Agenda27th General Assembly
Sunday |
9:00–14:00 Ballroom III |
General Assembly, First Session |
Sunday |
15:00-17:00 |
FIG Commission Meetings |
Thursday |
14:00– 15:00 |
President’s Meeting General Assembly, Second Session Closing Ceremony |
for the meetings to be held in Ballroom III at the
Intercontinental Athenaeum Athens,
Athens, Greece
on 23 and 27 May 2004
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May 2004
The appendices in Acrobat format can be downloaded below under each item.
Changes to the agenda after it has been distributed as
hard copy to the member associations
(These changes have been marked with
orange colour and date)
6.2.1 Expungements: The Union of Surveying Engineers Serbia and Montenegro has bee restored. 5 May 2004
13 Election of Vice Presidents: Reconfirmation of Hak Chan, HKIS as a candidate 5 May 2004
14 & 22 Election of Commission Chairs: Commission 8 Chair 2004-2006 proposal Diane Dumashie (RICS, UK) and Commission 8 Chair Elect: Spike Boydell (RICS, UK) 5 May 2004
Appendices received after the hard copies of the agenda was distributed to members:
Appendix to item 2 and 20 Roll call - corrected version, 10 May 2004
Appendix to item 14.1 Nomination letters and
Curriculum Vitae of the nominated candidates:
Chryssy Potsiou (Hellenic Association of
Rural and Surveying Engineers, Technical Chamber of Greece) ,
23 April 2004
Appendix to item 15 FIG Definition of the Functions of the Surveyor - minor changes to the language 10 May 2004
Appendix to item 24.1 Regional Reports - Groupe Francophone de la FIG (GFF), 14 May 2004
Appendix to item 24.2 Regional Reports: Report about the activities of the Arab Union of Surveyors and the Co-operation with other Organisations, 26 March 2004
Appendix to item 24.5 Regional Reports - Asia and the Pacific, 27 March 2004
President Holger Magel to open the 27th General Assembly.
Vice President Andreas Drees to take the roll call.
Please note that the roll call will be done for member associations only.
Delegates representing affiliates, academic members, corporate members and
correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be
entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts in
the meeting hall to the FIG representative.
Appendix to items 2 & 20: Roll Call.
Motion: That present members are recorded in the minutes.
Motion: The General Assembly shall appoint two persons as tellers following the principle adopted at the 22nd General Assembly so that the tellers will represent member associations hosting the preceding (Ordre des Géomètres-Experts, OGE / Association Française de Topographie, AFT) and the current General Assembly (Technical Chamber of Greece, TEE / Hellenic Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers, HARSE). The French member associations have proposed Dr. Michel Kasser (23 May) and Dr. Michel Mayoud (may 27) and the Greek member associations Mr. George Tsoukalas (May 23) and Ms. Mina Stagianni (May 27) as tellers. That the General Assembly appoints Dr. Michel Kasser and Mr. George Tsoukalas (May 23) and Dr. Michel Mayoud and Ms. Mina Stagianni (May 27) as tellers for the two sessions of this General Assembly. 14 and 27 May 2004
Motion: That the agenda be adopted.
Minutes have been circulated previously.
Appendix to item 5: Minutes of the General Assembly in Paris April 2003
Minutes of the General Assembly in Paris April 2003
without appendices, pdf-format.
Motion: That the minutes be adopted as recorded.
6.1.1 Ordre des Géomètres-Experts Fonciers (Algeria)
Ordre des Géomètres-Experts Fonciers from Algeria has submitted an application to become a member association of FIG. The association has 378 members. The current member association from Algeria Association des Géomètres Algériens has been informed about the application. The Council has received information that the AGA has ceased to exist according to the national legislation in Algeria. The Council has considered the application and believes that the association meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.1: Membership application from the Ordre des Géomètres-Experts Fonciers.
Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Ordre des Géomètres-Experts Fonciers from Algeria as a member association of FIG.
6.1.2 Association Nationale des Ingenieurs Géomètres-Experts Tunisiens (ANIGET)
The Association Nationale des Ingenieurs Géomètres-Experts Tunisiens (ANIGET) has submitted an application to become a member association of FIG. The association has 59 members. The Council has considered the application and believes that the association meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.2: Membership application from the Association Nationale des Ingenieurs Géomètres-Experts Tunisiens (ANIGET).
Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Association Nationale des Ingenieurs Géomètres-Experts Tunisiens (ANIGET) as a member association of FIG.
6.1.3 Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba (UNAICC)
The Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba (UNAICC) has submitted an application to become a member association of FIG. The association has 256 members. The Council has considered the application and believes that the association meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.3: Membership application from the Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba (UNAICC).
Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba (UNAICC) as a member association of FIG.
6.1.4 Ordre des Géomètres du Togo (23 May 2004)
Ordre des Géomètres du Togo has submitted an application to become a member association of FIG. The association has 16 qualified members and the association is constituted by a law. The Council has considered the application and believes that the association meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.4: Membership application from the Ordre des Géomètres du Togo
Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Ordre des Géomètres du Togo as a member association of FIG.
6.2.1 Expungements 2002-2003
The General Assembly decided in Paris in 2003 that following member associations would be expelled automatically if their membership fees were still in arrears 31 December 2003:
The Council informs the General Assembly that the Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia and the Licensed Surveyors Association in Palestine (supported by the Arab Union of Surveyors) have paid their arrears and that the membership of these two associations has been restored. The Association des Géomètres Algériens has paid part of its arrears in 2003 and the membership was restored at that time. At the moment this association is again in arrears for more than three years.
That the General Assembly notes that the Union of Surveying Engineers (Serbia and Montenegro) and the Union of Geodesy Societies of FYROM have been expelled from the membership of FIG at the end of 2003. The General Assembly is, however, further informed that it is expected that the new Serbian association will take over the membership from the Union of Surveying Engineers before the General Assembly in Athens. That the Union of Surveying Engineers Serbia has taken over the membership of FIG and is now representing Serbia in FIG as a member association. The new member association has also taken care of the arrears of the former association.10 May 2004
Motion: That the General Assembly records that
have been expelled from the membership of FIG at the end of 2003 and that the membership of Serbia has been restored after the Union of Surveying Engineers Serbia has taken over the membership and paid the arrears. 10 May 2004
6.2.2 Expungements 2004
The subscriptions of the following member associations are more than three years in arrears:
The General Assembly has powers to expel from the Federation any member association whose fees are in arrears and shall under normal circumstances expel any member association whose fees are three years in arrears. (Article 4.3 of the Statutes).
Motion: That the General Assembly expels the
if their membership fees still are in arrears 31 December 2004.
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly on the following changes in the membership of FIG:
Member associations
The Council has recorded that the Dutch member association Nederlandse Vereiniging voor Geodesie, NVG has merged with other Dutch surveying and geomatics associations 1.1.2004 to Geo-informatie Nederland (GIN), which has about 3,500 members (about 600 in NVG). That the General Assembly records the change of the name of the Dutch member association in FIG.
The Council has admitted the following organisation to become an affiliate member of FIG:
Corporate members
The Council has admitted the following companies to become a Corporate Member of FIG:
Terramapserver has resigned from FIG membership after it merged with Intergraph. Berntsen International Inc. has resigned from the FIG membership in January 2004.
SICAD has changed its name to AED-SICAD Aktiengesellschaft.
The Council has expelled MicroSurvey and SECO Manufacturing for unpaid subscriptions.
Academic members
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly that 8 new Academic Members have joined FIG after the General Assembly in Paris and that the number of academic members 10 May 2004 is 70 from 45 nations. The new academic members are:
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
The Association Française de Topographie (AFT), France has sent the Federation a nomination letter in which it proposes that FIG appoints Prof. Jean-Marie Becker, Chair of FIG Commission 5, 1998-2002 and Vice Chair (1994-1998) as an Honorary Member of the Federation. Prof. Becker has represented both French and Swedish surveyors in FIG. About his contributions can be mentioned:
According to the Statutes paragraph 3.1.7 an individual who has materially assisted the development and promotion of the surveying profession at the international level can be appointed as an honorary member. Nomination for this appointment shall be made by a member association or the Council, which will consider it and submit it to a vote of the General Assembly.
The Council has considered the proposal and decided to propose to the General Assembly that it appoints Prof. Jean-Marie Becker as an Honorary Member of the Federation for the outstanding services he has provided to the Federation as a Chair of Commission 5 and as a Chair and member of several working groups and task forces.
Appendix to item 7: The nomination letter from AFT.
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints Prof. Jean-Marie Becker an Honorary Member of FIG for the great services he has provided for the Federation.
The report of the President of the Federation includes a review on the activities of the Federation, the Council and the FIG office from April 2003 to May 2004.
Appendix to item 8: President's report.
Motion: That the General Assembly accepts the President’s report.
The Commission chairs have submitted their written reports on the Commission activities since the FIG Working Week in Paris. Their reports include progress reports of the working groups in each Commission. All Commissions will have meetings during the Working Week as well as most of their Working Groups. The Council proposes that the reports will be recorded as circulated without oral presentations. In the second session of the General Assembly on Thursday May 27, a slot has been allocated for discussion between the delegates and Commission chairs on topics of interest to all commissions.
Appendices to item 9:
Motion: That the General Assembly
Appendices to item 10:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports and records its thanks to the Directors for their past year’s work.
Appendix to item 11: Co-operation with the United Nations and Its Agencies April 2003–May 2004
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report on the co-operation with the United Nations and its agencies and records its thanks to the UN Co-operation Network.
After the International Union for Surveys and Mapping (IUSM) was disbanded in 1999 the co-operation with traditional sister organisations has been based on bilateral agreements. Memoranda of understanding have now been signed with all former members of IUSM. The last of these is the MoU with the International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB/IHO) will be signed in Athens. A new body called the Joint Board of Spatial Information Societies has been established. Its main task is to coordinate the co-operation with the United Nations on geoinformation.
FIG has further bilateral agreements of co-operation with several other international associations like ICEC, IFHP, CIB and FIABCI. Some of the partners are also working together in the Habitat Professionals Forum.
FIG is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and working together with ISO and International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) on standards.
Appendices to item 12:
Motion: That the General Assembly confirms the report on the liaison with other international associations and endorses the MoU between IHB/IHO and FIG.
According to the FIG Statutes, Internal Rules and the General Assembly decision on election of the Council members in the transition period, the General Assembly has to appoint two new Vice Presidents for the period 1.1.2005-31.12.2008. During the first two years these new Vice Presidents will be ad hoc members of the current Council.
Member associations have made five nominations for these two open posts during the nomination period. These nominations are:
The Nomination Review Group, appointed by the General Assembly in Paris, has made its evaluation of the candidates. The NRG is chaired by Mr. Robert Foster, Honorary President of FIG and its members are John Parker, Tom Kennie, Teo CheeHai and Sam Zhou.
Appendices to item 13:
In its recommendation to the President the NRG has considered that all candidates are qualified but recommends that the General Assembly make the election between three candidates (Allred, Enemark and Mayoud). The member associations that have made the nominations have been informed about the recommendation of the NRG. According to the Internal Rule 9.5 the member association has to reconfirm its nomination, if its candidate is not among the proposed candidates. This should happen before or at the latest in the General Assembly:
Internal Rule 9.5: “The Council shall promulgate guidance notes for the NRG requiring it, inter alia, to review the nominations for president and vice-presidents and, in making its selection, to consider the candidates’ qualifications and ensure a balanced distribution of candidates as between different geographical regions and different surveying disciplines. The recommendation of the NRG, together with relevant information on the candidates, shall be circulated to members with the agenda and papers for the General Assembly which will be voting on the recommendation. If a nominee of a member association is not included in the recommendation of the NRG that member association has to reconfirm that its candidate remains a nominee and for which post(s) before or at the General Assembly.”
The candidates have been invited to make a short introduction of themselves and their agenda how to develop FIG, if they will be elected. Each candidate will be given 3-5 minutes to make his presentation.
As per 21 May 2004 the election will take place between following candidates:
After the presentations the election will be done using following procedure:
Election of the first Vice President
In the election of the first Vice President every member association has one vote to give to one of the 4 candidates. If one candidate gets more than 50 per cent of the given votes, he will be elected. If there is no majority in the first vote, a second vote will be carried between those two candidates that have got most votes in the first vote. The candidate with most votes will then be elected.
Election of the second Vice President
In the election of the second Vice President every member association has one vote to give to one of the remaining 3 candidates. If one candidate gets more than 50 per cent of the given votes, he will be elected. If there is no majority in the first vote, a second vote will be carried between those two candidates that have got most votes in the first vote. The candidate with most votes will then be elected.
Motion: That the General Assembly elects two Vice Presidents for the Federation for the term of office 1.1.2005-31.12.2008 following the election procedure described above
According to the FIG Statutes and Internal Rules the General Assembly appoints Commission Chairs Elect two years prior the Congress. These Chairs Elect will then automatically become Chairs of the Commissions for the next term of office. Thus the General Assembly will appoint all Commission Chairs Elect for term of office 2004-2006 and these Chairs Elect will then become Commission Chairs from Congress 2006 to Congress 2010.
Member associations have made following nominations for the open posts during the nomination period:
Commission 1 | Yaacoub Saade (Ordre des Geometres-Topographes du Liban) |
Commission 2 | Bela Markus (Magyar Földméresi, Térképészeti és Távérzkelési Társaság, Hungary) |
Commission 3 | Chryssy Potsiou (Hellenic Association of Rural and
Surveying Engineers, Technical Chamber of Greece) Robert Mahoney (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, RICS, UK) |
Commission 4 | No nomination |
Commission 5 | Rudolf Staiger (DVW – Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Germany) |
Commission 6 | No nomination |
Commission 7 | András Osskó (Magyar Földméresi, Térképészeti és
Távérzkelési Társaság, Hungary) Winfried Hawerk (DVW – Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Germany) |
Commission 8 | Spike Boydell (RICS UK) 5 May 2004 |
Commission 9 | Simon Adcock (The Institution of Surveyors,
Australia) Kauko Viitanen (Finnish Association of Surveyors MIL, Finland) |
Commission 10 | Andrew Morley (Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors ICES, UK) |
The Commission Review Group appointed by the General Assembly in Paris has made its evaluation of the candidates. The CRG was chaired by Mr. Robert Foster, Honorary President of FIG and its members were John Parker, Tom Kennie, Teo CheeHai, Sam Zhou and as commission representatives Peter Laarakker, Robin McLaren and Vaclav Slaboch, appointed by ACCO.
Appendices to item 14 and 22:
Nomination letters and Curriculum Vitae of the nominated candidates
In its recommendation to the President the CRG states that it has found that all candidates are suitably qualified for the position, have the support of their member associations, have been active in the commissions, are members of their respective Member Associations and are known and recognized in the profession and in FIG.
The General Assembly is informed that, because there were no candidates proposed for Commissions 4 and 6 the Council has together with the relevant Commission chairs searched for a candidate for these two Commissions. The proposal from the Council is:
At the first session of the General Assembly each candidate will be given 3 minutes to introduce him/herself and his/her work plan if he/she will be elected.
Before the election of the Chairs Elect and Commission Chairs for 2006-2010 the General Assembly has to appoint the new Chair to Commission 8 for 2004-2006 after Paul Lohmann resigned from this post in November 2003. The Council has decided to propose Diane Dumashie to be appointed as the chair to Commission 8 for 2004-2006 after the second candidate to this post has been withdrawn. 5 May 2004
The elections for Commissions will take place in the second session of the General Assembly, 27 May 2004.
The election will take place in one election, in which all commission chairs are elected at the same time.
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints Diane Dumashie nominated by RICS, United Kingdom as the Chair to Commission 8 for term of office 2004-2006. That the General Assembly further records its thanks to Paul Lohmann for his chairmanship in Commission 8. 5 May 2004
The FIG Definition of Surveyor was adopted by the General Assembly in 1991. After more than ten years the Council considered that it is time to review it so that it better reflects the changes in technology and society and also to consider whether any other changes will be needed. The revised version called “FIG Definition of the Functions of the Surveyor” has been prepared during the past year and comments have been sought from the member associations and other members. The revised version includes some changes that are based in the development in the surveying and geoinformatics profession. It further integrates better than earlier the basic sciences within our profession to research and professional practice.
By request of the RICS and ICES delegations some minor changes have been made to the language of the definition.
Appendix to item 15. FIG Definition of the Functions of the Surveyor (hard copies to be tabled in Athens.10 May 2004
Motion: That the General Assembly endorses the FIG Definition of the Functions of the Surveyor as circulated.
Based on the discussions with the member associations and at the President’s meeting during the recent years the Council has prepared a document on FIG Information Policy. The working group has been chaired by Vice President Bettina Petzold. The draft has been posted on the web site and comments from the member associations sought.
Appendix to item 16. FIG Information Policy
Motion: That the General Assembly endorses the FIG Information Policy as circulated. To be noted that there will be a round table meeting on this topic on Wednesday 26 May 11:00-12:00 at Commission 2 meeting room. 17 May 2004
Vice President Ralf Schroth has prepared a financial report on the economic situation of the Federation. This report includes summary of the accounts for 2003, an updated budget for 2004 and proposal for budget 2005 with notes.
The Auditors Report includes the auditors report from 2003, official accounts (income statement 2003) and balance sheet 31 December 2003.
Appendices to item 17:
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the audited accounts for 2003 and budgets for 2004 and 2005.
The General Assembly is required to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 4,000 members; member associations with more than 4,000 members pay fees in accordance with a sliding scale. Fees for 2004 and 2005 are:
Per capita fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2004 |
3.73 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members. Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or low-middle-income economies shall pay 1.87 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
133 € |
121 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members |
2005 |
3.79 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members. Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay 1.90 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
200 € |
124 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members |
The World Bank list of low-income economies is available at
and the list of lower-middle-income economies is available at
The Council propose a very modest increase in the membership fees for 2006 (1.58 per cent) and 127 per cent for the maximum fee based on the General Assembly decision from 1997.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts following membership fees payable by member associations in 2006:
Per capita fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2006 |
3.85 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members. Member associations from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies shall pay 1.93 € member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
200 € |
127 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members |
Separate invitation to Presidents of the Member Associations to follow.
Vice President Andreas Drees to take the roll call.
Please note that the roll call will be done for member associations only. Delegates representing affiliates, academic members, corporate members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts in the meeting hall to the FIG representative.
Appendix to items 2 & 20: Roll Call.
Motion: That present members are recorded in the minutes.
The Council has admitted the following organisations to become an affiliate member of FIG:
Academic members
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly that one new Academic Member have joined FIG after the first session of the General Assembly and that the number of academic members is now 71 from 45 nations. The new academic member is:
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
Candidates for the Commission Chairs Elect for term of office 2004-2006 and for Chairs 2006-2010 have been introduced in the first session of the General Assembly.
Candidates for Commission Chair Elect 2004-2006 and Chairs for 2006-2010 are:
Commission 1 | Yaacoub Saade (Ordre des Geometres-Topographes du Liban) |
Commission 2 | Bela Markus (Magyar Földméresi, Térképészeti és Távérzkelési Társaság, Hungary) |
Commission 3 | Chryssy Potsiou (Hellenic Association of Rural and
Surveying Engineers, Technical Chamber of Greece) Robert Mahoney (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, RICS, UK) |
Commission 4 | To be elected at the General Assembly in Cairo in 2005 21 May 2004 |
Commission 5 | Rudolf Staiger (DVW – Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Germany) |
Commission 6 | Alojz Kopacik (Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers of Sloval Republic) |
Commission 7 | András Osskó (Magyar Földméresi, Térképészeti és
Távérzkelési Társaság, Hungary) Winfried Hawerk (DVW – Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Germany) |
Commission 8 | Spike Boydell (RICS UK) 5 May 2004 |
Commission 9 | Simon Adcock (The Institution of Surveyors,
Australia) Kauko Viitanen (Finnish Association of Surveyors MIL, Finland) |
Commission 10 | Andrew Morley (Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors ICES, UK) |
Appendices to item 14 and 22:
Before the election Yaacoub Saade (Commission 1) and Rudolf Staiger (Commission 5) have been invited to make their presentation (maximum 3 minutes) because they were not present in the first session. (27 May 2004)
The election will take place in one election, in which all commission chairs are elected at the same time.
Motion: That the General Assembly elects the Commission Chairs Elect for 2004-2006 and Chairs for 2006-2010.
The Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) has meet on 22 May 2005. Vice President Andreas Drees, Chair of ACCO will make an oral presentation of the results of the ACCO meeting. (27 May 2004)
The General Assembly is informed that at least 30 minutes will be served for a podium discussion between the Commission Chairs and the delegates under this item. The goal of this discussion is to exchange experiences on the role of Commissions in FIG and other topics that are of joint interest to all Commissions.
Appendix to item 23: Report from the ACCO meetings, to be tabled.
Motion: That the General Assembly actively participates in the discussion on the role of commissions and that it further confirms the report and its recommendations and records its thanks to ACCO for its past year’s work.
As started in 2003 the Council has decided to activate the role of member associations at the General Assembly by encouraging the exchange of experiences between member associations and regions. Therefore, the Council has decided to ask reports from regional groups or representatives to address the problems and latest achievements in the regions.
The Council has invited reports from followed groups and regions (reports to be tabled):
Appendices to item 24:
Motion: That the General Assembly records the discussion and the reports.
Appendix to item 25: Report of the FIG Foundation 2003.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report of the President of the FIG Foundation.
The hosts of the FIG Regional Conference 2004 (Indonesia), Working Week 2005 (Egypt), Congress 2006 (Germany) and Working Weeks 2007 (Hong Kong SAR, China) and Stockholm 2008 have been asked to make brief reports on the preparations for their respective events.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the reports.
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be emailed to the FIG Office.