Work Plan 2003-2006TitleSpatial Planning and Development
Terms of reference
Mission statementThe activities of Commission 8 in the years 2002-2006 will be focuses on physical planning at all levels, undertake and learn from case studies and enhance understanding and knowledge of planning systems. The importance of sustainable development, environmental issues in planning and environmental impact assessments (EIA) in spatial planning procedures will be key issues throughout the plan period. The commission will continue to co-operate with countries in social and economic transition, in Eastern Europe and other parts of the world. The commission will assist with the implementation of Agenda 21 (from the Rio Earth Summit) and the Global Plan of Action (from the Habitat II Conference in Istanbul) at the local and urban level. It will pay particular attention to informal settlements and urbanisation problems in developing countries. The commission will carry on looking for solutions for implementation problems and will especially focus in that way on inner cities and declined areas. It will focus on public/private partnership as a way to work on solutions for those problems and other tools that promote planned and sustainable city, town, land use and development. GeneralCommission 8, Spatial Planning en Development, has been working since the Brighton Congress according to the work plan. After the Washington Congress, April 2002, this work plan will be continued by the work which is mentioned in the work plan 2002-2006. Commission 8 tries to organise its work in three different Working-Groups; each will focus on a particular part of the immense broad working field of commission 8. Council work planCommission 8 will strengthen itself to the implementation of the Council work plan and commission 8 confirms herself to the general goals of the Federation and in her work she will implement the specific goals of the Council:
The world is changing rapidly; more and more people want to live in urban areas and especially in cities. More cities will grow in the next 25 years to large cities; large cities that, if we don't find soon enough adequate solutions, will find themselves to un-solvable questions. One working-field of commission 8, will focus on urban-regeneration. The aim of the working group is, to find appropriate solutions to solve inner-city-problems or to find solutions to avoid unacceptable use of inner-city-space and/or land in general. By means of the work, commission 8 will stress that we, as surveyors, share the responsibility for well-functioning cities. We should contribute to the prevention of the arising of urban problem-areas. In fact, one of the goals of commission 8 is to help to counter urban deterioration. Working Group 8.1 - Urban RegenerationPolicy IssuesThe working group started its work after the Melbourne Congress in 1994. It deals with inner-city problems and regeneration of established urban areas. The aim of the group is to observe the different projects on a 12-years time to examine the projects in such a way to determine whether the methods or instruments used present are successful and applicable way for other projects in other countries. ChairTo be appointed. ReportsThe final report of the working-group will be presented at the FIG Congress in Munich in 2006. BeneficiariesFIG-member associations, governments, international agencies, individual surveyors and others involved in the problems of urbanisation. Working Group 8.2 - PPP - Public Private PartnershipPolicy IssuesIn the last years PPP has become more and more important in the planning and development of projects in city-areas and land-projects. The aim is to combine the strength of the instruments of the public-part and the private part/money that comes from the private partners. Commission 8 has already paid a lot of attention to this topic in the last 4 years. Many papers were about this topic. Spoken is e.g. about PPP-project in Germany and the Netherlands. Also has been spoken about instruments as the Neighbourhood-Development-Corporation in Rotterdam and the NC-Enschede, as instruments to help declined areas. The commission will:
ChairProf. Kari I. Leväinen (Finland), e-mail: Kari.Levainen[at] BeneficiariesFIG-member associations, governments, international agencies, individual surveyors and others involved in the problems of urbanisation. Working Group 8.3 - Global Urbanisation Process in Large CitiesPolicy IssuesIdentifying:
ChairDiane Dumashie (United Kingdom), e-mail: atfchair_p[at] Specific project(s)
BeneficiariesFIG-member associations, governments, international agencies, individual surveyors and others involved in the problems of urbanisation. Working Group 8.4 - Disaster Management – Preventing Environmental Catastrophes by Spatial Planning and Land ManagementUnder preparation - WG established in August 2003Policy IssuesChairUniv.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Theo Kötter (Germany), e-mail: koetter[at] Specific project(s)BeneficiariesCo-operation with Sister AssociationsThe work and interest of Commission 8 and the Intenational Federation of Housing and Planning (IFHP) are very close; for that reason Commission 8 will make different effords to co-operate with the IFHP and implement the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Washington, DC in April 2002. Co-operation with the United Nations AgenciesCommission 8 will strengthen to co-operation with the United Nations. If possible, we will try to contribute as much in the upcoming UN-HABITAT and UNEP activities. Commission 8 will make links to the UNEP and work as the focal point in implementing the MoU between FIG and UNEP. In the coming year it will report on how the co-operation will be organised. Items can include e.g.:
The link with commission 8 has to be on the topics of the commission statement. Other ActivitiesActivate more national active delegates to the work of Commission 8. Commission 8 will maintain and develop the commission home page, linkages to other relevant home pages and new pages or other networks for special projects, to keep commission delegates, other FIG members, users of surveying services and the public involved in and informed about the work of the commission. The commission will publish the commission newsletter on a continuing basis, including on the commission home page. The commission chair and commission vice-chair will participate in several conferences on the commission working-fields, although we must realise that both, chair and vice-chair(s), are working as a private entrepreneurs and the chancellance for the upcoming years is, how to increase the active participation in commission 8 working-groups. Co-operation with other commissionsCommission 8 intends to co-operate with other commissions to try to work together in different fields of the commission, for instance: with Commissions 7 and 9. It will try to organise a symposium with commissions 7 and 9 on the Public Private Partnership and the Informal Settlements in undeveloped countries in 2004/2005. Calendar of EventsCommission 8 will try to organise at least two working-weeks in the upcoming
4 years: Of course, Commission 8 will organise annual meeting during the upcoming FIG-events in the upcoming years 2003-2006. Just to activate more delegates in the commission 8 work, we will urge delegates to write their papers for the upcoming years to the topics of the working groups 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3. Also commission 8 will do its utmost to reflect the topics of the working groups in the technical excursions, which are organized by the hosting country. Commission OfficersCommission Chair
Commission Chair-Elect and Chair 2006-2010
Vice-Chair and Chair of Working Group 8.1 - Urban RegenerationTo be appointed. Vice- Chair and Chair of Working Group 8.2 - PPP - Public Private PartnershipDr. Kari I. Leväinen, Professor of Real Estate and Facilities Management Vice-Chair and Chair of Working Group 8.3 - Global Urbanisation Process in Large CitiesMs. Diane Dumashie Vice Chair and Chair of Working Group 8.4 - Disaster Management – Preventing Environmental Catastrophes by Spatial Planning and Land ManagementUniv.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Theo Kötter, Vice Chair and Chair of WG 8.4 22 September 2003 |