Report of the

United Nations Inter-Regional Meeting of Cadastral Experts

Held at Lido Lakes Hotel
Bogor, Indonesia
18-22 March, 1996

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this document do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the United Nations, but of the individual and/or national delegations.


Background and Objective of the Meeting

Session 1: Welcoming Addresses

Session 2: Introductory Presentations

Sessions 3 and 4: Socio-Economic Justification for Land Reforms and Cadastral Developments: An International Perspective

Session 5: Land Markets and Cadastral Processes

Session 6: Country Reports

Session 7: Country Reports (Continued)

Session 8: Country Reports (Continued)

Sessions 9 and 10: Working Group Discussions on Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Cadastres and Land Markets

Session 11: Land Tenure Systems--Formal, Informal and Customary Issues, Urban and Rural

Session 12: Role of the Private Sector in Cadastral Activities

Sessions 13 and 14: Land Policy, Legal and Institutional Issues

Sessions 15 and 16: Technical Cadastral Issues


Appendix 1: Program and Agenda

Appendix 2: List of Delegates

Appendix 3: Opening Speech by Ir. Soni Harsono, State Minister of Agrarian Affairs

Appendix 4: UN Meeting of Cadastral Experts Terms of Reference

Appendix 5: Summary of the FIG Statement on the Cadastre