Stepping into the world of cadastre“The opportunity of participating at a FIG Conference was an eye-opener and changed my world. The contacts opened new doors for me. I was exposed to world class experts where valuable experiences and best practices were learnt. The interactions with such an august body of experts enabled me to initiate revisions into the arbitrary service charge regime… and ensuring modernisation and self-sustainability of the Eritrean Cadastral Office.”Habtemicael Weldegiorgis from Eritrea received the Foundation Fellowship to present his paper “The Cadastral System in Eritrea: Practice, Constraints, and Prospects" FIG Working Week in Eilat, Israel in 2009. The paper was selected as the article of the month in September 2009 In a Geoconnexion article Habtemicael Weldegeorgis tells his personal story on how he has managed to build up a cadastral system in Eritrea and how contacts and persistent learnings have helped him in his work as director general of the Cadastral Office in Eritrea and to develop the cadastral system in the country. Eritrea is located in the strategic area of the Horn of Africa with 3.5 mio population of which 35% live in urban areas. Read the article Attending FIG ConferencesAfter Habtemicael Weldegeorgis debut in 2009, he has presented the following papers at FIG Conferences:
Enforcement of Mandatory Cadastral Registration in Eritrea
The Importance of Notary Public in the Eritrean Cadastre System
The Role of National Park Development in 'Recovery from Disaster'
Land Tenure in Eritrea
The Eritrean Notary Public in the Context of Global Notaries System
The Challenges of Developing Cadastreal System in Eritrea
The Challenges of Developing Cadastreal System in Eritrea
The Cadastral System in Eritrea: Practice, Constraints, and Prospects