council received a letter from the association that they would pay their arrears before 1 October 2014. FIG Office received the payment and FIG Council informs the General Assembly that they will remain as member.
Motion: That FIG General Assembly notes the update of Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines (MA-10107) that they remain as member of FIG.
Subscriptions of following member associations are more than three years in arrears:
The General Assembly has power to expel from the Federation any member
association whose fees are in arrears and shall under normal circumstances
expel any member association whose fees are three years in arrears. (Article
4.3 of the Statutes). The FIG office has sent a letter to these associations
informing that if their membership fees are still in arrears at the time of
the General Assembly the General Assembly shall expel the above member
associations in Sofia.
The number of FIG member associations is 102 from 89 countries.
Motion: That the General Assembly expels the:
In accordance with its administrative measures, FIG Council, has deferred to continue for 2015 the issuance of a membership subscription invoice to the Order of Syrian Engineers and Architects, OSEA as all efforts to maintain contact with them has not yielded results, will deem their membership in suspension giving due consideration to its internal situation. As reported in the General Assembly 2014, there remain existing sanctions on Iran. The FIG office in Denmark cannot receive payments from Iranian Professional Society of Surveying Engineers (ISS). Ukrainian Society of Geodesy and Cartography has also gained suspended status and has not been invoiced for 2014. Again in accordance with its administrative measures, FIG Council deem their membership to be in suspension. The situation with these associations will be reconsidered by Council again in 2016.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the members with suspension status.
6.4.1 Affiliate members
The Council has admitted the following national agencies to become affiliate members:
The council has expelled the following affiliate members because of unpaid membership subscriptions.
After these changes the number of Affiliate members is 41 from 38
6.4.2 Corporate members
The Council has admitted the following companies as Corporate Members of FIG after the General Assembly in 2014:
Following corporate members have resigned from their membership from 1.1.2015:
Following corporate members have been expelled by FIG Council:
After these changes the number of corporate members is now 21.
6.4.3 Academic members
FIG Council has admitted the following University to become Academic member:
The following academic members has terminated their membership:
The Council has expelled following universities because of unpaid membership subscriptions:
The number of Academic Members after these changes is 89/86 from 56/53 countries.
6.4.4 Correspondents
Council has ended its cooperation with two of the Correspondent Members since General Assembly 2014 and the number of correspondents is now 1.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
a. Christiaan Lemmen
Geo-Informatie Nederland GIN of the Netherlands has sent a nomination letter in which it proposes that FIG appoints Christiaan Lemmen as an Honorary Member of FIG.
FIG Council has considered the nomination and considers that it fulfils the criteria (see criteria at: for an Honorary Member and therefore proposes to the General Assembly that it appoints Christiaan Lemmen as an Honorary Members of the Federation for the outstanding services he has provided to the Federation.
b. Other potential nominations
Other potential nominations for Honorary Member might be considered by the Council.
FIG Appreciation to Clarissa Augustinus UN-Habitat
FIG Appreciation to Clarissa Augustinus UN-Habitat
Clarissa Augustinus, UN-Habitat, has worked closely with FIG for many years
and is now standing down from UN-HABITAT. FIG Council would like to
acknowledge the longstanding cooperation with Clarissa Augustinus. As a
special consideration FIG Council has decided to appreciate her as Honorary
Ambassador. Her certificate will be presented to her which will be given to
her during the Plenary session 2 on 19 May where she will be one of the
plenary speakers. added 15 May 2015
Appendix to item 7: The nomination letter from Geo-Informatie Nederland GIN
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints Christiaan Lemmen as Honorary Member of FIG and appoints other potential nominations if brought forward by FIG Council. That the General Assembly notes the special appreciation to Clarissa Augustinus. added 15 May 2015
Appointment of Honorary President
The Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia, PEJUTA has sent FIG Council a proposal that it makes a nomination to the General Assembly of appointing Mr CheeHai Teo, the immediate Past President of FIG as an Honorary President of the Federation. The letter is attached as appendix to agenda item 7. FIG Concil has decided to bring forward this proposal to the General Assembly, noting that CheeHai Teo fulfills the criteria for an Honorary President and his achievements as the President have contributed the Federation to extend that he without any doubt deserves to be appointed as an FIG Honorary President.
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints CheeHai Teo as FIG Honorary President.
added 15 May 2015
President Chryssy Potsiou has prepared the President’s report on the activities of the Federation since the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in June 2014.
Appendix to item 8:
Motion: That the General Assembly accepts the President’s report.
At the General Assembly 2014 the following items were discussed:
FIG Council promised to get back to the General Assembly 2015 with a follow up and status on these issues.
Motion: That FIG General Assembly notes the update and records its thanks to the submitters of the proposals for their active role in FIG.
10.1 International Office of Cadastre and Land Records (Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier) OICRF
Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, Director of OICRF has prepared a report on the OICRF activities since the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur. He will make a short report to the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 10.1: Report from the International Office of Cadastre and Land Records (Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier) OICRF.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the members of OICRF for their past year’s work and contribution.
10.2 International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement, Permanent Institution of FIG
Mr. Jan de Graeve, Director of the IIHSM has prepared a report on the IIHSM activities since the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur. IIHSM will make a short report to the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 10.2: Report from the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement, Permanent Institution of FIG.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Director and the members of the permanent institution for their past year’s work and contribution.
10.3 Standards Network
Mr David Martin, Chair of the FIG Standards Network has prepared a report on the Standards Network activities since the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur. Standards Network will make a short report to the General Assembly
Appendix to item 10.3: Report from the Standards Network. To be added
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Chair and the members of the permanent institution for their past year’s work and contribution.
Mr. John Hohol, President of the FIG Foundation has prepared a report on the FIG Foundation activities from June 2014 to March 2015. He will make a short report to the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 11:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report of the President of the FIG Foundation and records its thanks to the President and members of the Board of Directors of the FIG Foundation for their past year’s work.
The Council has prepared the FIG Council Work Plan for 20151-2018. Together with the Commission Work Plans the Council Work Plan will form the FIG Work Plan for the next four years. The proposal for the Council Work Plan 2015-2018 is attached to the agenda and is based on preparations made in a Council meeting and in a meeting with the Commission Chairs during the Kick-Off Event in January 2015 in Athens, Greece as well as responses from the Kick Off Event. The Council Work Plan has also been coordinated with the Commissions', Networks', Task Forces’ and Permanent Institutions’ Work Plans.
President Potsiou will present the Work Plan at the meeting.
The Council has also decided on responsibilities of individual Council members. This list is included as an appendix to the Council Work Plan. An up-to-date list will always be available on the FIG web site.
Appendix to item 12: FIG Council Work Plan 2015-2018
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the Council Work Plan for 2015-2018.
Commission Chairs have prepared their Commission Work Plan for 2015-2018 based on discussions at their Commission meetings at the FIG Congress in Kuala Lumpur. After Kuala Lumpur the Work Plans have been coordinated with the Council Work Plan and with other Commission Work Plans at the meeting of Commission chairs and the FIG Council in conjunction to the FIG Kick-Off Meeting in January 2015 in Athens, Greece.
All Commission Work Plans have now been finalised and synchronised with the Council Work Plan and are presented for the General Assembly for its approval in Sofia in May 2015.
At the General Assembly time is reserved for the members to discuss the Work Plans and Commission activities with the Commission Chairs. This discussion will be chaired by Vice President Diane Dumashie, who will be chairing ACCO (2015-2016), together with the ACCO representative Brian Coutts (2015-2016).
Appendices to item 13:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the Commission Work Plans.
The Council has established a new Network. This network originates from the Africa Task Force 2009-2014 and will in the term 2015-18 concentrate on Africa. This Network is chaired by FIG Vice President Diane Dumashie. The Network will work in close co-operation with all Commissions. The Network will have its first meeting in Sofia where members of the Network will be appointed by the Council and brought to the General Assembly for endorsement.
Appendix to item 14.1: Terms of Reference for the Network on Regional Capacity Development.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the Council’s decision of establishment of the Regional Capacity Development Network, appointment of Vice President Diane Dumashie to chair the Network and its terms of reference for information.
The Council has established four new Task Forces for 2015-2018.
15.1 Task Force on Real Property Markets
The first Task Force will assess the progress of establishing the real property markets in the countries with economies in transition. The Task Force will be chaired by Pekka Halme, Finnish Association of Geodetic and Land Surveyors MIL. The Task Force will have its first meeting in Sofia where members of the Task Force will be appointed by the Council and brought to the General Assembly for endorsement.
Appendix to item 15.1: Terms of Reference for the Task Force on Real Property Markets.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the Council’s decision of establishment of the Task Force on Real Property Markets, appointment of Pekka Halme to chair the Task Force and its terms of reference for information.
15.2 Task Force on Commission Structure
The second Task Force will assess the Commissions and investigate if there is a need to revise their structure and provide a proposal on possible improvements.
The Task Force is originated from two proposals from FIG Member
One proposal originating from Geosuisse that was discussed at the General
Assembly 2014, who proposed:
For Commission Chairs Elect, the right to nominate should be with the
Commissions themselves. They have to evaluate the candidates and to make
sure that she/he is able to fulfil the responsibility. The Commissions are
the only bodies that have sufficient knowledge of their national delegates
and who are able to judge their eligibility. Commissions will discuss with
the national association the candidate they wish to nominate.
The second proposal that FIG Council has received is from the following member associations:
This proposal suggests evaluating the current Commission Structure in order to secure the efficiency of the FIG Commissions. Based on the above mentioned suggestions and further discussions in Council, Council has decided to establish a Task Force that in general will assess and evaluate the current structure of the commissions. The Task Force will be chaired by Mikael Lilje, Swedish professionals for the built environment, Samhällsbyggarna. The Task Force will have its first meeting in Sofia where members of the Task Force will be appointed by the Council and brought to the General Assembly for endorsement.
Appendix to item 15.2: Terms of Reference for the Task Force on Commission Structure
Motion: That the General Assembly records the Council’s decision of establishment of the Task Force on Commission Structure and the appointment of Mikael Lilje to chair the Task Force and its terms of reference for information.
15.3 Task Force on Corporate Members
The third Task Force will be established to strengthen the FIG relationship with corporate members. The Task Force will be chaired by John Hohol, National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) in cooperation with Bryn Fosburgh, Vice President of Trimble. The Task Force will have its first meeting in Sofia where members of the Task Force will be appointed by the Council and brought to the General Assembly for endorsement.
Appendix to item 15.3: Terms of Reference for the Task Force on Corporate Members.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the Council’s decision of establishment of the Task Force on Corporate Members, appointment of John Hohol in cooperation with Bryn Fosburgh to chair the Task Force and its terms of reference for information.
15.4 Task Force on Scientific Journal
The fourth Task Force will be established to investigate the usefulness and need and if justified, the steps forward in order to introduce an FIG peer review Journal (electronic or printed). The Task Force will be chaired by Yerach Doytsher, Association of Licensed Surveyors in Israel (ALSI). The Task Force will have its first meeting in Sofia where members of the Task Force will be appointed by the Council and brought to the General Assembly for endorsement.
Appendix to item 15.3: Terms of Reference for the Task Force on Scientific Journal
Motion: That the General Assembly records the Council’s decision of establishment of the Task Force on Scientific Journal, appointment of Yerach Doytsher to chair the Task Force and its terms of reference for information.
Vice President Rudolf Staiger will present the report to the General
Assembly. This report includes the auditors report from 2014, official
accounts (income statement 2014) and balance sheet 31 December 2014, a
summary of 2014 accounts, an updated budget for 2015 and proposals for
budgets 2016-2018 with notes and proposal for membership fees for member
associations in 2017.
Appendix to item 09:
Report on Financial Issues (including 2014 accounts and budgets
Motion: That the General Assembly
The General Assembly has to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. The membership fee structure was changed in 2009. Membership fees have been discussed as part of the finance report, appendix to item 16.
The 2014 General Assembly approved membership fees as follows:
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2016 | € 4.48 per member
up to a maximum of 5,500 members Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay € 2.24 member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. |
20 members or € 50 (whichever is greater) | 5,500 members (€ 24,640) |
The World Bank lists of the low-income economies and the
lower-middle-income economies are available at:
The 2016 subscription fees were kept at the same level as for the years
2012-2015. The Council 2011-14 had to suggest subscription fees up to 2016,
however they recognised that there would be a change in leadership and the
subscription fees is dependent on the strategies of the council 2015-18.
Although the budgets 2017 and 18 show a deficit, Council is also conscious of the economic condition that members are operating under and in particular member’s challenges with their national membership and budgets. Council wishes to respect this as well and both Council and FIG Office will continue to be prudent in its financial management. Council therefore proposes the level of subscription for member associations for 2017 to remain at the same level as in the previous years. Council has initiated a Task Force on how to attract corporate members and the hope is to increase the fees received by corporate members to limit the deficit or turn it into a positive result. FIG Council will evaluate after a year how this work develops, and if the work on corporate members does not show positive effect, Council suggests reconsidering the membership fee for 2017 at the General Assembly in 2016.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts following membership fees payable by member associations in 2017:
Per capita fee | Minimum fee | Maximum fee | |
2017 | €4.48 per member
up to a maximum of 5,500 members Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay €2.24 member up to a maximum of 5,500 members. |
20 members or €50 (whichever is greater) | 5,500 members (€24,640) |
18.1 Meetings and conferences
The main activities in the co-operation with the United Nations and the World Bank since the FIG congress in Kuala Lumpur have been:
FIG will be represented at the World Bank Conference March 2015 by President Chryssy Potsiou. There will be a special side activity on the FIG Work Plan.
18.2 Global Geodetic Reference Frame for Sustainable Development resolution
At the FIG General Assembly 2014 FIG Council presented a FIG Statement on
Global Geodetic Reference Frame for Sustainable Development where FIG
expressed the importance of the resolution and urged the member
organizations to bring the Statement back home to the respective countries.
The Global Geodetic Reference Frame for Sustainable Development (GGRF)
resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday 26
February 2015
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report on the co-operation between FIG and the United Nations, its agencies and the World Bank and records its thanks to all those who have contributed to this co-operation.
The Joint Board of Spatial Information Societies JB-GIS was formally established during the FIG Working Week in Cairo in 2005 and meets annually during a major conference. The meeting of JB-GIS in 2014 was held in August 2014 and was attended by nine of the ten participating international organization. FIG has collaborative MoUs with a number of the organizations who are part of JB-GIS.
FIG has further bilateral agreements of co-operation with several other international associations like ISM, IFHP, CIB, ION, ICEC, FIABCI, IFHS, PAIGH and PAQS.
President CheeHai Teo attended the International Union of Notaries Conference on Land Tenure Security in Asia, 12-13 December 2014, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam.
IPMS, is mainly driven by our member association RICS, and FIG was until the end of last period represented by FIG Commission 9 Chair Frances Plimmer, and FIG Council thanks her for her work. FIG Council will appoint a new representative to IPMS. In December 2014 there was launch of a new International Property Measurement Standard (IPMS) for Office Buildings.
FIG is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and working together with ISO and International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) on standards.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report on the liaison with other international associations.
The FIG Working Weeks are organised by FIG together with a local member association. FIG will together with the local member association have full responsibility of the arrangements and of the financial result. This offers FIG better opportunities in terms of organising events and generating revenue. Therefore the Council has to ensure that all candidates are aware of the role of FIG and split of responsibilities for organising the Working Week. This General Assembly will decide on the host for the 2019 Working Week.
The FIG Council has received five bids to host the FIG Working Week 2019, and FIG Council thanks all bidding member associations for their special engagement and contribution to FIG.
The Council has prepared a desktop summary on the bids and has also carried out an evaluation together with the FIG Office that will be presented at the General Assembly. In the summary report the following considerations, as laid out in the invitation documentation, are described for comparison:
The summary report will not give a recommendation or a preference to any candidate but it will provide useful information on each items listed above and summarise the pros and cons of each candidate to assist the member association in making their decision. General Assembly must note that, especially in these past years, the issue of security and financial viability has come to the fore. The purpose of the evaluation process is to maintain the continued viability, high standard and quality of the FIG Working Week.
The Council has considered the bids and has decided to present four of the five submitted bids to the General Assembly for its decision. The following four bids fulfilled the basic requirements:
a) Dublin, Ireland, Society of Chartered Surveyors, Ireland (RICS)
b) Nairobi, Kenya, Institution of Surveyors, Kenya
c) Geneva or Interlaken, Switzerland, geosuisse
d) Hanoi, Vietnam, The Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and
Remote Sensing (VGCR)
The General Assembly is recommended to read the summaries and the bids carefully.
Appendix to item 20 and 28:
Summary Reports on the Bids for FIG 2019 Working Week
Bidding documents for FIG 2019 Working Week:
a) Dublin, Ireland, Society of Chartered Surveyors, Ireland (RICS) -
Summary -
Bidding document -
b) Nairobi, Kenya, Institution of Surveyors, Kenya -
Summary -
Bidding document -
c) Geneva or Interlaken, Switzerland, geosuisse -
Summary -
Bidding document -
d) Hanoi, Vietnam, The Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and
Remote Sensing (VGCR)
Summary -
Bidding document -
At the session each candidate will be given the same time (not more than 10 minutes) to make a presentation of their proposal and framework of the Working Week and their bid. FIG Council will present its evaluation and the impact on FIG on the various bids.
Decision on the venue of FIG 2019 Working Week will be made at the second session of the General Assembly on 21 May. The voting will be made by blind votes. If there will be no absolute majority in the first voting for any of the proposals, a second vote will be organised between those two candidates that have most votes.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the submission, the summary report, the presentations and FIG’s evaluation of the candidates, makes its careful consideration and decision during the second session of the General Assembly on 21 May.
Separate invitation to Presidents of the Member Associations.
Vice President Staiger to take the roll call.
Please note:
The roll call will be done for member associations and affiliate members
only. Delegates representing academic members, corporate members and
correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be
entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts at
the meeting venue to the staff of FIG Office. Member associations are asked
to inform the FIG Office by 12 April 2015 about their attendance, at the
same time to submit the names of their delegate(s) and to inform who their
Head of the delegation is, if it is not the President or Chair. Please use
this special link below to inform us
about your delegation. Since only member associations that have paid all
their membership fees to the end of 2014 are allowed to vote at the meeting,
a list of member associations that are not allowed to vote will be published
and posted on the FIG web site 15 April 2015.
To be noted that the General Assembly has appointed a representative from PEJUTA, Malaysia and from NZIS, New Zealand as tellers to this session of the General Assembly.
Appendix to items 2 & 22:
Roll Call
Appendix to items 2 & 22:
List of member
associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly
because of unpaid membership fees for 2014 and earlier -
updated 11 May 2015
Motion: Those members present are recorded in the minutes.
The Council will decide on other membership issues considered in Kuala Lumpur and bring them for the General Assembly for decision or information as necessary.
Member Associations
Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana (LISAG)
The Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana (LISAG) has applied for
membership. Their number of members is 100. Licensed Surveyors Association
of Ghana fulfils the criteria of FIG Member association. The application has
been approved by the existing member association from Ghana, Ghana
Institution of Surveyors. Application form is attached as appendix to agenda
item 23.1. (to be added)
Motion: That the General Assembly decides on the membership
issues based on the proposal of the Council.
That the General Assembly admits the Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana
(LISAG) to become member association of FIG Added 21 May 2015
Other membership matters
The Council has admitted the following academic member:
Federal Unioversity of Technology, Surveying & Geoinformatics Minna, Nigeria
The Council has admitted the following corporate member
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that
the Council has taken with other membership matters.
Added 21 May 2015
Motion: That the General Assembly decides on the membership issues based on the proposal of the Council.
During the Working Week there will be Member Association Forum, the Director General’s/Affiliate Members Forum, Academic Members Forum and Corporate Members Meeting. They may report back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s)
Commission Officers (ACCO), Commissions, Networks and Task forces will have their annual and other administrative meetings in Sofia. They may report back to the General Assembly on any issues that may need the endorsement of or are of general interest to the General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s).
ITEM 15.2 Task Force to assess the commission
It was decided at the first General Assembly on 15 May 2015 to wait with the
motion for agenda item 15.2, to establish a Task Force to assess the
commission structure, until it was discussed during the working week.
Motion: The GA endorses the Council’s proposal to
establish a task force to assess the commission structure.
ITEM 15.4 Task force on Scientific Journal
It was decided at the first General Assembly on 15 May 2015 to wait with the
motion for agenda item 15.4, the establishment of a Task Force on Scientific
Journal, until it was discussed during the working week
Motion: The GA endorses the council’s proposal to establish
a task force on Scientific Journal
Added 21 May 2015
The permanent institutions will have various activities during the congress. They may report back to the General Assembly on any matters of general interest.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report(s).
A meeting for FIG Foundation is organised in Kuala Lumpur and various activities are taking place during the Congress. They may report back to the General Assembly on any matters of general interest.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report.
Candidates for FIG 2019 Working Week have made their presentations in the first session of the General Assembly and FIG Council has presented its evaluation. The decision will be made between:
The decision will take place by blind votes following the FIG statutes and internal rules. If there will be no absolute majority in the first round of voting, a second vote will be organised between those two candidates that have most votes.
Motion: This General Assembly decides the host and venue for FIG 2019 Working Week.
Co-congress director Orhan Ercan from the Chamber of Surveying Cadastre Engineers of Turkey will give a presentation on the preparations of FIG Congress 2018.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report
Representatives from the Local Organising Committee from the Finnish Associations MIL and MAKLI will give a presentation on preparations of FIG Working Week 2017.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report.
Representatives from the Local Organising Committee from New Zealand Institute of Surveyors will give a presentation on preparations of FIG Working Week 2016.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report.
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
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