Working Group - Joint Commission 2 and Young Surveyors Network
- Learning styles in surveying education
- To survey, analyse and document the learning styles of
students at different ages (including young surveyors) and from
different regions.
- Increase our understanding of the varied ways that surveying
students learn.
- Contribute to the final Commission 2 report on education.
- Exploring the needs of society and endorsing universities
and other educational organizations to develop mechanisms and
processes that will help to meet those needs.
- Methods and content of education: To
support and promote advances in learning and teaching methods
and content of curricula with special emphasis on the impact of
technology and learning styles on education.
- Knowledge sharing. Promoting sharing of
advances in professional education, research in surveying
education and training and initiate joint projects (curriculum
development, educational material development, joint courses,
quality assurance etc.). Improving dissemination of information
on educational theory and practice to the members across the
Melissa Harrington,
United States
melissa.obrien[at] |
Chethna Ben
chethna.ben[at] |
Franka Grubisic
grubisicfranka[at] |
Mudit Kapoor
mkapoor[at] |
Specific projects
This working group will work with the Commission 2 chair and vice
chari, and YSN chair to design and implement a survey/questionnaire
of their members on student learning preferences. A key focus in the
first year will be designing the questions and then implementing the
questionnaire in as many regions as practical.
The questions to be asked will be carefully selected to explore a
range of aspects of how people of different ages and from different
regions learn. This could include study habits (increasingly
online/Youtube?), the style of learning (cramming at the
end/regular?), what teaching and classroom approaches were effective
(blended learning, PBL, active learning), how they learn new
technology, how teaching and learning technology is used and helpful
for learning.
The working group will seek support from FIG to send to FIG
academic members, and of the FIG regional networks and Working Group
2.1 to distribute to regional networks. This will take the scope
beyond a focus on young surveyors.
Support will be needed for the data analysis of the questionnaire
results. Commission 2 and the YSN will apply to the FIG Foundation
to provide support for the data analysis of the questionnaire
results. After the FIG Council meeting this week I will work with
Melissa to make an application to the FIG Foundation for funding.
The results of the questionnaire will be supplemented by
discussion at workshops, inlcuding at the events below. This
increased understanding and questionnaire results and analysis will
inform publications during the 4-year term, and the final Commission
2 report on education.
What we are working on -
- Contribute a chapter on student learning styles to the
Commission 2 report on surveying education.
What's New
This is a joint FIG Commission 2 and FIG Young Surveyors Network
project that is looking at the way students learn and study in the
context of blended learning. Working group 2.3 has made a big
contribution to the final Commission 2 report Enhancing Surveying
Education through Effective Blended Learning through the
questionnaire on learning preferences and approaches in the context
of blended learning. The members of WG2.3 contributed to a chapter
in the final report on lessons learned from the response to the
pandemic, including the perspectives of students and staff.
Progress since the endorsement of Work Plan in FIGWW in Hanoi in
April 2019 The questionnaire was distributed through FIG networks
with around 200 responses from most regions of the world. Commission
2 will be presenting these results at a workshop on blended learning
at the 2021 Working Week for validation.
Chethna Ben presented the work of WG2.3, including results of the
questionnaire at the 5th Young Surveyors Conference and the 2021
Commission 2 Annual Meeting and Seminar.
- Initial literature review completed.
- Draft questionnaire developed and Ethics approval for a
pilot study of approximately 300-400 students (in 4 countries)
in 2020 submitted to RMIT University and University of South
Pacific in early 2020.
- The questionnaire will then be sent out through FIG networks
in the first quarter 2020, and preliminary results of this pilot
study to be presented in Amsterdam in 2020 and discussed at a
YSN workshop.
This working group major activity is a global questionnaire on
surveying student learning preferences and approaches. The focus is
on Millennials and Generation Z and includes the use of digital
learning tools.
Current activities and future plans
- initial literature review completed.
- draft questionnaire developed and Ethics approval almost
ready for submission to RMIT University and University of South
- We hope to have the questionnaire sent out through FIG
networks by November, and results by the end of the year.
- This will allow preliminary findings to be presented in
Amsterdam in 2020. A non-peer reviewed paper will be prepared
for 2020 FIG Working Week in Amsterdam. There will also be a YSN
workshop to discuss the preliminary results.