FIG Information Policy Concept
Draft document for discussion Comments by 29 February 2004
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A. Introduction
For the information policy concept it is necessary to have a look at the
different groups existing inside and outside the FIG. So when discussing the
information policy it is necessary to identify the group in question in
order to goal-direct the policy. Especially in those cases where the
information policy has a strong marketing aspect it has to be discussed who
is the “target” of the information policy. The last question is closely
related to the question what we can offer to clients outside of FIG i.e.
what it is worth advertising.
Because FIG is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation, the main
focus of our information policy is to get FIG known as the leading
organisation within the surveyors' world all around the world. People should
consider the FIG as a competent source of information, which they can use to
solve their daily problems. So FIG has to be presented as a modern
organisation, also oriented towards new technologies. At the same time, as
mentioned in the work plan, FIG as a worldwide actor has to take more and
more responsibility in international affairs. FIG can be an attractive
organisation to the developed countries as the competent provider of
information in a broader sense.
B. Groups / Objective Groups
In general there are three different objective groups in the FIG
information policy:
- the FIG members themselves (member associations, affiliates, academic
members, corporate members, correspondents and individuals in the member
- potential new members and
- the public in general.
These main objectives are discussed below in more detail.
B.1 Information policy for FIG members
The objective for the first group in general will be
- to inform FIG members about all activities, discussions and intentions
within the FIG and
- to make the members and individuals in those organisations more
Up to now one could have the impression that there is a little "gap"
between the FIG Council and the member organisations which ends up in the
demand for more information, often stated during the working weeks and
conferences. Thus new means have to be developed to bridge the gap!
When looking for new means it also has to be considered if the FIG member
organisations can be considered as one objective group, so that they are all
reached, or if there are differences, which have to be taken into
consideration. The different groups considered here are:
- First of all there are the developed countries that can be divided
into those that are already very active within the FIG and those that are
more or less “silent members”. Even these last organisations normally have
very experienced individual members who can bring their knowledge into the
FIG. Therefore it is worth building up a special information policy
concept with a marketing aspect. It seems to be not that difficult to
convince those members that it is worth to take part (a) in working weeks,
regional conferences and other events or (b) even in the work of technical
commissions and working groups.
Those newly active members can help the FIG to put our intentions into
action (“shaping the change”), and the result can be even more positive by
the multiplier effect. So, finally, this group is really worth being
considered as one of the main objective groups of our information policy.
- Secondly there are the developing countries. It is very attractive to
the member associations and their members to be related to the FIG since
they can take profit from the experiences of other member countries. It
is, however, very often impossible for those members to take part in
meetings, congresses or working weeks, mostly because of the costs or
because it is impossible for them to travel (or even to leave the
country). In addition, for some of them it is very difficult or even
impossible to get FIG information regularly since they do not have a
constant access to the Internet. This is important when thinking about
which communication means to use.
If the means of information policy are focussing more on only one of
these two target groups, it is mentioned in the following list of means.
B.2 Information Policy for potential new members
For the second group, the objective is to increase the number of members
of the FIG so the information policy has a strong marketing aspect.
We already know most of the professional organisations that are potential
FIG members, so it is worth considering if it is worthwhile to develop an
information policy for this group. If so, the main idea would be to show to
potential (new) members how FIG is working and the actual on-going
discussions. So the focal point and the objective are a little bit different
to existing FIG members, but the advantages and disadvantages are mostly the
B.3 Information policy for the public
For the third group, the objective is just to tell the public that FIG
exists and what are the main tasks and ideas. Thinking of the public, the
“rest of the world”, the information policy focuses mostly on informing them
of the existence of surveyors and the profession and its activities, the
FIG, justification of FIG work and about the main and basic ideas. A minor
aspect is getting them familiar with the FIG publications. So the
information policy has a marketing aspect, and these public relation and
advertising means have a lot in common with commercial ones.
It is important that FIG member associations and in particular corporate
and academic members are active in distributing the information about
surveyors to promote the profession to the next generation, economic leaders
and political decision-makers.
NGOs in general are of great importance for modern society since ideas
and innovations can be brought up, and this should also be the main task of
the information policy for the public: to promote our own ideas. “Do well
and talk about it” is necessary since “they don’t know what we are doing”.
FIG is a federation of a very specific group, the surveyors, and in addition
as an NGO only has a limited sphere of activities, so the information policy
should consist of specific actions related to a certain event or a very
specific aim that FIG wants to reach. Mail campaigns to “anybody” are not
only time and money consuming, they are useless.
So the following ideas to public relations and advertising do not claim
to be a sophisticate model but are more or less pragmatic ideas or examples
how to get the FIG more known in the public.
C. Information policy means
The different means of information policy are listed here. For each means
it is discussed in detail if it can be used for at least one of the
mentioned target groups and if it is the correct one.
C.1 Letters [1, 2]
C.1.1 Newsletters
The quarterly FIG Bulletin has been replaced by a monthly e Newsletter,
which has been well received, being actual and bringing information more
frequently. There have also been requests for printed material or journals.
The e Newsletter is an appropriate way to inform the Presidents, member
organisations and national delegates about the activities of the Federation.
It also gives links to the latest news on the FIG home page, which can be
used in national newsletters. The circulation of the e Newsletter is larger
than what is possible with a printed bulletin. Further in general there is
not a lot of work for the FIG Office to produce the e Newsletter frequently.
Since the e Newsletter contains the headlines of the latest news and
gives links to the FIG home page, it is not too long, only one to two pages
in printed format, which can be considered suitable. The member
organisations have the possibility of choosing the facts, which are most
important for their organisation and members. When looking at the home page,
they will probably find other things worth drawing members’ attention to.
Long newsletters with six or more pages will not really reach the member
organisations since they are too long and therefore will not be read. In
addition most of the member organisations have their own newspaper /
newsletter into which they are encouraged to extract news from the FIG web
The e Newsletter reaches the developing countries (better than ordinary
mail) as well as the industrial countries and the active members as well as
the more or less “silent members”. There is no difference between the
members that need to be taken into consideration besides the fact that in
developing countries not all (individual) members have access to the
Internet, and we should avoid the "digital divide". At least the member
organisations have got the latest news from the FIG. It is the
responsibility of the member organisations to find a way to distribute it
For possible new members, which already have a certain idea about the
FIG, the e Newsletter gives some more details about the ongoing work in FIG
and is perhaps the last straw to get a new FIG member, but it cannot be used
as the only means for this target group.
For the public in general the e-Newsletter is a possibility to look for
what is just going on in FIG, but it will be difficult to get an overview of
the main ideas. So for this objective group the e Newsletter can only be a
means used in addition to other ones.
C.1.2 President’s letter
The presidents of the member organisation normally get in direct contact
with the FIG President only once a year, which is at the Presidents’ meeting
during the Working Weeks. The results are fixed in the minutes sent out
shortly after the meeting. Since the interval is relatively long, the
President started mailing so-called President’s letters to the presidents of
the member organisations. These are sent quarterly and their content is more
or less the same as in the e Newsletters. Since the presidents are contacted
personally, this information channel better matches their needs and e.g.
policy issues of their special interest can be raised in advance. These
letters have been well received and are the first step to bridge the
mentioned gap.
C.2 Mailing forum / discussion group [1]
The FIG has established two discussion groups on the home page – one for
all members and one for academic members – but these have not been very
successful because there has not (yet) been the critical mass, which is
needed for active discussion.
There are also mail distribution lists for the Council and Commission
officers (ACCO) and under preparation for Commissions. The Commission model
was introduced recently, and at the moment we do not know how successful it
will become. This depends directly on the activities and initiatives of the
members in the distribution lists and how to avoid “junk-type” messages. The
fear is that it will once again be driven by those who are already very
active in FIG (the "spokespersons") while the others will remain more or
less silent listeners".
It should be discussed if another discussion group should be introduced
for the presidents of member associations. In this case, the presidents can
be considered as one homogeneous group. If they are interested in more
information, they could use this forum even for questions ("what is on with
…"). This could be useful since it is not always up to the Council or the
office to answer! However, there are some concerns that not everywhere in
the world people are used to e-mailing as an easy and also non-formal way of
communication. There is certainly a contradiction to the serious working of
the presidents; they will perhaps prefer to wait for the e Newsletter and
only use this as their source of information.
C.3 Proceedings and Minutes [1]
The proceedings and minutes of the Working Weeks as other information of
the official FIG meetings are put on the web very soon after the events.
E.g. during the discussions at the regional conference in Marrakech most of
the representatives of the developing countries said that they have access
to the Internet, but at a very slow speed. The idea came up to send on a
CD-ROM to all member organisations: the main FIG web pages, proceedings from
the working weeks and regional conferences, articles of the month (see
below) etc. This can be done without major additional costs if it is send
together with the written reports and minutes, and it can be assured that
all member organisations are really getting at least the most important
results of the FIG work.
The minutes are of course sent only to FIG members, but the proceedings
of congresses, working weeks and regional conferences are of interest to
more people, not only surveyors! So for them the articles can be very
interesting, whether they are interested in FIG or not. For the target
groups of our information policy, after first contacts and for those already
having an idea the proceedings can also be used as a market means.
C.4 Forum during meetings [1]
Even the best e Newsletter or mailing forum cannot substitute personal
contacts! People are waiting for them. This was very obvious during the
Presidents’ meeting e.g. in Paris. It should be discussed if those meetings
could take place more often, e.g. also during regional conferences. They
could be organized in the same manner as the Presidents’ meeting during the
working weeks or as the round tables during the regional conferences
(Nairobi and Marrakech) to avoid too big forums and to allow profound
discussions. Presidents (or at regional level from that particular region)
who are not able to attend should appoint a personal deputy. The presidents
must be aware that they are not excluded if they don’t participate, but they
should be afraid that they are missing something!
A new interesting even funny title could attract people. And if the
meeting is an official topic on the agenda, it will perhaps be easier for
people to get the permission to travel.
Not only the regional conferences, but also other conferences and
meetings should be used to organise these kinds of presidents’ or delegates
meetings, especially those that are sponsored by the FIG.
The minutes and, as recommended, the resolutions have to be distributed.
This should be done in the same way as it is done with the minutes of the
Presidents’ meeting. If there are questions, especially from those who are
not able to participate, answers have to be published. Perhaps they can even
be a good opportunity to enforce the Presidents’ mail forum (see above).
Regarding the objective groups at the regional conferences, there is no
difference to the official meetings (the presidents in general). The only
restriction is that these meetings do have a regional focus concerning the
attending presidents (or delegates); perhaps even more representatives from
the developing countries are able to take part when the regional conference
takes place on "their" continent. But no difference will be considered
between industrial and developing countries. It is important that also the
Vice Presidents attend these meetings, chaired by the FIG President.
C.5 Article of the month [1, 2]
The article of the month is a possibility for all members, but especially
for those from developing countries to be more active (since they are often
not able to travel) and to present themselves. Thus here the special
objective group should be the developing countries. But their articles will
be of more significance if the opportunity for the article of the month is
offered to all members, without considering which type of country they are
coming from.
The article of the month is proposed to be selected by the commission
chairs and confirmed by the Council. The concept of the "article of the
month" has to be sold to the FIG members. This must be done especially to
avoid expectations that each time the article includes the latest
developments in modern technology. Instead everybody has the possibility of
reading from time to time something about the (daily or actual) problems in
developing countries.
The first article of the month was put on the web in June 2003, and up to
now the comments received are very positive, and we should continue bringing
these. Perhaps they should be considered more as a means for members from
the developing countries; this is up to the commissions to consider.
Regarding the target groups two and three, the articles of the month can
be of the same use as the proceedings (see above).
C.6 Mailing campaigns [1, 2]
Direct mail campaigns are not appropriate means for the public in
general: it is a big group to be reached (positive!), but there cannot be
any positive result for the FIG. Mailing campaigns are only worth using if
there is a really big (anonymous) target group, and this group does not
exists. People that are interested in the FIG and have been in contact with
the office once are better reached by the e Newsletter.
For the FIG members and the “members behind the members”, mailing
campaigns are already used! This is the case with every mail sent around
looking for participants and speakers of congresses, working weeks and
regional conferences. But this is a very specific type of mailing campaign
and has only a very little aspect of information policy.
Mailing campaigns can be thought of as an appropriate means of possible
new corporate members. But the list of companies that can be contacted
during such a campaign must be well chosen, and the letter should be phrased
as a very personal one. The campaign should be related to a certain event or
even better focus on a certain objective that needs a specific support. In
any case also for this target group-mailing campaigns should only rarely be
C.7 Presentations of FIG work [(1), 2, 3]
Even though it is not commonly thought of, every presentation of the FIG
and its work is a kind of information policy, but even more a marketing
activity. So every opportunity should be used to talk about FIG. If it
concerns really interesting facts it should furthermore be a means of
getting sleeping members moving. In addition, since people can contact the
speaker after the presentation, it is possible to continue with personal
contacts, an even more promising but of course limited way. So we should use
every opportunity.
In general presentations can possibly activate all kind of individuals,
coming from the industrial states or the developing countries. So it will
depend on the content, which kind of objective group will be reached. The
way of marketing also depends on delegates’ interests.
Finally, with the presentation of things going on in FIG of course the
FIG members can be reached, and thus even for them it is a means of
information policy; but, hopefully, a minor one since they should know what
is going on!
C.8 Information booth at conferences and congresses
To be present at conferences and congresses and to give information about
FIG’s work on a special booth has a strong advertising aspect. Since it is
very time consuming, it is rarely done. During the INTERGEOs in Germany, the
FIG has a common booth with the German Federation of Surveyors (DVW), but
normally nobody from FIG is present.
What can be done at the booth is more or less only to distribute the
existing information sheets, the flyers and so on. The people that can be
reached are the surveyors (during the INTERGEO and other congresses of the
surveyors), and normally the result is not that promising. Regarding the
cost-benefit-analysis, this does not seem to be a good means of information
C.9 Personal contacts [2, 3]
This is the most time consuming means! But it is also very efficient, and
for some special aims it is worth spending the time. This is the case for
example to convince some specialist to be active within FIG or to get FIG
more known in new regions (like e.g. in South America). In new regions the
time is worth to spend since the contact persons will have a multiplier
role. So this means is useful for the target groups two and three, often in
combination with other means, and every opportunity should be used by every
FIG member.
The universities, already FIG members or not, should be considered as a
special subgroup. They are in general interested in very specific spheres.
Which university is active in which specific research field is mostly known
by the working groups. So it will be most promising to contact them directly
by the related working group of the concerned commission.
It is important to personalize FIG and the persons working for the
Federation. This is why FIG is encouraging to publish the profiles of the
President, Council members and Commission officers on the website and
C.10 Newspaper, Radio, Television [1, 2, 3]
Related to a certain event, contacts to the media are of course of
advantage for the FIG. Even if there are certain differences between the
types of the mentioned media and even more between their importance and
target groups they reach, FIG should use every opportunity arising to talk
about its work, ideas and aims. In any case, the release (statement) will be
only of regional importance, since it will be nearly impossible to reach the
“whole world”. But in any case, focussing on the international character of
FIG and on the projects set up together with the UN, the role of FIG can be
clearly explained. The example of Marrakech clearly shows that FIG work can
be interesting to the public, even for a one-hour television programme.
To get the best benefit of the FIG events it is strongly recommended to
prepare a plan for media relations and to have, at least, a media conference
at each meeting.
To get in contact with the journalists will be one of the main tasks of
the Council and the Director, and it will possibly be working only by
personal contacts. Without any relation to a certain event, it will be
difficult for FIG to attract attention to its work and to have a press
release or even an interview on television; even if there is an interesting
story to talk about. Again, the collaboration with UN organisations could be
a good example to show up the main idea of FIG’s work and its importance.
C.11 Specialist magazines [1, 2]
In general, articles describing FIG work in special surveyor’s magazines
do have an aspect of information policy, but normally members and members of
the member organisations should know what is going on. Even though this is
another opportunity to talk about FIG’s work it should be used as often as
possible. The FIG Council has started a close co-operation with the
publishers of surveying journals that are corporate members of FIG.
Looking at the third target group, the public in general, they will
probably not read these specialist magazines, they will be better reached by
C.12 Presentations [1, 2, 3]
In general, presentations of the FIG, its basic ideas and how it is
working is the best means to reach the public, and at the same time the best
marketing that we can have, so we should use every opportunity (see above).
The presentations at national or regional events are very good examples! As
the personal contacts, presentations are time consuming, but there are
obviously more people that can be reached. To help the members of FIG
promoting the federation some powerpoint presentations about FIG and its
activities have been prepared and these are available on the FIG home page.
There are only some minor differences regarding the three target groups,
and they depend on the opportunity: during a surveyor’s congress or
conference, the groups one and two are reached. To reach the public in
general will only be possible during events with different topics; during
the presentations the importance of FIG’s work has to be put in another
context, but it will not be too difficult to point them out.
C.13 Flyers [2, 3]
In addition to the mentioned means, others exist as for example the
flyers, which will reach possible new members, i.e. when distributed during
a congress. But in general the flyers are directed towards target groups two
and three.
Bettina Petzold Vice President of FIG |