FIG Commission 2 - Professional Education


"The focus of FIG Commission 2 is on innovative and effective professional education and training for surveyors. The commission is focusing on developing academic networks for knowledge sharing, Innovative learning and teaching / "Curriculum on the Move" and Learning styles in surveying  education"


What we do

For the term 2023-2026 FIG Commission 2 will be working on:


PDF: Work Plan
VIDEO: Chair of the commission Dimo Todorovski takes you through the work plan

Chair of FIG Commission 2:
Dimo Todorovski, The Netherlands

Join Commission 2 on LinkedIn


Learn more about how Commission 2 is working with the SDG's



FIG Regional Conference 2024
14-16 November 2024,
Kathmandu, Nepal

FIG Working Week 2025

6-10 April 2025 in Brisbane, Australia

Commission 2 and 7 Annual Meeting - Register now

2-4 October 2023

The joint FIG Commission 2 and 7  annual meeting will take place in Deventer, the Netherlands. whether you are an official FIG C2 delegate of a Member Association, FIG C2 Working Group participant, a land sector expert (technical, legal, social, economic), or just have a keen interest in getting involved with developments in cadastres and land management globally, be sure to get along.
Submit your abstract now and register

Read more



Commission 2 at FIG Working Week 2024

June 2024

The FIG Working Week 2024 was held from 19-24 May in Accra, Ghana. During the conference, Commission 2 had organised severaly sessions in the tehcnical programme and conducted its annual meeting. Additionally, the progress of all commissions was presented at the General Assembly.

> Annual report to General Assembly
> Minutes General Assembly
> Proceedings/Technical programme
> Report Annual Meeting
> Conference Website

Academic Forum

October 2022

Each year the Academic Members meet at the Academic Forum held in conjunction with the FIG Working Week.

This year the Forum was held in conjunchtion with FAO. More details and concept note


More News from FIG Commission 2




Work Plans




Working Groups


Key Documents


Meet the officers

Commission Chair

Dr. Dimo Todorovski, The Netherlands
Contact: FIGCommission2 [at]

Working Group Chairs:

Vice Chair of Administration FIG Commission 2
Rosario Casanova, Universidad de la República de Uruguay, Uruguay casanova[at]

Chair of Working Group 2.1
Developing and strengthening academic networks

Francis Roy, Laval University, Canada francis.roy[at]

Chair of Working Group 2.2
Innovation in curriculum development implementation

William Kelly, University of Glasgow, Scotland, william.kelly[at]

Chair of Working Group 2.3
Young Surveyors in Education

Dimo Todorovski, University of Twente, the Netherlands d.todorovski[at]

Chair of Working Group 2.4
Land Administration Education

Simon Hull, University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, simon.hull[at]

Delegates and Correspondents:

Each member association has the right to nominate a delegate to each of the ten technical commissions. In addition Affiliates, Academic Members and Corporate Members  are welcome to nominate a correspondent to each commission.

Interested? If you are interested to become a national delegate from your country, please contact your member association. The contact information of national delegates is updates by the FIG office. Any changes in contact information should be sent to the FIG Office.


 “...e-learning is a learning process created by interaction with digitally delivered content, network-based services and tutoring support." The report aims to bring together the experiences and viewpoints within FIG on the role of e-learning in surveying education.  Read the Publication

The FIG Foundation raises funds to secure a sustainable future for surveyors. It provides significant grants to support life-long learning and career paths of surveyors, and has been instrumental in bringing young surveyors into the FIG Community. Commission 2 has been represented in the Board in the current term by the Commission 2 chair David Mitchell. More information  


Each year the Academic Members meet at the Academic Forum held in conjunction with the FIG Working Week. The latest years the Forum has been held in cooperation with UN FAO. To be updated.

...It became clear that disaster risk reduction is a knowledge domain of its own. Disaster risk reduction has its own particular issues, own approaches and own technologies. To include disaster risk reduction in the curriculum of the surveyor and land professional means allocating enough quality time and think carefully  about the set-up and content of the program and the teaching approaches. More information


Term 2019-2022
Term 2015-2018
Term 2011-2014
Term 2007-2010
Term 2003-2006

Working Groups

Term 2023-2026

WG 2.1 - Developing and strengthening academic networks
WG 2.2 - Innovation in curriculum development implementation
WG 2.3 - Young Surveyors in Education - Learning styles in surveying education
WG 2.4 - Land Administration Education (with WG 7.7)

Work Plan


FIG Academic Members

List of members
How to become a member


Newsletter - 2020
Newsletter - 2019
Newsletter - 2017

FIG Publications

FIG Pub. no. 49: Enhancing Surveying Education through e-Learning

FIG Proceedings

List of FIG Conference Proceedings
FIG Surveyors Reference Library


All events

Reports to General Assembly

All reports

©2024 FIG