Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Chair of FIG Commission 9
Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth: 1955
Nationality: Finnish
Current Position: Professor of Real Estate Economics and
Valuation, Helsinki University of Technology |
- Doctor of Philosophy, in the subject area of Real Estate Planning, Royal
Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2001.
- Licentiate of Science in Technology (i.e. lower Doctoral Degree), Helsinki
University of Technology (HUT), Department of Surveying, Institute of Real
Estate Studies), 1988
- Master of Science in Technology, Helsinki University of Technology,
Department of Surveying, Institute of Real Estate Studies, 1978
Other training and competence
- Pedagogic programme for university teachers (YOOP), 15 credits, HUT,
- Leader training, 2 credits, HUT and Johtamistaidon Opisto JTO, 1998-99
- Licenced Real Estate Broker (LKV-tutkinto), 1983
Employment record
- Professor, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Surveying
- Associate Professor of Land Management, HUT (1992-1998)
- Department Manager, Huoneistomarkkinointi Oy, Department of Market
Research and Information (1989-1991)
- Property valuer, Huoneistomarkkinointi Oy, Department of Property
Valuation (1989)
- Researcher, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Labo¬ratory of Urban
Planning and Building Design (1986-1988)
- Surveying Engineer (Cadastral Surveyor), The National Land Survey of
Finland (NLS) 1978-1986)
Some other posts
- Member of the Board of the Helsinki University of Technology (2003-)
- Head of the Department of Surveying, Helsinki University of Technology
- Vice Chair, the Graduate School in Real Estate and Facilities Management,
KIITO, Helsinki University of Technology (2003-)
- Evaluator of Study Programs in Engineering; Tallinn Technical University
(Structural Design, Real Estate Administration), Estonian Agricultural
University (Rural Buildings, Water Management), Member of the Evaluation
Expert Team, November 10-16, 2003.
- Finnish representative and chair of a working group in a EU COST project
G9 "Modelling real property transactions" (2001-2005)
- Expert Evaluer, Key Action "City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage",
Bryssel, 2 x 1 weeks (2001)
- Vice Chair, the Board of the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (YTK)
Member of the Committee of the Ministry of Education for Education in Building
Sector (1998-2001)
- NorBalt Network on Land Management in Geodetic University Programmes:
Improving geodetic education in Latvia (HUT representative)
- Deputy Head of the Department of Surveying, HUT (1999-2000)
- Head of the Institute of Real Estate Studies, Department of Surveying, HUT
- Legal Adviser in the Cadastral Mapping and Land Registration Pilot Project
in Cambodia, FM-International ltd FINNMAP (2 months, 1997)
- Member of the Study Loan Committee, HUT (1996–2000)
- Chairman in the Degree Programme Commit¬tee of Surveying, Department of
Surveying, HUT (1993-2000)
- Guest researcher, Royal Institute of Technology, Real Estate and
Construction Management, Real Estate Planning and Land Law (1,3 years 1994-97)
- In charge of the internal evaluation for the curriculum of Surveying at
HUT in the project “Evaluation of the Degree Programmes of Surveying in Sweden
and in Finland” (1996)
- Guest Teacher at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (2 months 1994)
- Member of the Education Team, Continuing Education for Surveyors from
Esto¬nia at HUT and NLS (27.-31.7.1992).
Some associations
- Finnish Association for Real Estate Valuation (Chairman 1999-, Member of
the Board 1994-)
- Finnish Association for Authorised Real Estate Valuers (Chairman 1999-)
- Foundation for Promoting the Field of Surveying (Chairman 2001-, Member of
the Board 1996-)
- Surveying Science of Finland, Editorial Board (Member 1994-2003)
- Finnish Association of Surveying Science (Member of the Board of
Directors, 1993 – 96, Chairman, 1994-95)
Activities in FIG
- Finnish Association of Surveyors (Finnish representative in the
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) in Commission 9, Valuation and
Management of Real Estate,1999-)
- International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) (Head of the Joint Commission
2 and 9 Working Group 9.1 titled “Education of valuers”, 2000-2006; vice chair
of the Commission 9, 2002-)
- Chair Elect of FIG Commission 9 (2004-2006) and Chair (2006-2010)
Books, and publications in the web
See list of publications and full CV at:
Papers presented in FIG Conferences
- Education of Valuers - Visual Explorations in Real Estate Market with
Neural Networks. FIG, Joint Commissions 2&9 WG/WG 9.1. The Congress of the
International Federation of Surveyors, Paris, 13.-17.4.2003.
- Just Compensation in Expropriation. FIG Commission 9, Property Valuation
and Management. The Congress of the International Federation of Surveyors,
Washington, D.C., 22.-26.4.2002. Washington, D.C. 2002, International
Federation of Surveyors FIG, 8 p. [,
- 3x3D Property Ownership and Use - Registration of Apartments and Premises
in Finland. FIG, Commission 9, Property Valuation and Management. The Congress
of the International Federation of Surveyors, Washington, D.C., 22.-26.4.2002.
Washington, D.C. 2002, International Federation of Surveyors FIG, 8 p. [,
- Education of Valuers: Plans for the Coming Period - Working Group Report.
FIG, Commission 9, Property Valuation and Management. The Congress of the
International Federation of Surveyors, Washington, D.C., 22.-26.4.2002.
Washington, D.C. 2002, International Federation of Surveyors FIG, [,
- 3D Property Ownership and 3D Land Use in Finland. In: van Oosterom,
P.J.M., Stoter, J.E., Fendel, E.M., Registration of Properties in Strata,
International workshop on "3D Cadastres". Fredriksberg 2001, International
Federation of Surveyors, 91-97.
- The Finnish Urban Land Readjustment Procedure in an International Context.
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul Korea, 6.-11.5.2001. Seoul 2001, Korea
Confederation of Surveyors
- Education of Valuers - Goals to be Reached in FIG. FIG Working Week 2001,
Seoul Korea, 6.-11-5-2001. Seoul 2001, Korea Confederation of Surveyors.
- New Challenges to the Education of Surveyors in Finland. FIG XX Congress
March 5 to 12 1994, Melbourne, Australia, Papers 2 Commission, Professional
Education & Literature, p. 204.4/1 - 11.
Scientific Research and Supervising of Theses
Have taken part in tens of research projects as a researcher, leader of a
research group or a member of a management group. Active Ph.D. Students in
supervision over ten at the moment. Supervised Doctoral Theses:
- Hannu Peltomaa (2001) Decrease in value of real property due to
expropriation enterprise and its compensability (In Finnish)
- Tom Kauko (2002) Modelling the locational determinants of house prices:
neural network and value tree approaches (at Utrecht University; second
- Juha Talvitie (2003) Information and Communication Technology: A New
Aspect in Urban and Regional Planning (in Finnish)
- Mika Törhönen (2003) Sustainable Land Tenure and Land Registration in
Developing Countries
- Ari Hiltunen (Dissertation 5.12.2003) About Price Formation of Housing
Sites – An Analysis of Purchase Prices of Housing Sites in Some Regions in
Finland (in Finnish)
Prof. Kauko Viitanen
Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Surveying
P.O. Box 2000
FIN-02015 HUT
Tel. + 358 9 451 3870
Fax +358 9 465 077
E-mail: kauko.viitanen[at]
Web site:
31 December 2006 |