Agenda31st General Assembly
Sunday, 15 June 2008 Stockholm City Conference Centre (Norra Latin), Stockholm, Sweden |
Sunday |
09:00-12:00 |
General Assembly, First Session |
Sunday 15 June |
15:30-17:30 See programme |
Commission Annual Meetings |
Sunday |
19:00-21:00 |
Welcome reception |
Monday, 16 June – Wednesday, 18 June 2008 FIG Working Week 2008 Stockholm City Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden – |
Thursday, 19 June 2008 Stockholm City Conference Centre (Norra Latin), Stockholm, Sweden |
Thursday 19 June |
08:30-10:30 Room 357, STOCCC |
Presidents’ Meeting for Presidents of Member Associations (or their representatives), by invitation only |
Thursday 19 June |
11:00–13:30 Auditorium, STOCCC |
General Assembly, Second Session |
Thursday 19 June |
15:00-16:30 Auditorium, STOCCC |
Closing Ceremony |
for the meetings to be held meetings to be
held in the Auditorium
at the Stockholm City Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden
on 15 and 19 June 2008
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Final version of the Agenda as presented to the General Assembly 15 and 19
June 2008 as Adobe Acrobat version (184 kB - 20
pages) 25.06.2008
Adobe Acrobat version (162 kB - 18
Note: Revisions are shown only on the .htm version
of the agenda and marked with colour.
To download the agenda with appendices as one file in Acrobat format please click here:
Adobe Acrobat version (7,520
kB - 238 pages) as at the time when sent to members 11 April 2008. Note:
Revisions are shown only on the .htm version of the agenda and marked with
The individual appendix files can be downloaded below under each item in Acrobat format.
PLEASE NOTE: Based on the decision from 2007 FIG Office has sent members only the agenda without appendices as a hard copy. Full agenda with all appendices can be downloaded from this web site. If you need a hard copy you can also request the FIG Office to send you a copy by normal mail, email:
Changes to the agenda after it was originally distributed as hard copy to the member associations are marked in this agenda with colour and date. There have been following amendments:
Membership of two academic members have been restored as they have paid their membership fees. 5 May 2008
Item 31: The Council has decided to publish FIG publications in four series (not three). 5 May 2008
Item 2 & 24: List of member associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of unpaid membership fees for 2007 and earlier 15 May 2008
Item 32: Costa Rica Declaration on Pro-Poor Coastal Zone Management 26 May 2008
Item 6. Membership: Membership application from Chartered Survey, Bulgaria has been added as well as four five new affiliate and one new academic member. The Council will decide on these applications 13 June 2008. 3 June 2008
Final agenda as presented to the General Assembly 15 and 19 June 2008 25 June 2008
President Stig Enemark to open the 31st General Assembly. That a moment of silence will be held to remember those members that have passed away after the latest General Assembly held in Hong Kong SAR, China in May 2007.
Vice President Matt Higgins to take the roll call.
Please note: The roll call will be done for member associations and affiliate members only. Delegates representing academic members, corporate members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts at the meeting place to the FIG officers. Member associations were asked to inform the FIG Office by 30 May 2008 about their attendance and at the same time to submit the names of their delegates and to inform who the leader of the delegation is. That only member associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2007 are allowed to vote at the meeting, a list of member associations that are not allowed to vote is published on this web site as per 15 May 2008.
Appendix to items 2 & 24:
Roll Call (134 kB)
Appendix to items 2 & 24:
List of member
associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of
unpaid membership fees for 2007 and earlier
15 May 2008
Motion: That present members are recorded in the minutes.
Motion: The General Assembly shall appoint two persons as tellers following the principle adopted at the 22nd General Assembly so that the tellers will represent member associations hosting the preceding (the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, HKIS) and the current General Assembly (the Swedish Association of Chartered Surveyors, SLF). That the General Assembly appoints Mr. Hon-Kwong Sung from Hong Kong SAR, China and Dr. Maria Ulfvarson-Östlund from Sweden as a teller for the two sessions of the General Assembly.
Motion: That the agenda be adopted.
Minutes have been circulated previously.
Appendix to item 5: Minutes of the General Assembly in Hong Kong SAR, China, May 2007
Minutes of the General Assembly in Hong
Kong SAR, China, May 2007 without appendices, pdf-format. (165 kB)
Motion: That the minutes be adopted as recorded.
6.1.1 Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc.
Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. has submitted its membership application to become a member association of FIG. The association has 500 qualified members (B.Sc. Geodetic Engineering). The association is constituted by the Philippine Geodetic Engineering Act. The application meets the criteria for membership in FIG as a member association. The Philippines has been a member of FIG earlier from 1994 to 1998. The Council has considered the application and believes that the association meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.1: Membership application from the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (123 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. to become a member association of FIG.
6.1.2 Chamber of Graduated Surveyors, Bulgaria
The Chamber of Graduate Surveyors from Bulgaria has submitted an application to become the second member association of FIG from Bulgaria. The association has 347 members (226 qualified and 121 qualifying members). The application is supported by the current member association Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria. The Council has considered the application and believes that the association meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.2:
Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Chamber of Graduate Surveyors from Bulgaria to become a member association of FIG.
6.1.3 Institution of Surveyors of United Arab Emirates
The Institution of Surveyors of United Arab Emirates has informed that the association has not been formally established. It wants to withdraw its membership in FIG at the same time as the Survey Department, Dubai Municipality joins FIG as an affiliate member.
Motion: That the General Assembly records that the Institution of Surveyors of United Arab Emirates has withdrawn its membership in FIG and that Dubai Municipality has joined FIG as an affiliate member.
The Council has admitted following six organisations to become an affiliate member of FIG:
The Council has restored the affiliate membership of:
The Council has expelled following organisation from the affiliate membership of FIG:
After these changes the number of affiliate members is 25.
Corporate members
The Council has admitted the following two companies to become a Corporate Member of FIG:
The Council has restored the membership of Cameroon Engineering S.A. as they have paid their arrears.
The Council has expelled the following corporate member because of unpaid membership fees:
The number of corporate members is now 34.
Academic members
The Council has decided to adopt following new academic member:
The Council has decided to expel following academic members because their membership fees are more than two years in arrears. This laist has been corrected 15 June 2008.
The number of Academic Members is after these changes 80.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
The President has prepared a report on the activities of the President and the Council between the General Assembly in Hong Kong and Stockholm. The President will give a subsequent report orally at the meeting.
Appendix to item 7: President’s report (115 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly accepts the President’s report.
The Council has prepared a mid-term progress report on implementation of the Council Work Plan for 2007-2010. The report is prepared in the way that it could be used as a standard tool to evaluate implementation of the Work Plan and the Action Plan 2007-2010 that the Council has approved to guide its work.
Appendix to item 8: Mid-term progress report on implementation of the Council Work Plan 2007-2010 (194 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the mid-term progress report on the implementation of the Council Work Plan 2007-2010.
Vice President Matt Higgins, Chair of ACCO has prepared a report on the activities of the Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) since the General Assembly in Hong Kong. In addition to the written report he will make an oral presentation on behalf of the ACCO. In his oral presentation he will raise a few questions to be discussed with the members at the meeting.
Each Commission Chair has submitted a written report on the Commission activities since the FIG Working Week in Hong Kong SAR, China. These reports include progress reports of the Commission working groups. Each Commission will hold an annual or other meeting during the Working Week in Stockholm. The chairs will be given an opportunity to make a brief additional oral report as requested.
Appendices to item 9:
9.1 ACCO report (116 kB)
9.2 Commission reports:
Commission 1, (146 kB)
Commission 2, (163 kB)
Commission 3, (180 kB)
Commission 4, (135 kB)
Commission 5, (133 kB)
Commission 6, (157 kB)
Commission 7, (121 kB)
Commission 8, (137 kB)
Commission 9, (123 kB)
- Commission 10, to be added
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports of the ACCO and the Commission chairs and records its thanks to the chairs and other officers of the Commissions for their past year’s work.
Mr. Simon Adcock, Chair of Commission 8 has sent a letter of resignation to the Council with effect from 31 January 2008. The Council has taken action to find a candidate to take over the chairmanship of Commission 8 for the remaining period of his term of office 1.2.2008-31.12.2010. As result of these efforts the Council is suggesting that Dr. Diane Dumashie from United Kingdom would be appointed as the Chair of Commission 8. Dr. Dumashie’s nomination is supported by the Royal Institution of Surveyors, RICS. She has served FIG earlier as Chair of Commission 8 from 2002 to 2006.
Appendix to item 10: Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Diane Dumashie (114 KB)
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints Dr. Diane Dumashie from United Kingdom as the Chair of Commission 8 for the period 1.2.2008-31.12.2010.
11.1 International Office of Cadastre and Land Records (Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier) OICRF
Prof. Paul van der Molen, Director of OICRF has prepared a report on the OICRF activities since the General Assembly in Hong Kong. He will make a short subsequent report orally at the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 11.1: Report from the International Office of Cadastre and Land Records (Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier) OICRF (118 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Director and the members of the permanent institution for their past year’s work.
11.2 International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement, Permanent Institution of FIG
Mr. Jan de Graeve, President of the IIHSM has prepared a report on the IIHSM activities since the General Assembly in Hong Kong. He will make a short subsequent report orally at the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 11.2: Report from the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement, Permanent Institution of FIG (122 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Director and the members of the permanent institution for their past year’s work.
Mr. John Hohol, President of the FIG Foundation has prepared a report on the FIG Foundation activities from May 2007 to April 2008. He will make a subsequent report orally at the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 12: Report of the FIG Foundation activities May 2007 – April 2008 (110 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report of the President of the FIG Foundation and records its thanks to the President and members of the Board of Directors of the FIG Foundation for their past year’s work.
As part of the Work Plan 2007-2010 the Council has established the UN Liaison Committee – FIG Responses to the Millennium Development Goals to coordinate co-operation with the United Nations and the World Bank. The Liaison Committee is chaired by the President. A special task of the Liaison Committee is to develop FIG responses to the Millennium Development Goals by organising a joint FIG/World Bank symposium.
The Liaison Committee has prepared a report on the co-operation between FIG and the United Nations including the World Bank since the General Assembly in Hong Kong.
The main issues in the co-operation with the United Nations and the World Bank during this period have been:
Appendix to item 13: Report on the co-operation between FIG and the United Nations and the World Bank (132 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report on the co-operation between FIG and the United Nations, its agencies and the World Bank and records its thanks to the members of the Liaison Committee and all those who have contributed to this co-operation.
The Joint Board of Spatial Information Societies JB-GIS was formally established during the FIG Working Week in Cairo in 2005 and meets annually during a major conference. The meeting in 2007 took place in conjunction to the ICA conference in Moscow, Russia 4-10 August 2007. The Joint Board met informally also during the GSDI-10 in Trinidad 25-29 February 2008. The Joint Board was chaired by President Stig Enemark until the meeting in August 2007 where Prof. Ian Dowman was appointed as the new chair.
FIG has further bilateral agreements of co-operation with several other international associations like ISM, IFHP, CIB, ION, ICEC, FIABCI and IFHS. Some of the partners are also working together in the Habitat Professionals Forum. Since beginning of 2007 the Chairperson of the Habitat Professionals Forum has been President Stig Enemark.
FIG is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and working together with ISO and International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) on standards.
The Council has prepared a report on the co-operation between FIG and other professional associations from May 2007 to April 2008.
Appendix to item 14: Report on the co-operation between FIG and other professional organisations (119 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly confirms the report on the liaison with other international associations.
The FIG Statutes, Internal Rules and other regulations have been adopted by the General Assembly in 2001. Several parts have been amended thereafter. After the transition period of the governance structure is now completed the Council has made a thorough revision of the statutes and internal rules as decided by the General Assembly in Hong Kong in May 2007. The revision is based on the work of the Task Force on FIG Governance Structure and the discussions that the Council has had with the member associations.
The new version of the statutes and other regulations include a thorough revision of the language and various adjustments to bring the legal base up to date with actual policies and practices. However as a result there is need only for a few changes that are of political nature. These changes can be listed as follows:
Internal Rules:
The Council has decided to propose an
additional change to 9.4 § on election of Council members and to 11.9 § on
election of commission chairs:
“--- If no single candidate for that post gains an absolute majority of the
votes cast, a second vote will be held between the two
candidates that have the most votes.
If there is no absolute majority a final
vote will take place between the two candidates that have gained the largest
number of votes in the second round.
In the event of a tie on that vote,
the final decision shall be made by
selecting a name by blind ballot.
To help the member associations to see all changes there is a full set of the statutes, internal rules and other guidelines together with the current regulations as an attachment. All changes that are not linguistic improvements have been highlighted. The purpose of the update is to get all regulations up to date but without putting too much effort on the linguistic issues.
A new publication of the Statutes and other regulations will be published and circulated to all members after the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 15:
FIG Statutes, Internal Rules and Guidelines (current and revised versions)
(357 kB) - 43 pages
Statutes as publication in .htm-format (FIG publication # 40)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the revised Statutes and Internal Rules and other guidelines as proposed by the Council and presented in the appendix.
The Council did not receive any proposals for the venue of the Working Week 2013 by the deadline in December 2007.
In the revised statutes it is proposed that the venue of the Working Weeks and Congresses will be decided four years before the meeting (now five years). Because the Council expected that the General Assembly will adopt this proposal, the Council has not encouraged applications for 2013 after the deadline passed, but instead proposes that the venue of Working Week 2013 will be decided by the General Assembly in 2009.
Motion: That the General Assembly decides according to the revised internal rules that the venue of the FIG Working Week 2013 will be decided by the General Assembly in 2009. Bids to host the Working Week have to be submitted to the Council by the end of 2008.
Vice President Ken Allred will present a financial report on the economic situation of the Federation. This report includes summary of the accounts for 2007, an updated budget for 2008 and proposal for budget 2009 with notes.
The Auditors Report includes the auditors report from 2007, official accounts (income statement 2007) and balance sheet 31 December 2007.
Appendices to item 17:
17.1 Financial Report –
Accounts 2007 and Budgets 2008 and 2009 (284 kB)
17.2 Auditor's Report,
Income Statement for 2007 and Balance Sheet at 31 December 2007 (740 kB)
17.3 List
of member associations whose membership fees are in arrears for 2007 and earlier
and that are not allowed to vote, as 15 May 2008
The Council has decided to recognise the continuous financial support and sponsorship of the Danish Association of Chartered Surveyors, DdL to the FIG Office at this meeting.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the audited accounts for 2007 and budgets for 2008 and 2009. That the General Assembly records it special thanks and recognises the sponsorship that DdL has given to the FIG Office since its establishment in 1999.
The General Assembly has to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 4,000 members; member associations with more than 4,000 members pay fees in accordance with a sliding scale. Fees for 2008 and 2009 are:
Per capita fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2008 |
4.02 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
200 € |
133 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members. |
2009 |
4.18 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members. |
200 € |
136 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members. |
The World Bank lists of the low-income economies and the lower-middle-income economies are available at the World Bank web site.
The Council proposes to the General Assembly to increase membership fees for member associations for 2010 with 2.9 per cent to 4.30 € per member and 139 per cent for the maximum fee based on the General Assembly decision from 1997.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts following membership fees payable by member associations in 2010:
Per capita fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2010 |
4.30 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
200 € |
139 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members. |
According to the FIG Statutes and Internal Rules the General Assembly has to appoint two new Vice Presidents for the period 1.1.2009-31.12.2012.
Member associations have made four nominations for these two open posts during the nomination period. These nominations are:
According to the new election procedure each candidate has prepared and submitted a nomination template that gives information about the candidate and his ideas about developing the Federation. The templates are included in the agenda.
Appendices to item 19 and 26: Nomination templates of the nominated candidates:
The candidates have been invited to make a short introduction of themselves and their agenda how to develop FIG, if they will be elected. Each candidate will be given 5 minutes to make his presentation.
The elections will take place at the second session of the General Assembly by using following procedure:
Election of the first Vice President
In the election of the first Vice President every member association has one vote to give to one of the 4 candidates. If one candidate gets more than 50 per cent of the given votes, he will be elected. If there is no majority in the first vote, a second vote will be carried between those two candidates that have got most votes in the first vote. The candidate with most votes will then be elected.
Election of the second Vice President
In the election of the second Vice President every member association has one vote to give to one of the remaining 3 candidates. If one candidate gets more than 50 per cent of the given votes, he will be elected. If there is no majority in the first vote, a second vote will be carried between those two candidates that have got most votes in the first vote. The candidate with most votes will then be elected.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the presentations and adopts to make the election at the second session of the General Assembly by following the election procedure described above.
According to the FIG Statutes and Internal Rules the General Assembly appoints Commission Chairs Elect at its meeting two years prior to the Congress. These Chairs Elect will then automatically become Chairs of the Commissions for the next term of office. Thus the General Assembly shall appoint at this meeting Commission Chairs Elect for term of office 1.1.2009-31.12.2010 and these Chairs Elect will then become Commission Chairs for the term of office 1.1.2011-31.12.2014.
Member associations have made following nominations for the open posts during the nomination period:
Commission 1: Commission 2: Commission 3: Commission 4: Commission 5: Commission 6: Commission 7: Commission 9: |
Mr. Doug Culham, Canada (CIG) Ms. Leonie Newnham, Australia (ISA) Prof. Steven Frank, USA (ACSM) Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel (ALSI) Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Hungary (MFTTT) Dr. Michael Sutherland, Canada (CIG) Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden (SLF) Dr. Gethin Wyn Roberts, United Kingdom (ICES) Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada (CIG) Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland (geosuisse) Mr. Steven L. Nystrom, USA (AI) Dr. Frances Plimmer, United Kingdom (RICS) |
As there were no nominations for Commission 8 and 10, the Council has discussed about the situation with these Commissions. As a result of these studies, the Council proposes to the General Assembly that the appointment of Chair Elect to Commission 8 and Commission 10 will be postponed to the General Assembly in 2009. This will still allow enough time for the appointed Chair Elect to prepare his/her agenda and work plan for the next term of office. In the case of Commission 8 this is also reasonable because the appointment of a new Chair at the meeting in Stockholm.
Appendices to item 20 and 27: Nomination templates of candidates to Commission Chairs Elect for 1.1.2009-31.12.2010:
Commission 1: Commission 2: Commission 3: Commission 4: Commission 5: Commission 6: Commission 7: Commission 9: |
Mr. Doug Culham,
Canada (CIG)
(110 kB) Ms. Leonie Newnham, Australia (ISA) (100 kB) Prof. Steven Frank, USA (ACSM) (104 kB) Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel (ALSI) (107 kB) Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Hungary (MFTTT) (129 kB) Dr. Michael Sutherland, Canada (CIG) (111 kB) Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden (SLF) (139 kB) Dr. Gethin Wyn Roberts, United Kingdom (ICES) (94 kB) Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada (CIG) (133 kB) Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland (geosuisse) (116 kB) Mr. Steven L. Nystrom, USA (AI) (94 kB) Dr. Frances Plimmer, United Kingdom (RICS) (121 kB) |
At the first session of the General Assembly each candidate will be given 3 minutes to introduce him/herself and his/her agenda how to develop the Commission if he/she will be elected.
The election for Chairs Elect will take place at the second session of the General Assembly, 19 June 2008. The election will take place in one election, in which all commission chairs are elected at the same time.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the presentations and decides to make the election at the second session of the General Assembly on the 19th June 2008.adopts the Commission Work Plans.
The Council established in 2007 a Task Force on Developing Global Land Tools for Pro Poor Land Management. This Task Force is chaired by Vice President Paul van der Molen. It is working in close co-operation with commissions 3, 7, 8 and 9 and their working groups whose chairs Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, Dr. Diane Dumashie and Mr. Bengt Kjellson are members of the task force.
Vice President van der Molen will report orally at the meeting on the activities of the Task Force since the General Assembly in Hong Kong. In his report he will raise a couple of issues that the Task Force wants to discuss with the member associations at the meeting. Some time is reserved at the meeting for these discussions.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the members of the Task Force for their past year’s work.
The Council established in 2007 a Task Force on Institutional and Organisational Development. This Task Force is chaired by Iain Greenway from United Kingdom and the members are Santiago Borrero Mutis (Colombia), Adam Greenland (New Zealand), Teo CheeHai (Malaysia), John Parker (Australia), Richard Wonnacott (South Africa) and Francisco Delfini (France).
The Chair of the Task Force, Iain Greenway has prepared a progress report on the activities of the Task Force since the General Assembly in Hong Kong. In his subsequent oral report he will raise a couple of issues that the Task Force wants to discuss with the member associations at the meeting. Some time is reserved at the meeting for these discussions.
Appendix to item 22 and 28: Report of the Task Force on Institutional and Organisational Development (140 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the members of the Task Force for their past year’s work. That the General Assembly further notes that Dr. Spike Boydell (UK/Australia) has been appointed as a member to the Task Force.
This meeting is for the Presidents of the FIG Member Associations.
Appendix to item 23: Invitation to Presidents of FIG member associations. (73 KB)
Vice President Matt Higgins to take the roll call.
Please note: The roll call will be done for member associations and affiliate members only. Delegates representing academic members, corporate members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts at the meeting place to the FIG Office Manager. That only member associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2007 are allowed to vote at the meeting, a list of member associations that are not allowed to vote is published on this web site as per 15 May 2008.
To be noted that the General Assembly has appointed Mr. Hon-Kwong Sung from HKIS, Hong Kong SAR, China and Dr. Maria Ulfvarson-Östlund from SLF, Sweden as tellers to this session of the General Assembly.
Appendix to items 2 & 24:
Roll Call (134 kB)
Appendix to items 2 & 24:
List of member
associations that are not allowed to vote at the General Assembly because of
unpaid membership fees for 2007 and earlier
Motion: That present members are recorded in the minutes.
Affiliate members
The Council has adopted following three organisations as affiliate members:
After these changes the number of affiliate members is 28.
Academic members
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly that there has been a mistake in the listing of payments and that therefore the University of Puerto Rico, Civil Engineering Department, Puerto Rico has wrongly been listed as an expelled academic member. After this correction the number of academic members is 80.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
The General Assembly has listened to the presentations of the four candidates for the position of the FIG Vice President at its first meeting. At this meeting the General Assembly will elect two Vice Presidents to the Council for the term of office 1.1.2009-31.12.2012.
The election will be between following candidates:
Appendices to item 19 and 26: Nomination templates of the nominated candidates:
The elections will take place by using following procedure:
Election of the first Vice President
In the election of the first Vice President every member association has one vote to give to one of the 4 candidates. If one candidate gets more than 50 per cent of the given votes, he will be elected. If there is no majority in the first vote, a second vote will be carried between those two candidates that have got most votes in the first vote. The candidate with most votes will then be elected.
Election of the second Vice President
In the election of the second Vice President every member association has one vote to give to one of the remaining 3 candidates. If one candidate gets more than 50 per cent of the given votes, he will be elected. If there is no majority in the first vote, a second vote will be carried between those two candidates that have got most votes in the first vote. The candidate with most votes will then be elected.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the presentation and adopts to make the election at the second session of the General Assembly by following the election procedure described above.
The General Assembly has listened to the presentations of the candidates for the position of the Commission Chairs Elect at its first meeting. At this meeting the General Assembly will elect the Chairs Elect for the term of office 1.1.2009-31.12.2010. The Chairs Elect will under normal circumstances be automatically elected as Chair of their Commission for the term of office 1.1.2011-31.12.2014.
The election will take place on the following candidates:
Commission 1: Commission 2: Commission 3: Commission 4: Commission 5: Commission 6: Commission 7: Commission 9: |
Mr. Doug Culham, Canada (CIG) Ms. Leonie Newnham, Australia (ISA) Prof. Steven Frank, USA (ACSM) Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel (ALSI) Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Hungary (MFTTT) Dr. Michael Sutherland, Canada (CIG) Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden (SLF) Dr. Gethin Wyn Roberts, United Kingdom (ICES) Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada (CIG) Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland (geosuisse) Mr. Steven L. Nystrom, USA (AI) Dr. Frances Plimmer, United Kingdom (RICS) |
The Chairs Elect will be elected all at the same time. As there is only one candidate for Commission 2, 4, 5 and 6, these candidates will be elected without a vote. For Commissions 1, 3, 7 and 9 there are two candidates for each Commission, so the election will take place between these two candidates. For Commission 8 and 10 there is no candidate and the Council has proposed to postpone these elections to the General Assembly in 2009.
Appendices to item 20 and 27: Nomination templates of candidates to Commission Chairs Elect for 1.1.2009-31.12.2010:
Commission 1: Commission 2: Commission 3: Commission 4: Commission 5: Commission 6: Commission 7: Commission 9: |
Mr. Doug
Culham, Canada (CIG)
(110 kB) Ms. Leonie Newnham, Australia (ISA) (100 kB) Prof. Steven Frank, USA (ACSM) (104 kB) Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel (ALSI) (107 kB) Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Hungary (MFTTT) (129 kB) Dr. Michael Sutherland, Canada (CIG) (111 kB) Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden (SLF) (139 kB) Dr. Gethin Wyn Roberts, United Kingdom (ICES) (94 kB) Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada (CIG) (133 kB) Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland (geosuisse) (116 kB) Mr. Steven L. Nystrom, USA (AI) (94 kB) Dr. Frances Plimmer, United Kingdom (RICS) (121 kB) |
Motion: That the General Assembly elects the Chair Elect to Commissions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 at the same time. That the General Assembly decides to postpone the election of Chair Elect to Commission 8 and 10 to next General Assembly in 2009.
Iain Greenway, Chair of the Task Force on Institutional and Organisational Development gives a presentation of the Task Force activities at the first session of the General Assembly. At the second session he will report back to the General Assembly on the outcome of the questionnaire and of the meetings that are arranged during the Working Week.
Appendix to item 22 and 28: Report of the Task Force on Institutional and Organisational Development (140 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report.
Vice President Matt Higgins to report on the Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) meetings and Commission activities that have taken place during the week.
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly that ACCO has appointed Dr. Chryssy Potsiou as its representative in the Council for term of office 1.1.2009-31.12.2010.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report and endorses the appointment of Dr. Chryssy Potsiou as the ACCO representative in the Council for term of office 1.1.2009-31.12.2010.
A traditional meeting for FIG Corporate Members will be organised on Tuesday 17 June 2008. Mr. Peter Normann Hansen, FIG Ambassador for Corporate Members will report to the General Assembly on the co-operation and its future perspectives.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report.
The Council has decided to restructure the FIG publications to four categories: FIG Policy Statements; FIG Guides; FIG Reports; and FIG Regulations. Policy statements will include policy statements and political declarations e.g. ”The Marrakech Declaration on Urban-Rural Interrelationship for Sustainable Development” (pub # 33) and are endorsed by the General Assembly. Guides are technical or other guidelines e.g. “FIG Guide on Standardisation” (pub #28) or “Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications” (pub #27) and are endorsed by the Council and recorded by the General Assembly for information. Reports are technical reports, outcomes from events or products of Commission working groups etc. and are not formally adopted or endorsed by the Federation but have value for the profession, e.g. “Administering Marine Spaces: International Issues” (pub # 36). Decision on publishing the reports will be made by the Council. Regulations include statutes, internal rules and work plans. These categories are created to help members and other users of the publications to identify the purpose for what the publication is made for.
The Council has prepared following four publications that will be available on the web before the General Assembly and distributed as hard copies to the members together with the minutes after the General Assembly:
Motion: That the General Assembly notifies the new listing of FIG publications and records the four new publications.
One of the results of the 6th FIG Regional Conference in San José, Costa Rica 12-15 November 2007 is preparation of the Costa Rica Declaration on Pro-Poor Coastal Zone Management that will be launched at the Working Week in Stockholm. The goals for the Declaration is to develop the concept of integrated and pro-poor coastal zone management; to identify the problems and issues related to Costa Rica and the Central American Region; to analyse these problems in the context of pro-poor CZM; and to look at recommendations and ways forward. The declaration is available on the web and printed copies are distributed at the General Assembly. The declaration is written by a draft group chaired by Rob Mahoney.
The Costa Rica Declaration is published in the FIG Policy Statement series (publication #43) and it is brought to the General Assembly for endorsement.
Appendix to item 32: FIG Costa Rica Declaration on Pro-Poor Coastal Zone Management.
Motion: That the General Assembly endorses the Costa Rica Declaration on Pro-Poor Coastal Zone Management and records its thanks to the drafting group for their work.
The General Assembly will be given a presentation on the arrangements of the FIG Working Week 2009 that will be held in Eilat, Israel, 3-8 May 2009.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report for information.
The FIG Council has decided to organise the 7th FIG Regional Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam together with the Viet Nam Association of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Representatives of VGCR will give the General Assembly a report on the arrangements of the Regional Conference.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report for information.
The hosts of the FIG Congress 2010 (ISA, Australia) will give the General Assembly a report on the preparations of the next FIG Congress to be held in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report for information.
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be emailed to the FIG Office.